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What to do with a single landspeeder?


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I got a Landspeeder off Ebay, a single Landspeeder. Reading though some peoples ideas about their proper use, it seems fielding a solitary Landspeeder is not a good idea. However, taht is all I have, and will have for a while yet, so adding one or two more is not an option.


I was hoping to get some opinions about the best way to set up and field a single Landspeeder. So far I think Multi Melta/ heavy flamer is the best set up. As for deployment, deep strike sounds appealing, may be a bit of a surprise to the enemy later in the game, however, missing that much fire power until possibly turn 5 does not sound good.


Also, concerning the set up, in the codex it says you can replace the HB with a HF or MM. Now I assume that means the one mounted on the passenger side. So modeling wise, if I replaced the HB with a MM for *0 points, then bought the HF add on, would the HF be slung under the nose? how would one model a MM and a HF on a single Landspeeder?

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In general the common modeling method is to have the "required" weapon be in the passanger part. But it is your model, feel free to model it how you would like. I run Salamanders and swear by the MM/Heavy flamer. However, if not for the twin linking I'm a bigger fan of the Missile launcher/ Heavy bolter combo. 2 missiles and 3 heavy bolter shots can bring down most transports and do wonders against hordes and even have a decent chance of putting wounds on MC's
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A Land Speeder Storm can make a 5 man shotgun scout squad into a very flexible unit. There's a choice of taking a heavy flamer, multi-melta or heavy bolter on the speeder as well as a choice of combi-weapons the sarge can bring and melta bombs. With Infiltrate and taking first turn they make good tank hunters or could take on troublesome units (devastators, lootas, bike squads etc.) You should try it out, I'm sure no-one would mind you using a basic land speeder before deciding to convert an actual Storm (plenty of ideas on this forum).


If I didn't make any sense I'm sorry, I'm tired and I meant to go to bed hours ago.


Good morning

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I don't think there's really a bad weapon load-out for the landspeeder. My advice is to equip it to help with whatever task your army is currently sucking at.


MM-heavy armour

HB/AC/TML- light armour, medium/heavy infantry

HF- Infantry that likes cover (Pathfinders, scouts, IG, etc.)

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IMO, the best use for a single landspeeder is either to kamikaze something with either 2 HF or 2 MMs, or to "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" as a Typhoon with Heavy Bolter and Missile Launcher. I prefer the second as it allows me to hang back at 36"-48" and snipe annoying units while staying out of small arms range. Yeah, if they start throwing lascannons, railguns, MLs, and other long range stuff at you, you're sunk, but that's heavy strength weaponry that's not hitting your hard targets, which is a win in my book. The Typhoon is also nice because you can shoot everything while moving at 6", or you can shoot the HB and Frag shots while moving 12", making it extremely hard to catch and pin down.
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A Land Speeder Storm can make a 5 man shotgun scout squad into a very flexible unit. There's a choice of taking a heavy flamer, multi-melta or heavy bolter on the speeder as well as a choice of combi-weapons the sarge can bring and melta bombs. With Infiltrate and taking first turn they make good tank hunters or could take on troublesome units (devastators, lootas, bike squads etc.) You should try it out, I'm sure no-one would mind you using a basic land speeder before deciding to convert an actual Storm (plenty of ideas on this forum).


Good tactic, but the LSS itself cant infiltrate, but CAN have a scout move of up to 24" before the game starts, so same diff really :whistling:

These can be catered for hordes with heavy flamer combi-flamer, or against tanks with MM, combi-melta and meltabombs..



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The way I look at it is that a multi-melta needs a fast that can fire on the go to get the most out of it, so that's either attack bikes or land speeders. Therefore, my recommedation goes to the multi-melta, and if you can (I don't use land speeders so can't remember) give it an assault cannon too, it's fairly good against tanks, lets the land speeder engage infantry too, and it matches the multi-melta for range.
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A Land Speeder Storm can make a 5 man shotgun scout squad into a very flexible unit. There's a choice of taking a heavy flamer, multi-melta or heavy bolter on the speeder as well as a choice of combi-weapons the sarge can bring and melta bombs. With Infiltrate and taking first turn they make good tank hunters or could take on troublesome units (devastators, lootas, bike squads etc.) You should try it out, I'm sure no-one would mind you using a basic land speeder before deciding to convert an actual Storm (plenty of ideas on this forum).


Good tactic, but the LSS itself cant infiltrate, but CAN have a scout move of up to 24" before the game starts, so same diff really :)

These can be catered for hordes with heavy flamer combi-flamer, or against tanks with MM, combi-melta and meltabombs..




I've never used a Land Speeder of any type before, but now that my brother gave me one and I have 10 Scouts (5 snipers and 5 normal) I'm looking forward to converting my own Storm. I just thought why not have a fast scoring unit that can immediatly attack or occupy units/objectives or keep them in reserve so that they can deep strike to attack vunerable targets or to score late objectives. With a basic heavy bolter the unit could hang back taking pot shots untill the scouts are needed to support. Since they are new to me can you tell me a few things:


Can the Scouts charge out of a Storm on the turn they deepstrike?

To shoot a skimmer moving more then 12" do you need 6's, or is it only with close combat attacks?

What's the max distance the Storm can disembark passengers?

Can skimmers hide behind terrain?


If there's a post guide about LSS's on this forum pls post me a link.

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Can the Scouts charge out of a Storm on the turn they deepstrike?


No nothing can after it has DS apart from Vanguard with heroic intervention. It is a intended thing.


To shoot a skimmer moving more then 12" do you need 6's, or is it only with close combat attacks?


CC only.


What's the max distance the Storm can disembark passengers?


Exactly the same as every other transport


Can skimmers hide behind terrain?


If the terrain is big enough. True line of sight means just that. If you can see it you can shoot it. If you cant see it you cant shoot it.


If there's a post guide about LSS's on this forum pls post me a link.


I am a little grouchy today but even still this is very lazy of you, the search function should be able to find one if there is one to find.


To the OP. I have found, as many others have before me, that a single multi melta LS in reserve can be a very good ace in the hole. I find that keeping them in reserve means that they are more likely to get shot up straight away and gives you a choice of using it as a suicide troop to hopefully take out a tank or place away from harms way ready to make a mad dash towards the enemy held objectives at the end of the game.


I wouldnt put Assault Cannons on it as they end up being far too expensive that way. I also wouldnt go with Dual Identical (MM/MM or HB/HB) weapons as this limits either your effective movement speed or fire power (cant move more than 6" and fire both weapons). What is a good idea is to mix anti tank and anti infantry (HB/MM or MM/HF) as this increases the range of targets you can choose, this does mean that your one shot suicide is a little more expensive but it also means that you can use it on more things.



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I had a very good game a little while back with just one speeder. I usually field two with the MM/HF combo as we play in heavy terrain and my opponenent likes his armour. The Speeder ended up spending most of the game hidden behind a building.


I knew it was there. He knew it was there. The problem was that he really wanted to send his land raider there with his death company in, but based on previous experience he was nervous about the speeder and the melta. It ended up being rubbish and only scored a glancing hit when he eventually did send th raider in, but he would have been better going in for the kill much sooner in the game.


You can also keep it cheap and cheerful and use it as a nasty little surprise. Keep it hidden out of harms way for most of the game, hoping he'll forget about it, and then in the last turn or two it can zip up to 24 inches and contest objectives he is claiming, gaining a 4+ obscured save when it does. Then dig out the swear box in preparation for his verbal response.

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OMG that was a long read, you really need to find something more productive to do in your spare time then burning words into my retinas. Very imformative on fast scout units and their uses. Some very good ideas I can use for taking out 3 of my brothers Battle Wagons (he has lots of hidden surprises in those) before he can use them effectively, hopefully to my advantage. With the LSS's grenades they will greatly benifit my assualts with my other units, working together to severly reduce the leadership of my brothers Nob bikers :P .


I've gone off topic abit so I'll say a few things; LSS's are cool, I'd reckonmend getting a few with shotgun scouts. Take multi-meltas, combi-meltas and melta bombs for destroying annoying tanks early in the game. Take heavy-flamers and combi-flamer to seriously reduce opposing infantry. If you only want one then using them in reserves to grab objectives late in the game is reckonmended, a heavy bolter for ranged shooting. Have a read of Great Crusades scout tactics links, might give you few ideas of your own.


GL and HF

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