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Tac Squad for the "Call of the Imperium Challenge" Query.


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Now because i'm not in the habit of taking useless units i'm going to make my spec.


But I had a question/s.


A: The squad WILL be a Drop Pod unit (As ALL my Ultramarines will be.)


But the Question is.


Is it as bad an idea as I think it is to put a PlasCannon and PlasGun in the same squad?


Because then i'm left with the Flamer and Meltagun of which the Melta would be chose (as my army already has a Flamer and I want this squad to be different to the first)


What would be the best equipment to give the Sergeant of the Squad? (Out of what comes in the tac-marines box) (Though I 'may' have a Stormbolter lying around....)

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Is it as bad an idea as I think it is to put a PlasCannon and PlasGun in the same squad?


Nope, it's not a bad idea, although if you're unlucky with your Overheat Rolls, you could potentially be looking at 7 Boltguns and a Sergeant :(


The Drop Pod will be good for getting your Plasma Weaponry into position, however, which balances things out


As for the Sergeant, you'd probably be best sticking with Bp/Ccw


Or, you could give him a Plasma Pistol :angry:

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I find that the best load out for a tac squad is having the sergeant with a PF and combi weapon, and the special weapons guy with meltagun or flamer. Firing 2 meltas at once makes a damage roll more likely and doesn't hurt CC since you are using a PF anyhow. For the heavy weapon I tend to use Plasma Cannons since they can Take on MEQs Transports and Hordes. Usually though I never seem to get to use the heavy weapon if i am getting into range for the special weapons. Combat squadding can work wonders in non-killpoint games.
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I would have to suggest Plasma Pistol/Meltabombs (Dreadnought insurance) (20 pts) or Combi-Plasma/Meltabombs (15). The PP load gets you an extra CC attack, the C-P an extra Plas shot on the disembarking round. I always throw on the Meltabombs if a Sarge doesn't have a Fist. I would say PlasmaPistol/PS or PF, but it hurts to loose an expensive CC gear to a PlasPistol.
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