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Most Competative Chaos Army..

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Since Im still new in this scene and picked CSM to play with;



Im really curious about what's the best (troop) choice to make a chance on tournaments with Chaos.



I hope I'll learn something from your reaction!








My n00by guess:



Berzerkers and noise marines!.. Probably not.. lol.

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Depends on your playstyle as well as on your remaining units.


Do you like a forward rushing in-your-face army take the zerkers, but don't forget to add some fire support.


With noisy guys you get a steadily advancing force which is constantly firing at the opponent (as long as you take the sonic weapons which is in my opinion the only reason why one should take Noise Marines). These should be supported by some anti-armour units.


The standard marine squad (10 marines, champ with energy weapon, heavy bolter/rocket launcher and special weapon) is imho also fine, it's relatively cheap and not too specialised.

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Depends on what you want. Overwhelming melee or balanced melee with shooting and durability? Numbers to durability ratio (like Plagues and terminators, to having just basic marines instead for bodycount - depends on your prfrance of "durable"). Its all about experience and playstyle advancing.


I run with lots of numbers, other guys prefer transports instead to keep stuff safe as a wall or otherwise. Some guys like hard units inside heavy transports, it all works if you know the odds and take things carefully enough to gain the advantage for yourself.


Most people pick standalone units that get the job done on their own without relying on other units. This allows flexibility to face all sorts of lists. Units that do this well are basic marines and plague marines, they can handle melee/shooting/assault, one being higher in numbers, the other being durable. Thousand sons and Noise marines with sonic weapons often get a bad reputation with water style players (searchy water style), because they can maximise potential firepower for the conditions they try to control and pull into their favor.


Lash players get lots of heat, since lash can be applied to most peoples styles with a good dash of salt. But as most people will tell you, twin lash armies are very very annoying, and their drawback is facing a transport heavy army.


Daemon princes are the best popular pick, hard to go wrong with a monster that takes hits that would stop a tank. Berzerkers are the "troop terminators" that we get, normally we get about 2 berzerkers for a standard terminator, and at 8 S5 I5 WS5 attacks we can nearly wipe a terminator before he gets a chance to strike no matter what weapons he uses. (8a/5.3h/3.5 wounds, then the additional 1 zerk left second round gives 3/2/1/.5 wounds) being 4.0 wounds total in 2 rounds, just a few more (champion) gives the edge to really feel like you have terminators in your troop choices. They chop through lesser creatures with more ease then terminators most often, except LC termies they are the exception here.


Daemons also offer a cheap scoring unit to hold an objetive so you can keep on advancing, melee, shooty or both. With heavy hitting HQ's, versitile elites (cheap terminators) and a wide variety of ranged weapons that can move and shoot or act as something else (using battle cannons to force them to spread thin, then eat them up with mobile ranged firepower with water style). It all takes effect in these tourniments, its just a matter of how well you can pull it off against opponents packing a compedetive army of their own.


Experience is key to making a unit useful, or just some good luck/bad luck on your opponents part or just plain tactical errors on their end.

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I say, there isn't a "Most competitive troop" type, they all have their pros and cons that can be maximized and minimized by the player.


At the end of the day, there's only the "most competitive player". Now, talking from a strictly theoretical point of view, you see a guys with 2 squads of plaguemarines vs a guy with 2 normal Chaos space marine squads and most people will say the plagues will win. But get down to the table, and it's a different story. I've seen people play theoretically "weak" lists, and come out on top of RTTs!


Remember, the tools help, but at the end of the day, they don't make the carpenter ;)

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yeah if one is a noob , but when your talking about people wining tournaments everyone has top skills and then some units do plain sucks . you win with a build and a set up/meta/counter set up . a good team is important , because it can give you easy points or save you from certain match ups [if you go 17/3 and a match up you do not well against goes 10/10 your not going to play it].


"most competitive player" is a factor only on small tournament where there is a lot of bad builds and noob players , but then again the MCP will use the best army and best set up anyway , so its hard to say if its the skills that wins or the armies . Specially as some builds in smaller tournaments do carry player. I mean sob and GK can win a smaller tournament because opponents may never played against a list like that , but those armies even when played by good players strugle to be top 20 .

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Best troop for tournament will be plague marines. The most common and hated list is the one a few have noted. Dual lash princes, 9 obliterators or combo of obliterators and possessed vindicators, and 2 plague marines to sit on points. After that, put whatever the hell else you want in the army and it really wont matter. Bring 3 dreadnoughts or 20 possessed marines.
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Looks like I'm building up some "death gaurd" to go in my (formerly) WE army. I already built a (removable) "hat" with a slaneesh icon on it for my (formerly Khornate) DP. Now I just growl

when I want to charge... hmm, I may have to drill out the barrel of my DP's "kai gun" and put a nice fishook tip coming out!


NOTE- edited to protect potentially sensitive readers from videos that YouTube allows all ages to view without verification, and to remove language B&C does not censor. Given that BOTH sites do not choose to censor any of the words in question, its hard for me to see how my post or the original link violated any rules, but I've changed it for now due to another posters implied influence with moderators, and my own honest inability to tell from the posted rules if this was actually an issue. Hopefully mods can review the original (pre-edit) post and let involved parties know what was the proper course of action.

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