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Help for choosing legion


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Well, playing Emperor's Children for couple of years and now struggling to fit them in new dex... I decided to start an Undivided army.


The main problem is the legion to pick - fluffwise... Although I know 40k fairly well, to build up a competitive army while not tearing fluff apart AND keep to my individual vision is... a challenge . Building my own warband seems unsatisfactory to me as I like my army to have some established background and written appearances...


So, summing up my problems :


1) I want to field a fairly competitive army for tournies, meaning although I may not wield the full cheese, some resemblances like Lash(one) or couple of Oblits or cult troops may appear.... I am sorry, after so many battles where a couple of bad dice rolls were my death ( as i tried to keep my Emperor's Children close to fluff, giving them Icon of Slaanesh even where it was completely pointless, etc, resulting in small, elite army with real trouble playing against more competitive builds) i really want some peace of mind and and confidence.


2)to the point of Undivided legions. I do not like the thought and style of neither Alpha nor Iron Warriors, leaving me with very few choices. Word Bearers fall out mainly because I really dislike religious fanaticism and my vision of my force's ideology is almost opposite... Black Legion seems the most available choice, but I have bias against playing Chaos vanilla and want to stand out in my gaming club where there are many BL already. Besides, IMHO fluffwise Abbadon is stupid and special chars in general... are not much to my liking. I prefer my writing my own story for the main character, although, as I mentioned, with some real roots in 40k history. That leaves Night Lords as the most viable choice, but that, again, is not completely valid for my Chaosite perspective.


3) now, to my vision.


Here we have a legion X commander y.



He is a very proud being, egomaniacal, overambitious. His vision of Chaos is as the ultimate source of raw power, useable for reaching his own goals. His motto, personal warcry and theme of army - Man That Rules Over Deamon. Maybe an unattainable goal, but even Chaos lords dream.... The gods, in his view, are sentient incarnations of human psyche, made omnipotent by masses of believers, and are a force to be used, although carefully. His view of a pact with god is - it's a business deal, I sacrifice you a planet, you give me more power... He has no complaints about physical mutations if they make them stronger in any way, believing that a man can mutate beyond recognition and still be himself -it's just that his will rules over the body, not othervise, that defines acceptable. Although a bit disdainful of Cult troops, because he believes that focusing on a single aspect of your psyche and possibilities is far to limiting and short-sighted, he nevertheless admits their usefulness in battle and allows his followers to take path of single god - it is their choice and as long as they are winning battles for him... So his army contains some Cult followers, and also different war machines - every tool is good if effective. And if tools fail, you gotta get up and show those underlings how it is done properly,also to keep them impressed, and taste of battle never gets stale...


His own perspective on the great picture - someone, most preferably, you guessed, himself, returing to Imperium, crushing the followers of the Corpse God and becoming the Chaos Emperor - the one commanding both warp powers and mankind, forging humankind into The Strongest Rule type of slave-using society... And then will come a new Golden Age, where Chaos-Man (the next step in human evolution, in his view) crushes all that stands against him and enslaves others for eternity. It's not that he is SHURE he will be the one, quite possible, not, but, heck, he is still alive and time is irrelevant as long as the plan advances.


So, is that fittable in Night Lords? Or is there a more appropriate legion for the allmighty (or so he likes to think) Commander Y? Or is there a more appropriate choice?


Forgive me, please, for rather chaotic, long post, but this is in my head for months and I am writing this being quite sleepy. Sorry for errors!


Thanks aforehead for any advice.

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Your character would fit well with the Night lords. They view Chaos as a tool to sew (well) chaos and fear in a population. They do not rely on demons (other than furies, whom they keep as pets). They are the dark version of the Raven Guard. Of the Chaos Legions, the Night Lords are my favorite. If you would like to gain insight about them, I would recommend reading 'Lord of Night' from the Black Library.
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You could always make your own legion/warband.

Building my own warband seems unsatisfactory to me as I like my army to have some established background and written appearances...



Night Lords seem to fit your vision pretty well, I say, and like you said they're really the only option left anyways. Fortunately I think they fit just fine, so that shouldn't be a problem.

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I think the night lords would be perfect for you.


I also think that the red corsairs are awesome but not really what your looking for. I dont really view the red corsairs as being true chaos anyways. Just a fleet of space marines that would rather openly rule and call the shots then have some lesser beines like the lords of terra tell them what to do. Just pirates with really big guns and power armor.


I would also like to ask how the noise marines were not winning you any games there is a noise marine player in town here that dose vary vary well for himself.

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1 Lash

60 Raptors

First turn mayhem unpresidented and disliked. Add in some regular marines to make up the second wave and you can bowl over any other player usually. Sample 1750 list:


1 Lash Sorcerer =125

18 Raptors: 2 Flamers; 1 Powerfist Champ = 410 (x3=1230)

10 Marines: 2 Flamers+Rhino = 195 (x2=390)

(remove 1 raptor to give the sorcerer flight)


Having 10 flame weapons on a lashed opponent is the same as having initiative 10 melee attacks, without the fuss of moving the models an additional time with consolodation and all that. Decide if you want to charge for the benefit of using the enemy as cover. Otherwise do this. (link in my signature)






Move your raptors as you please. They all give eachother cover. If you want to toy with icons then by all means do so!



Add obliterators as you like and with a personal icon or any icons in the army, deep strike them as to follow your guys around. You have enough krak grenades to bash a dreadnought or two along with the fists you currently have. With lash, first turn charges and lots of bodies per charge it overruns most enemies. (Ive done it a lot)

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Thanks for all the answers!


well, I am more or less set for Night Lords...


As for Red Corsairs, I like them, but IMHO they are better represented with space marine codex and space marine models - as recent traitos, it doesn't seem plausible for them to drop all the tactical improvements and new wargear and recieve an older mark of armor instead. I am sure there are others who share this view. And I want to field the ancient, baroque armor wearing dudes...


The few problems I had with Night Lords: the fluff says they have the purest geneseed... But I love modeling mutations... So much creativity can be expressed :D

I have read Lord of the Night, though, and Krieg Acerbu's point of view gave me some hope that I can field heavily mutated Night Lords who believe everything that makes them more horrifying is acceptable...

Also, people traditionally view NL as speed favoring force, but I wanted to include some Heavy Support - land raider, predator, defiler... Maybe an Obliterator or two (being them kinda mercenary, I think it's ok for Night Lords to hire them).


Is this acceptable?

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