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what are th best chaos combos?


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i was wondering what do you think is the best combo?

for me its slannesh and khorne due to pavarne ability and since khorne loves cc this makes it more worthwhile, while the porn soilders draw the enemy in the blood warriors provide the strenght and core cc of the army :).



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Khorne and Nurgle. Nothing is going to be able to kill those plaguebearers while a bunch of bloodcrushers are breathing down their throats.


The other Gods all have advantages too of course, for example fiends would probably work better than bloodcrushers for the above example, but most of Slaanesh's units are too weak.

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The competition mindset is a mixture of nurgle and Tzeentch with occassional support from either Crushers or Fiends. HQ will often be filled with GDs, heavy support with Nurgle Prince, Elite slot with Flamers and Crushers/Fiend and troop slot with Plague bearers, That's a typical daemon tourny list that brings a full score of shooting attacks, a good number of MCs that wilkill anything it touches, troops that survive shooting and assaults and tarpit just about anything there is and flamers/fiends/crushers that is used as support in specific situations (Fiend for speed, Crushers for MEQ/TEQ and Flamers for just about anything)
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Given the nature of many who post here I think this question will garner a good number of different replies. Here’s my take including my personal tastes & observance:


Khorne: Skarbrand is popular from a sheer brute force approach but Bloodcurshers seem to be the favorite Khorne unit. They are a steal for 40pts a piece and are the close combat end of most any who oppose them. Bloodletters are popular and deadly troop choice as well.


Flesh hounds don’t seem to find their way into many lists I’ve seen.


Slaanesh: Are almost like “bargain basement” Khorne units. They are cheaper and more fragile but they are cheaper. Daemon armies tend to lack for numbers so Slaanesh is more a compromise than a first choice. The Slaaneshi herald on chariot is one such bargain buy coming in at only 65 pts each.


Seekers seem to be their least appreciated unit.


Nurgle: Easily the most popular Daemon Prince of the lot. Prince + Mark of Nurgle + Flight + Noxious Touch + Iron Hide. Costs like a greater daemon but really can dish out the punishment. Plaguebearers are exceedingly difficult to kill but they find killing things exceedingly difficult in return.


Beasts of Nurgle never seem to see the light of day, nor do nurglings but what can you say? They can always serve as comic relief.


Tzeentch: Fateweaver’s unique abilities make him a popular and competitive choice though somewhat tricky to use. Likewise, Flamers are very worthy with each one spewing out a Breath of Chaos. Horrors are a mixed bag as they run you 17 pts each but the Changeling is a fun upgrade at only +5 pts.


Screamers are flying melta bomb delivery systems so not high on anyone’s list.


Undivided: SoulGrinders with the phlegm upgrade are almost mandatory.


Furies are the unmarked daemons that are the most disregarded.


So take that as a quick summary and people can feel free to agree or disagree.



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wudnt that kind of tactic fall against an army full or flamers and lots of bolters or heavy bolters lets say the sisters of battle ;).



If you know what you're doing I assure you beating a typical sister army isnt much of an issue. Use Bolt to take them out of transports and then rest is easy picking, Seraphim is more annoying, as are Exorcists.


Please read through the daemon review posts nova, they provide a lot of useful insight into the workings of a daemon army. In order to deal with bolters and heavy bolters (guns in general) present them with multiple targets they cant ignore and force them to make a decision as to which of the 3 things to take out. That squad of 6 fiends behind cover? That Greater Daemon that is going to be within assault range next turn or the squad of flamers that had will wipe half of you infantry off the board next turn? Say, they go for the flamer, then next turn your GD and fiend make it to their line, rest of the army follows up and you're in for an early Christmas; they don't go for the flamer and then they're free to fly away and lay down another 3 templates that kills half of whatever is underneath it. etc.


Be smart about your army composition and they wont have enough firepower to take them all out.


Our real trouble is with mobile firepower and AV14 (Sadly, LRs pack both) that runs away from our assaults and pellet our troops who have no chance of catching them. DE Raiders, now that's a list we will always struggle.

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i now have changed my mind i think opposites are the best way to way, for instance i now favour khorne and tzeenech ;).

with ultra shootiness and good cc abilities what is there not to like? and depending how good the sob player is you will have a hard time and transports wont be of much use against a deamon player anyway. as the fight will be taken to them not the other way round.



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