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Space Marine Predator

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I want your opinions on this:


Predator Tank with TL lascannons with Heavy Bolters on the sides. I don't want it to be totally Lascannons yet I'd like some vehicle AND infantry stopping power. Are there pros and Cons I don't see yet?

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i woldnt do that as the point of having lascannons on a pred is to keep it out of sight but if u give i heavy bolters then it has to b more forward to get in range opening it up to all manner of powerful short range anti tank wepons, also you can only shoot at 1 thing per turn so you cant put the lascannon shots on a tank then the hbs on a infantry squad so u lose a turn of shooting almost
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You have a point. In my list I use a Dev. Squad and I want to replace them. But with 36" range, the heavy bolters does pretty good damage from afar. I want it to be able to handle many different lists. I'm gonna make the weapons interchangeable but I wanna know the best all around config.
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I use the TLLC and HB sponsons, works wonderfully. You always know that if theres anything around you have something that can kill it. It can also be really entertaining when your opponenet, say orks, gets a weapon destroyed result and doesnt know wich to take off.
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I've never run a TLLC 2x heavy bolter predator, but I've played against them, and never been too impressed. The problem with mixing weapons is that a unit can only shoot at one target per turn, and the bolter shots are wasted on tanks, and the lascannon is, lets face it, wasted on infantry.


I'd suggest looking at your army and seeing if you need more anti-infantry or anti-tank and setting it up to fit the role you need it to fill. Or use rare earth magnets to give yourself some options. If you're looking for versatility, you'll have a tough time beating a squad of devastators with missile launchers.

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Under the old rules, the TLLC and HB Sponsons was a wonderful tank, as defensive was stenght 6 or less(or was it 5?), however now.......not so good, best to take either;


1, TLLC and forget the Sponsons,

2, a Autocannon, HB sponsons, a Hunter Killer and Storm bolter.


Second can cope with lighter vehicles and infantry but the First is best for tank killing. Both cost the same, but the worst thing you can do is kit out your tank so it cost lots then watch it go bang in the first turn.

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Second can cope with lighter vehicles and infantry but the First is best for tank killing. Both cost the same, but the worst thing you can do is kit out your tank so it cost lots then watch it go bang in the first turn.



thats why its better to get a healthy amount of tanks. its a great thing to say "oh no, you blew my tank up, oh wait, theres more over here, compleetly unscratched"

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In my opinion: the TLLC/HB load is not a bad idea at all. The tank itself is very simpe to use: sit still and shoot. How it's equipped almost makes no difference with a roll like that. The question is, "what do you want it to do?" The AC/HB load is clearly the best bargain, hands down. But if you want that AT punch then TLLC is the way to go. It's not wasted on infantry, far from it. If you hit (and with a re-roll the chances are good) then that is one seriously dead target, the HBs just mop up what's left. Otherwise, as long as the tank is alive, then you have a 6" moving TLLC on the board with VERY good armor protection (on average) for a relatively cheap price.


Personally, I have never used the combo above, but I'm seriously thinking about it and I like the idea of it :P

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I have an all LC predator, which I've named 'Venator.'


It lives up to its name, and if I want something dead, it does the job.


But, for future SM armies, I have oft considered the TLLC/HB Predator, and I won't leave the battle barge without a Pred in some capacity.


As for building, a lot of people have suggested magnetizing the sponsons and turret, but I saw something else I would reccomend.


A player I knew at my local shop, kept the turret off, and didnt glue in the gun. I dont know how exactly he keeps from scratching his paint or wearing the model down, but he kept the gun portion of the turret so he could just pop out a gun, and stick the other in. It looks like he just snipped off the two 'pegs' on the side and kept just enough wiggle room to pull it on and off.


For the sponsons, I should further clarify, because he really didnt have a 'predator.' He had the rhino chassis, with all the doors opening, and the top hatch loose. He could either make a rhino by popping off the top plate and putting the 'door' plate on. He could use the turret piece, and had the lascannon/heavy bolter sponsons from a RB kit, so he could make a razorback.


Here's the fun part.


He would take those two top hanging plates for the sponsons, and but them on the bottom of the 'hatch' piece, with the rod pointing up. I'm not sure if he just cut circular holes in the guns themselves, or got two sets of the rods, but he could swap just about anything on the whole tank!


If anything, this guy was a non-magnetic tank genius. I shudder to think what he would do if he played Guard.



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I'm suffering from the same connundrum regarding predator loadout.


My feeling is to nix the TLLC idea and just go with 2 x AC predators and magnetize the sponsons for when i need em.


2 tanks with similar movement and threat characteristics gives u more tactical options, and makes it more difficult for your opponent to totally neuter your armor in a single turn

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