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Sorcerer vs. Daemon Prince

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My Chaos list is supposed to be minimally demonic. In fact, I'm looking to not field demon models of any kind at all (Obliterators don't count).


Having witnessed the satisfying capabilities of Demon Princes (unless you feed them to a terminator squad, STUPID!! *slam head in desk*), I'm now faced with a choice. Either creatively proxy the big boys (but with WHAT?), or find another provider of The Lash.


Of course my only choice is a Sorcerer. I figured that a Terminator Sorcerer probably won't get me far - he's too slow getting into position and can't bugger off when 25 railguns point at his head quickly enough. So, I've been contemplating fielding a pair of winged/jumpy Sorcerers instead of DPs.


Advantages of a Sorcerer:

- He is small (therefore he can hide behind stuff, get in buildings, etc.)).

- He is an IC, so he can reroll difficult/dangerous tests (jump into cover).

- Movement-wise and power-wise he's identical to the DP

- And he costs 10 points less for the same save (essentially) and 1 less wound.

- In a pinch he will maybe kill something with his Force weapon.


Advantages of a DP:

- He's a Monstrous Creature, and they are just plain cool.

- He has higher WS and ST and I can consequently sic him on something in CC and expect him to win.

- 1 more wound

- 2D6 for armor pen.


I haven't played Chaos much, so I'm a bit lost in the choice. How much punch do I lose by switching to sorcerers for concept's sake?

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Well Deamon princes are just better to keep it simple. You are forgetting the not instakillable part of the DP, which is a big difference. Princes are able to work on their own, where sorcerers need a squad to hide in and that forces the squad to shoot at the same target the sorcerer uses Lash on.
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Actually I use a Dread model for my DP. I also run a mutation light Chaos army, and a full fledged DP just wouldn't fit.


So what I did is this: I use the stat line and rules of the DP but aply them to what I call a "Venerable Dreadnought". A lot of rules for the DP can aply to a dread-like vehicule. So his psychic power is usually his "gun", but it could be anything: the lash could be a hook or a lasso for all intents and purposes.


I originaly did this because I love dreads but I don't like the rules for the chaos dreads... so I "made" one up.


I'm pretty satisfied with the results, and I'm working on a conversion to make it a permanent fixture, plus I'll try to make it look less like a typical dread.

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Independant characters should remain with the bulk of the army and inside other squads. A jumping HQ hangs out with raptors (or bikes if you dont intend to boost) same with a bike hanging with raptors if you dont plan on ignoring terrain, and other bikes. A power armored HQ hangs out with guys inside transports, or hanging back shooting (like a tzeentch lord with daemon weapon, decent firepower). And having a teleporting terminator HQ going in with obliterators/terminators deep strike, or just hanging out with deep striking raptors or something similar.


Independent characters never should be on their own. Thats what you have a daemon prince for.


Princes get shot at, they always get shot at. They also take hits for other things like rhinos (that dont live long) and can be hidden behind land raiders. Most often they need wings, or when you feel you know what your doing (like making sure he doesnt get shot much) go without wings (or to make him seem threatening, making for a cheap firepower soaker for your rhinos, like I use my DP's).


Its a matter of delivery, most HQ's in chaos can be given a similar damage appeal in different ways. Its a matter of how you want to represent them on the table. If you run mechanised, then a prince may help or a IC inside a squad with their rhino. If you run footslog, a prince may not be as good because all the big guns hit him first. If you run with lots of dreads/defilers/greater daemon then a few princes work great with chaos-zilla. If you run with lots of specialists and require extra punch characters to join them, then its obvious a force weapon or daemon weapon could help them out.



Matter of choice.

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