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templar/crusader marines

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these are just 2 wip's to see the color scheme,I wont use them,since I dont plan to have any tactical marines in army...I plan to play white scars,but I want them to look something like medieval templar's...I do need to practice a bit how to make battle damage look good on armor...


for sternguard veterans I plan to use dark angels veterans,since those robes will fit nicely templar theme,I will just remove those angels/wings that are associated with DA...


I was even thinking to give bikes bretonnia knight helmets,but without those icons and crest on top of them ,what do you think about that?


Any advice what color should I pick for bolters,first I was thinking white,but it doesnt fit really all that well...


And please share if you have any idea what bits would be good for templar/crusader look ?







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These actually look quite nice, though not at all like White Scars. Do you mean you want them to be White Scars or do you just want a bike-heavy army led by Khan? If it's the latter, just use another Mini as a Khan counts-as and call them whatever you want.


Otherwise, people will only obsess about how your minis are not White Scars and won't see the (good) paintjobs.


Bretonnian helmets and bitz work great on Marines and will give them exactly the look you want to go for.


For other bitz, obviously the Black Templar Upgrade sprue will be your very best friend.

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