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13th company

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Some of you may have seen my rune Priest on here before but i have rebuilt a bunch of him after some delaying action. lol. now he is just about done i just need to add his shield when i get it done. C&C is welcome as always






the base he will be standing on is unfinished but he will also have a scenic base with his kill upon it.








and just for some fun here are some of my favorite marines in the army so far






















that is all im going to post for now there are alot more marines i have done and none painted.ugh. :eek oh well these are some of the better ones that turned out. again C&C is welcome.

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the 4th guy from the bottom is wearing ugg boots :D :D :D


but seriously, all the conversions look great and they will add a great deal of character and dynamic movement to your army. well done :)

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thanks for the comments there are alot more marines i have done but these are just some of my favorites some are not quite as dynamic or as well posed (other spear guy, several look like their lost :blink: one looks like hes pushing air with his chainsword ^_^ ) but these ones got the vote for post.


to wokkers - the boots have been done since that pic (just filled in their not gone i like them too much!!)


to Brother Ramses - yes the foot is a bionic claw. i was leaning towars a paw but could never picture it right in my head, they are SW after all.


i only have too finish about ten more marines and about ten bikes and paint them all as well as the Wolf Lord and the Wolf Priest.


BTW for my Wolf Priest i was thinking of using the terminator Chapalain body with the Ulrik hear (the wolf skull helm one) but i am stuck cause i can't seem to find my Ulrik model. Anyway what do you think of this idea?? not wolfy enough? or lose the pose of the terminator in the process?? these are a couple of my concerns. comments are welcome. critcism too. thanks ^_^

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