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True scale Pre Heresy World Eaters

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Hi guys,


my friends have finally managed to convince me to stop being lazy after the failed attempt to build a Ork army for our local Tale of 4 Gamers. I have been given a fresh start and have decided to go back to basics by doing World Eater Space Marines. I had previously worked on some Doghouse style Dark Angels but I quickly lost motivation after moving flats at the end of 2008.


To ensure that I have a suitable challenge I opted to go for not just Pre-Heresy but also my first attempt at True-scaling. Fingers crossed (and a lot of greenstuff) I will be able to recreate a fairly nice looking set of figures by the end of the month.


This weekend I went about working on the concept figure for my basic infantry and started my HQ choice.:


World Eaters Squad Leader


The head and left arm are both magnetised so as I intend to use Steam Knight helms on the entire army but am still awaiting shippment.


The hand flamer is just there for a bit of variety in all honesty and has been salvaged from so many projects I am surprised its still intact.


The rest of the squad arrived at my folks house so I can get working on them this week and have the first set ready for painting over the next weekend (with or without heads!)


World Eaters Captain




Another test run in regards to the jump pack, I had considered quad turbines just to make it a bit bulkier but opted to keep it simpler due to time constraints. Again just waiting on those Steam Knights heads before I progress.


Scale comparison:



I would like to take army to a fairly large scale, perhaps even Apoc size but right now I just want to have a visually striking set of infantry on the table.


Any C&C is always appreciated.



Captain Khârn/DiStudios



Edit: Added scale comparison photo

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Thank you all for looking,


@Marine - The skulls do add a bit more bulk to the waist, generally the figure is larger and I opted to sculpt the MK II a bit more "solidly" then the standard marine.


@arbogast1 - The skulls are from the Warriors of Chaos boxset, there are 3 types including one with horns. All are without jaw bones.


@RRChristensen - The rivets were individually carved from spare Ork Battlewagon kits. I purchased 5 of them on release and as a result I have lots of spare rivets to go around :)


thx again guys for taking the time to look and comment


Captain Khârn/DiStudios

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I really love the squad leader, But the captain looks rediculously large, and the skulls make him look too torso heavy. In my opinion it would look better if the skulls were gone and the belt section of the torso were half as thick.
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Ah, thanks. I need some skulls for a the assault terminators I'm gonna do when I get back to the States in July. These guys look really great, I can't wait to see them finished.
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The Captain has been built larger purposely. He represents the few larger then normal marines that tend to appear in Space Marine stories, for example there is a Space Wolves character from 2nd Ed (irrc) called Wolf Guard Ranulf who was considered a giant even among marines and was famed for pushing a Land Raider into a river of lava and holding off a passage single handedly against a Ork army. I also recently read about a World Eater marine that was so large that he had to have custom armour made for him.


After looking at the reference material and reading the descriptions, I believe the Captain's top heavy chest piece is quite representative of MK II and III armour. The way I see it, before rediscovering old technology and better refining methods, the armour had to be durable as much as possible. The old Crusade and Iron armour metal figures also display top heavy chest armour and I opted to follow through and recreat this. Perhaps the skulls do add significant size to the models waist, but for now I am happy with the sculpt. Perspective may change once I add the head but until that package arrives I won't be able to tell.


I used the above details in my decision making process for how big he would finally turn out. The characters name is "Roah Fist of Angron" in tribute to Fist of the North Star so naturally he had to be sculpted a great deal larger then his brothers :P


thanks again for looking and the C&C


Captain Khârn/DiStudios

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I think the proportions are fine, and they both look very cool. If anything, you may want to beef up the thighs a bit; the ones on your models are barely thick enough to represent the leg itself, let alone the leg plus armor. Space marines would have HUGE quads- look at weight lifters!


I also think you should find some sort of ring or band to go around the top of the turbines. Those exposed blades look wrong. The would be easy to damage, and anything that hit them (or pieces that broke off) would be flung outwards at very high speed... right at the users head level. Turbines tend to have heavy housings around the intake fans for this very reason.


I assume the balls on the captains waist will get some detailing? Grenades? Skulls? Persoanlly I agree they should be gotten rid of, because they distract the eye from the rest of the model and break the "flow". Maybe they could be replaced with clip pouches and / or norml (less bulky) grenades. The belt the champion has is nice, much less distracting.

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I second the idea about adding a cowling or some-such to the exposed jump pack blades.


I think that the skulls on the belt look ok, but you might want to rotate a few so it can be easily shown that they are, in fact, skulls. It's bit difficult to tell at the moment. You might want to try spacing them out so that there are only two on either side of the belt clasp, too.


Just a few suggestions.

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@Lord Humongous & arbogast1


Thank you for taking the time to look at my post,


after your comments on the thighs, I can now see the proportional issue so thanks! :sweat: with the other 7 figures of the squad I will aim to beef them up a little. The skulls do seem large, but I think it may be done to poor photo angles then anything else. Either way I am in a position to remove them/reseat them so I think what I will do is paint the torso and show it so that you guys can have a good look at it. If the skulls still detract from the resy of the figure then I can simply respace/move as you guys have recommended.


I have to admit, the jump pack is not complete as I am a little unsure as to how to finish it. Since reading both your comments, I have added parts (but no rivets as of yet) to try and make it look a little more "normal" (?). I am not totally happy with the quad fenders on one of the turbines, perhaps if I just add another plasticard strip to the bottom it would look better? Please let me know what youg guys think.






lease let me know what you think. Unfirtunately, I won't be able to do any more work hobby work until Friday, I will post to any questions/ideas but pictures wise I will be posting progress this Friday afternoon (hopefully).

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I'd suggest adding some form of reinforcement between the power pack and the jump turbines themselves as, at the moment, the connection appears somewhat weak considering how much power is going to be required. Also it may be worth adding wiring and cabling between the two as well, to reinforce the pre-heresy feel. Just a suggestion mate.



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@arbogast1 & Rogue Trooper - Thanks for pointing it out, I had not seen the weak link issue until you guys pointed out. I am currently thinking of plasticard strips to bulk up the top part of the pack, hopefully this will make it look a great deal more solid.


On a plus side also, the Steam Knights heads arrived this morning and if the right ones have been sent, I can finally go ahead and finish off my first squad and start painting.

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I wouldn't sweat the turbine mountings. Each one only has to put out thrust equal to 3 times the guys weight, tops; that's a combined thrust of 4 times his weight, enough to boost 3 g's. That's plenty for "jumping". The mounts look beefy enough to take the ~1500 points of strain each.

Honestly I'd just leave the bottoms of the turbines open rather than have all that stuff on them. Rather than jets, it would make more sense in such an to use ducted fans - what you'd end up with is small turbofan motors, which don't really need any special exhaust nozzles or guards.

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