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Call of the Imperium: Shining Sons


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I'm in the CoI III and am about halfway through painting up a tac squad. I'm not particularly happy with them to be honest, but at least they are coming along. Here is what I've done of the Shining Sons Tactical Squad:


From the front





The Sides




The Back




So far it's prime, base and wash, with touchups and highlights to come. Trouble is I really like the guy on the end (who I purposefully didn't wash) as the BRIGHT metal colours really jump out.... and now the rest of the squad just looks dirty. :( Hopefully they'll get some shine back when I highlight....


Do you guys (who haven't seen them in all their bare metal glory) think they are still "Shining" enough? Will highlights bring the shine back? Are they OK as-is? (Of course, they ain't finished, there are a thousand odd touch-ups to do ;) )


Thanks brothers,



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i think the ones you did darker are better... the brighter one isnt so much shineyer, so much as just lighter... the darker models feel like they have more depth, and thus feel like they have a beter shine to the brighter areas
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If your looking to keep them clean, idbase coat black and paint each pannel seperatly leaving black between the joins and on the soft armour, you will find your models look cleaner. But then im not a fan of clean marines i like them dirty and battle worn so im personal oppinion you cant go dirty enough.
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