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The Cheapskates Space Marines :P


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Well im new here so i just wanted to say Hi to everyone first!!


Having painted several space marine armys in the past i thought i would set myself a new challenge!!


Basicly i am going to try to build a new marine army entirely by getting second hand stuff from ebay lol To make it more interesting im gonna set my self a limit of £3 for each item i buy, i can see alot of cleaning up and converting coming :D Has anyone else tried this before? if you have please drop me a line with any tips like things to try and avoid :lol:


Also any ideas for chapters to go for would be appreciated just got back from GW with my combat squad of marines to try out schemes ^_^


Anyway bye for now - Dave

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Hiya There


It is possible. I've got an entire Deathwing (120 Terminators) through ebay purchases and trades. I even got 3 Landraiders for £40 off ebay as well... I think you'll be surprised how easy it can be as long as you keep your eyes open :D


Cheers and Happy Hunting

Ah yes, the wonderfull world of E-bay.


If i could start my hobby all over again, i would have made much more use of it. however now with a house, a kid and other stuff to pay for. purchasing warhammer is on a low burner.


E-bay has great stuff sometimes, keep an eye out for those bargains and buy 10 Litres of simple green/dettol/oven cleaner and you are ready to go!



It's 100% doable. I'm doing it right now, actually. The entire beginnings of my army started as secondhand stuff that I stripped and repainted. It'll take you a while to complete due to your cash limit, but you can do it.

My initial budget was $1.50 per Marine, and $15 for a tank. $2 for special characters and Assault Marines/Devs.


Those were back in the days of being a starving college grad working as a waiter. Now I make enough to buy new stuff, but that doesn't keep me from snatching up cheap stuff on ebay to refurbish.


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