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Sons of Ithaka


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I was quite happy painting up my Snakebite orks, after last year’s attempts to start up a SM army had come to nothing. However every time I opened my closet with all those boxes of unopened SM plastics I felt a small pang of regret. :P

So I thought I’d make one more attempt at coming up with a SM chapter to paint up.

With a small detour I started with the Sons of Ithaka, the Iron Snakes.


So here my first test mini: Brother-sergeant Zidantes of Pliades.






For inspiration I used the cover of the Brothers of the Snake book, more then other sources such as Lexicanum. I went for a darker Boltgun metal, strangely it ended up more brown in the picture, IRL it’s more towards regular boltgun. I’m keeping the right shoulderpad in boltgun instead of white. The right pad will get a unique squad marking. So Pliades got a Pi over a taurus symbol, as pliades apparently is a star in the taurus system.


And no he's not travelling through the warp, I used a painting from my 3-year old daughter as a background. :)


(If anyone is wondering about the chainmail over fur loincloth, the detour I mentioned earlier is a feral Dorn successor chapter in light green :) , which I didn’t do in the end. :( )


The CSM helmet on the base is my version of the Dark tusks colors.

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Thanks guys,


@Cedric, the transition was done by first highlighting over a dark basecoat with watered-down paints so the basecoat shines through a bit and then shading again with the new washes (Ogryn flesh). It was really quick to do.

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Now that is a nice mini! puts my efforts with weathering to shame. i really like the darker boltgun metal, was it just standard boltgun with a load of washes or did you start with a boltgun/chaos black mix?
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This is a realy lovely model!


The metallic finish on the armour is particularly impressive. I am assuming this was achieved by applying washes over Bolt Gun Metal?


The weathering is great too, and the freehand is very well done.


I also like the subtlety of the overall conversion work, and I think your version of the colour schene is a vast improvement.


I look forward to seeing some more of these! B)

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Again thanks guys.


@Darkwrath/StraightSilver, It's both actually, I've mixed up a bottle with boltgun and black and wash that before and after highlighting as well.


@Kurgan the Lurker, yes it is. B)

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I like the looks of it. I like metallic marine schemes but often find they are too bright and a bit distracting to look at but yours is darker and shaded and weathered nicely.
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That's some really beautiful work. I agree with the posters above me that the boltgun is great and looks much better than nearly any other Iron Snake I've seen. How did you do the battle damage?
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