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Traitor Smurfs (Ultramarines)

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Nice work!


As for your traitor Calgar, perhaps you could bastardize the Ultramarine "U" on his helmet? Say, take some Khorne Berserker bunny ears, cut them to resemble the Ultra symbol, and then deface them with a Mark of Slaanesh on each side, or the Eye of Tzeench looking out from each one.

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very nice, im looking forward to seeing the end product :P


as for jazzing up the armour, maybe add some bits from a dead 'nid hanging off him

(although keeping in with the "we hate nids" theme us ultramarines sport, it could look rather chaosy :rolleyes:)


just a sugestion ;)

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Sisters of Battle have had traitors. They are only slightly genetically enhanced humans after all. They are nothing like Grey Knights whom are both astartes and have next to no life outside battle and have a mind resembling Fort Knox. The only reason you see less sisters falling then marines is because when ever they think the slightest wrong thought, they basically go crazy about it and run into battle half naked waving a giant chainsaw in the air. That or they get attached to a walking torture machine that shoots fire. Them crazy Battle Sisters...
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Hey. I know i've been gone for a couple of days. But i just wanted to tell everyone what kinda trouble i've been up to.


Anyway. The next RaF smurf needs his base, backpack and emblems painted (laurels, UltraMarine emblem, Arrow) and then he'll be joining the ranks.


My traitor version of Calgar is proving to be a bit (read a lot) more challengingm but i've coerced the lightning claws off a raptor aspiring champion. And i've added some detail to the marine's cape. And tonight i am going to start working on the horsebrush helmet and greenstuffing the repairs onto the claws (if you look at the raptor model, a lot of the claw is obstructed by the shoulder pad... and that shoulder pad was gracefully removed, so i need to rebuild the claws a bit.


Im still fiddling around with how i am going to mount bolters onto the claws. I think the external power cables have to be removed. No big loss, just more work...



Anyway. pictures of the RaF and possibly Calgar WiP in the next two days.


Stay tuned.



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This is inspiring! My next army will definately be a csm army based on a loyalist chapter. They will, however, follow the codex rules as I'm not really a fan of the deamon side of chaos. I just really see them as renegades of the imperium. Mind you still need to finish my Firelords.


Lovely work!

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Alright. I'll admit that this isn't quite as much work as I would have liked to get done. But still. It's a bit of an update. The first two photos are basically to show you the general idea for the model. That green strip on his head is the start of a horse-hair mohawk that used to be on the Ultramarines. It's also showing a bit of a mockup of how the gauntlets of ultramar are going to be set up. I am going to sculpt the Ultra marine U on his left arm, and the right arm will have a background a lot like the deathwatch pads. I'll redo the fur on the cape so it fit's better without overwhelming the model...




Now this one, is quite honestly just another RaF marine. The legs are from the Havok kit, and like the rest of the smurfs, this model is completely salvaged. No shot shows him entirely, but on his base, i did a bunch of work to make it look like a piece broken off a Blood Ravens vehicle... Annnnyway



Stay tuned! more updates in the coming days.



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realy looking forward to the end product of that dark calgar ;)


that marine looks great too, fantasic paint job


keep up the good work :jaw:

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A little more of an update on the Chaos Calgar. The "U" has a bunch of little faces in it, that's why it doesn't look smooth. The greenstuff ammo feed on the bolter is just a quick mock up. If i actually continue to like it. I'll make it more purdy...And though it doesn't show beautifully in the photo, the printing on the shoulderpad says "Liberate Tu Te Me" The spelling isn't right. But I don't care.


For some reason when i was working on that shoulderpad the movie Event Horizon popped into my head. According to that movie it means "Save yourself" Anyway. I thought it was amusing, so i butchered it and tossed it on a figure.

++rant mode off++





Comments and critiques are welcome.





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I like the idea ALOT, though I think the need a LITTLE gore or something...can't put my finger on what's not making them seem like chaos and only like a bunch of rogues...


And this is going a bit back in the thread... EVERY space marine chapter is succeptible(sp) to chaos, in Hammer of Daemons, a GK is stuck on a Khorne daemonworld and enslaved, and thanks to a collar of Khorne his psychic wards are USELESS, he basically loses his mind for a time, and he almost falls to chaos.


I had a SIMILAR idea when I started my IWs, since at the time I wasn't fond of much of the look of chaos marines, so I've got quite a few loyal looking Iron Warriors...

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Your skills with GS are amazing


I am curious to what you will be doing about the backpack


anything special in mind for it?

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that's the backpack that i am going to use. It's quite chaos i think. but i've wrapped chain around one of the vent supports. And i want to find a way to sculpt an insense burner hanging from it. (to make people really scratch their heads)


In any event. no more work on it until sunday night at the earliest. I am outta town this weekend. So... Until sunday night



Don't let the thread die!







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awsome :D


i was going to suggest something like simply replacing the eagle heads on the commander back-pack with sculls or marine heads


but youve pretty much hit the nial on the head with that one....it looks great :D

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Lawl. I am very disappointed in you all. It dropped to the second page. bad forum!


Sorry. Im very tired, and it seemed funny when i typed it.


Alright. I was at an offspring concert in a city 470km away all weekend, so I didn't get any work done. At all.


That said, I've picked up a couple other models so i can add a few new models to the Chaos Smurfs.




I can verbally tell you how i did the cloak on the original model before i butchered it to make the current one. In any event, it's not that hard.


Start by making an existing cloak (i was going to actually pick up dark angels and do full skin robes on them when i was in Calgary this weekend, but I just couldn't part with the money at that time for models i would likely not use)


So. Let's pretend that you have a cloak, and you're happy with it. The next step. Once it's cured and good and solid. Cover it with a very thin coat of greenstuff and smooth it out with your fingers. Be as delicate as you can and smooth it out. Then take a flat bladed object and press it into the greenstuff in a pattern that you think makes it look like skins stitched together. Then get something with a very fine point (I actually got my hands on dental tools - i found that my dentist was willing to let me have two or three of the "broken" ones" and poke it on either side of your new seam.


If you don't have that. Use a mechanical pencil. Make the lead stick out a couple MM from the end of the pencil, and use it. So long as you don't press really hard, the graphite won't break.


The fun part of doing it this way, is that you don't have to do the entire cloak at once. As a matter of fact, the skin cloak i had pictured above was done in 4 seperate pieces.


If you want to try to make faces and stuff. Remember that skin stretches out and deforms. Anyway That means you can make slots that kind of angle up, then press the back of a small paint brush for a mouth...


Basic gross capes... all for fun


Next update:

A ready for paint marine head, and with a little luck, an incense burner hanging from his backpack. And soon the completed RaF smurf - including a sneak peek of the next one!.


How exciting.



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looking forward to seeing this dude all painted and finished


will you be entering it in a GD??




a bit off topic but awel


the offspring any good? ;)

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  • 1 month later...
The Traitor Smurf was tired of the Metal Bawxez I guess.


Call in the Kayos Spheez Mehreenz! hahaha


Very nice models man! Can't way to see that Chaos Calgar!




What do you mean? What, THAT guy? We killed him ages ago. Can't have idiots like him giving us a bad name.


This "Corrupted smurfs" thing is great! You've taken a great idea and executed it well. That, and the Word Bearers probably have their eye on you. As do the Ultras, for obvious reasons.

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Gonna use a quote from family guy to describe this; "Holy freakin' smurf, that is freakin' smurf!"

I love these, really.LET ALL UTLRAMARINES FALL TO CHAOS!!! lol. One piece of recommendation, maybe on the imperial symbols just paint LOTS of blood, oil and other battlefield 'stains' on them, It would look mean as.

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