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Son's of Medusa - Custom Shoulder Pads ahoy

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What follows was originally done over 2 1/2 years ago. New army starts on page 2!





OK, so occassionally I do or say something really silly.


Last saturday we did a bet in work, 3 thousand point 40 k army, ready for Planetstrike release.


OK, so thats 6 weeks away, tis a measly 500 points a week, I can manage that, sure...


But I am moving house in that time, no problem, its still doable, its not like i'll be able to afford to go out or anything after the move, so thats more time to paint, easy.


Then the second snag, I went and suggested a forfeit...


So, inspired by the fact I'm confident I can get it done in time, and that it would be fun to watch my collegues suffer, I signed us all up to the following forfeit.


'Paint a 3k army in 6 weeks. For every 10 points not completed, you have todo a pressup.'


Genius I had thought, that would be brilliant to watch to see the guys dying when they fail to paint anything. 300 pressups would be funny as hell to watch.



Now however, I releaised that im not into doing any pressups at all, so onto the army i think...




The Sons of Medusa



First off, credit must go to Grey_Death off these very forums, I've always loved the Badab war section of the 40k history, and seeing him post some pics of the nuclear green pre paint marines on here has sparked my interest enough to finally give a badab war army a go. The colour scheme also goes against my normal 'dark' painting style, so another reason to give painting them a go.


So a 'counts as' Deathwing force is what i've chosen, which lets me paint lots of expensive troops and dreadnoughts, and gives a reason to use these 6 droppods that i got for my ultramarines, but never used.




The Army list


Well, its a 'themed' army, in loose terms. But also its an Attacking planetstrike army, which means new FoC to play with. so i have the following to play with choice wise



1 HQ



0-2 HQ

0-6 Troops

0-6 Elites

0-3 Heavy Support

0-6 (i think) Fast Attack



So I'm going with something along the lines of the following


Master Sydal (Belial)

Librarian Feniss

Chaplain Demitre


Terminator Squad, Banner, Apothecary

Terminator Squad

Terminator Squad

Terminator Squad

Terminator Assault Squad

Terminator Assault Squad


Venerable Dreadnought, Drop pod

Venerable Dreadnought, Drop pod

Venerable Dreadnought, Drop pod


Deathstorm Missile Drop pod

Deathstorm Missile Drop pod

Deathstorm Missile Drop pod


Now thats not 3k by my reckonning, but it leaves points to play with when I decide what else I fancy for the army.


So, enough to think about for now, abit more cleaning of mouldlines and the first squad of terminators are ready to be sprayed white then nuclear green.






Good luck with your undertaking and ill be looking forward to your progress!


I kinda know what your challenge is going to be like Hermanista. I was challenged by a staff member at my local GW to finish my space marines in a little under a month and a bit (around two and half thousand points worth) that which i happily agreed to. Ive got thus to do:


Terminator Captain

Terminator Librarian

Power Armoured Captain

Power Armoured Librarian

Terminator Squad

Tactical Squad x 4

Devastator Squad x 3

Assault Squad x2

Bike Squad x2




Fingers crossed as I'm a slow painter. But at least it will get me motivated to finish an actual army.



so a blog is no use without updates, so the first of mine, now with added pictures.


So my progress so fa this week, apart from finding a new place to live has resulted in the first squad getting built and mounted on the Dragon forge bases that are cropping up in alot of places of late.







Taking a bead from Grey Death again, I went with the Tamiya spray approach, so said white terminators get abit of colour in their cheeks






Not a bad start, tonight I'll get the first layer of washes over them to take away the shine from this polycarbonate spray, which then means I can get them purity sealed in the morning in work and start painting from there.



Whilst waiting for the spray to dry however, I got Brother Atronius built, equipped in an Ironclad/siege configuration






Hopefully he'll survive transportation issues, but should form a fairly decent centerpiece when I get two more Dreads built up for the force





Woot more Sons of Medusas.


I simply love grey deaths work, its so inspiring, yet time consoming. I really can't wait to see how you end up with yours, since you are on a deadline and obviously wont be so time consuming as grey deaths.

Man...3k in 6 weeks. Thats alot of points in such a short time but if the scheme is kept easy(as you can always go back and touch up and add more details), you should have no problems at all.


I myself set forth a challenge, the local group is having a small tourney(the points are kept small due to limited space for lots of people to play. Well at 1250 points and 3 weeks to finish the army i began paintting. I have about a week and half left to go. For my force when i started all i had painted on my marines was 1 full tac squad and a kantor model. SO i had alot to still paint. To round off the force, i added 2 more tacs, 1 10 man dev, a 6 man sternguard and a dread. Well all i got left to finish is the devs and sternguard.


So i look forward to your progress and to help encourage you the best i can.


So far your start looks great. GO GO NUCLEAR GREEN!!!!

Ok, so day three is done and things are going along nicely.



Have got a big chunk of stuff built and basecoated today, so much so that the army swells to this motley bunch




three squads of terminators, two venerable dreads, a belial counterfit, and a terminator librarian.


Brother Atronius has had his first lick of paint





And is joined by fellow Dreadnought Brother Phrixus




All got the white/green/wash treatment. I'll wait til tomorrow now to give them a second wash of thraka, and then I'll start on the painting proper.








Belial stand-in until I work on something alot better and more fitting




Thats my lot for tonight, the real painting will start tomorrow, now that all the boys are nearly to the same basecoating stage and ready for layering that lovely scorpion green colour




Hiow do



so after 2 hours painting today, followed by a short time black lining 16 of the 17 terminators this evening, The first 1000 points of army are progressing well. Unfortunatly one of the sergans suffered a broken blade, and was sent to the armoury for repairs. but in the mean time, this very poor pic gives you an idea what ive been up to








Its actually better focused on the terminator on the left, new camera, still learning the ropes you see ;-)






(the second pic i messed up on the contrasted, so the colour is off, but atleast it shows up the definition from the black lining, and atleast the paint job, whilst not D standard, is neat enough I think. Abit more work togo on them yet though)



The boys just need edge highlighting now, and then the green is done.


Im not sure what todo with the shoulder pads however, whether to leave them green, or go for a white base and change the chapter symbol to a green hue when i get round to that phase.


Not sure if that would take away from the focal point of white helms however. Thoughts?



Production on other terminators has stopped in the short term however, having run out of bases for the boys, I thought this batch will see me through until their finished, ready for the next batch.


Their actually surprisingly quick to paint aswell, and whilst they are in no way as luminous as Grey_Deaths, : they do potentially look like aurora chapter/verging on salamander green, I think brighter edge high lighting should give them enough of a green tinge to pass them off correctly.


Will get some better pictures tomorrow with luck, if i remember to take them during the day, rather than at half eleven at night. ho hum :(




Since I was disappointed with those pics, went and grabbed a few more, again, not much better, but alittle more sightly I hope


Did a play about with photobuckets functions, so hopefully they produce some better effects for now

















Wow. You make it seem so easy to paint 3000 points up to a top standard. I'm looking forward to seeing these guys finished off. Any hints as to what will be arriving next?


Cheers, Messanger


Edit - if you paint all the helmets white and then go for a white shoulder pad then it will most likely take the focus away from the helmet IMO.

They look very good so far. This challenge is certainly an interesting one, so consider this topic bookmarked!


Now, is there any change of that Green Recipe? I'm always scavenging for new Paint Recipes, so that in the future, I can try them out, be it on 1 Combat Squad, or 1 3,000 Point Army!

Hey there,


Since I'm updating earlier in the evening for a change, i thought i should say thanks to those who've offered comments and encouragement so far. At the pace im going, and with the fact im enjoying this painting alot, the 6 week deadline is easily within grasp.



Blood_raven: Paint scheme hasn't changed too much,



Spray White

Spray Tamiya PS8:light Green

2 coats of Thraka green wash.

Repaint the armour plates with 50/50 Snot/Scorpion greens

Black line the armour plates, I cheated and used a Microfine pen instead of faffing with watered down paint.



Tonight Im edge highlighting with a mix of Scorpion, Snot and rotting flesh in roughly 2,2,1



The benefit of this colour i find, is that its quite forgiving, because the colours are so bright. I've done 5 terminators so far, an whilst im going semi blind from the colour,


I was working in GW manchester today and showing them off. Opening the case was like a scene from Superman, when Lex luther opens a case containing kyptonite, bathing the area in that neon green light. the guys were in awe, lol






Aye, someone else made a similar comment today aswell about the white pads/helms. Im still in two minds. They need something I think, but not entirely sure what. I'll get the helms done white and see what it looks like, I fancy giving the Sergeants a different colour shoulderpad, but whether to carry that across to the others is the question.





Good luck with your own painting challenges, Im quite happy with how this is going, and alothough its too early to concieve painting extras, the scheme is so quick to paint so far, extra's could well be on the way. What todo how, thats the question

lookin good so far hermanista. One criticism: drill out the gun nozzles. How can they possibly blast away those badab traitors if there is no hole for the bullet to pass through :lol:


and for fun, be cool to paint up the sons desert camo scheme.


The Sons of Medusa are one of my favorite marine chapters GW ever created. They are simply awesome. I cannot wait to see them finished. Between you and Grey_Death, I am getting my Sons of Medusa fix!




Righty, after a few days break so that my vision returned after the green, and painting some empire stuff for work, I'm back to the Sons. Need to get 1500 points painted by tuesday night, so abit of hard work togo. Luckily i've had a quick read of the new planetstike book, and since all FoC choices count as scoring, I'm thinking of modifying the list a little.


First though I need to get what i've built so far done, ready to go kill some non marine Greenskins next week.






Many thanks fella, your stuff definatly pushed me over the edge into doing it, now i just need to get them to the level your churning your guys out to.





Cheers aswell man, and noted on the drilling of barrels, some of them are already done, just need to get round to doing the others before i move onto painting the silvers. I'll do that now thinking about it, get it out the way








so i've finished watching The Wrestler *awesome film, mucho impressed* and in the meantime managed abit of painting.



The first unit still isnt finished, but progressed along nicely enough atleast. Spent the last 2 hours or so doing the helmets, faces, and started the gold area's of the models. The first two are nigh on done barring a few extra highlights, the gold however has had merely its basecoat and first hightlight.



A few pictures then:




Before doing the faces





and afterwards











Not photoshoped, dont have it on this pc unfortunatly, and few up with photobuckets version, i'll just leave it to folk's imagination, lol.


They are however alot brighter than they appear - think the green on apple flavoured lucozade, and your not far off the right green.





Am still not sure what todo about the shoulder pads. They definatly need some colour, but not sure what, black is out to ensure their not confused with brightly coloured salamanders, a part of me still likes the idea of white, but meh, i dont know, lol.


*Bolters have been drilled out in this squad, to ensure happiness all round*





The bases are from Jeff Wilhelm's Dragon Forge Miniatures. Do a quick search on google and they'll show up.



Speed of delivery from US to UK is awesome, and theres a pretty nice selection. The only downside is one of the bases in the deck 1 set isn't completely circular, theres a flat edge, which is the same on the base in each of the three duplicates of the pack i got. The rest are all fine though.



The boys are going into their first battle today against one of the young guys that comes to the store, so we'll see how they do. Unfortunatly my army isn't fully painted, so im guessing the curse of the unpainted model is gonna strike, lol





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