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Son's of Medusa - Custom Shoulder Pads ahoy

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Something you could do with the shoulder pads is to add litanies and purity seals. Shouldn't draw too much focus and will break up the green a bit. Chapter Symbol should also help a bit in breaking up the green on the right shoulder pads. I really think leaving it plain green would look best. Especially since the weaponry will help break up the green on the final miniature.




N.B. maybe during a break get a test miniature done up to get an idea of whether you need to do something special to shoulder pad.

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  • 3 weeks later...

so, after 5 weeks, deadline day arrives.. Did i do it?↲

Well, no...↲

In the end i managed one squad, but because of a few factors, i took that squad off the resin bases and put them on regular ones which now need painting up. ↲

So what went wrong? Well, leaving my army at a the bosses house, going away for a week, and moving house took away about 2 and a half weeks of painting time, which was always gona hurt.↲

However, im not gona stop here, the army will be done, so the aim now is to get another 2 squads and master Sydal done by the end of the month, the go from there.↲

i just need to get back on tinternet to post some pics. ↲

til next time↲

Chris, the failure...↲

oh, damn, pushups...↲

Ah crap...

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3000 points in 6 weeks, i think your crazy, but not in the bad way, i'm talking about the good way. You have made great progress and really like the models you have done, cant wait to see more and the whole amy together. Will be following your progress.


Nice work.

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  • 5 weeks later...

how do, ↲

Ok, so its been a while, but new house is sorted, so now i can get back to painting some more of the sons.↲

However, low and behold, bell of lost souls have released their badab war campaign pack. Unfortunatly internet access is still via my mobile, so a 92 page pdf aint gona go well. Could someone do me a quick summary of any special characters, units or background that might provoke my creative juices?↲

Much appreciated if anyone can.↲


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...






See that, that's a proper thread ressurections...


So, nearly two and a half years later and I'm back with the Sons of Medusa *shock horror no1* In that time, Forgeworld brought out a Badab war book *shock horror no2*, I almost finished a squad of the Sons *shock horror no3* and then promptly sold off all my terminators and dread to someone *shock horror no5*....


I have got one pic of the nigh on completed squad however, and they look/looked pretty cool I think




And then the more I thought about it, the more I kind of miss the idea of the bright green little loonies, with their now expanding background and bigger following. So this army is going into production again, part 2: the reckoning...


Funnily enough, I have got a tournament In Warhammer World on the 3rd of March, so far I've got 10 terminators half built and thats my lot. So two weeks less time than the previous attempt, but also only 2000 points to do, not 3k... I can manage that right. Right?


So, 2k army, using the following army list (mostly 1st company again)



Belial with twin claws

Terminator Command Squad

4x Terminator Squads

3 Landspeeder Typhoons

3 Predators


26 infantry, 3 Speeders, 3 Preds... Easy, surely.


Colour wise I'm gonna go lighter again that the last version of the army, the speeders will get the desert recon scheme I'm thinking, whilst the Tanks, well I'll see when I buy/trade for them.


So as it stands, the army looks like this




under the watchful eyes of Grimlok, The heads and shoulder pads are staying seperate for painting, to make the white helms easier, and I've got something special to do for the pads. More of that at a later time though.


So, best carry on drilling bolters then I suppose...




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@Grimdarkness - Am on it, need something to be fiddling with whilst watching the Royal Rumble ^_^ And dedicated or crazy? Well, little bit of both I guess, but having sold a few of my armies recently, I don't have a fallback one for this tournament, which is extra encouragement for getting it finished.


@Olisredan - It is indeed, it seemed kind of appropriate :) and thanks, I'll probably need it, I need to get the rest of the army yet too, thts a weeks worth of work getting it all built to the level I want it.



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first bit of painting started this evening, not the most interesting of bits if I'm honest, but I thought since I don't have the green spray I need at the moment, I'd start by painting the helmets and heads for the force in two batches. So the first batch included the bare heads, imitation Belial's helm and a couple of regular terminator helms. The other batch I'll crack on with tomorrow once I've finished this first batch.


Excuse the not great pictures, but the tone of the Medusan flesh should show through. They're not borg... Honest.








Will go for Yellow lenses again I think, or maybe a gold/iridium colour like I did on my now long gone Iron Warriors




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How do,



well, after a slow weekend of building, having spent most of it sorting through 11 crates of sprues to sell, I finally got the bulk of the army built. Only missing now is one terminator standard bearer and a terminator apothecary, as well as the three predators to round the army off to the 2000 point target. They'll have to wait a week or two though as the tournament draws closer.


So, as proof, one quick picture





Its getting there, one of the speeders needs a more scenic base to support it, I'm just lacking in scenery bits to form it. And the shoulders are still bare as unfortunately the Sons of Medusa resin bases that are on their way aren't ready yet. Ho hum.


So tomorrow I'll get this little lot undercoated and hopefully my airbrush is still working to get the first couple of layers of green on. fingers crossed for that.


However, I do have a question, the new expanded background for the Sons of Medusa has first toned the green down from luminous to a snot green colour but i'll ignore that and go for a brighter shade.


The second thing, is the vehicles, which are mostly black with the diagonal stripe of the same green on the flanks. That's fine for the predators when i get to them, but I'm wondering about the Landspeeders, the two options being *after ruling out the flying bogey pure green idea* do I go for the black with green stripe, or, go for a desert colour scheme in honour of the 'Recon Support' unit from the original badab war background?


I know they were a razorback unit, but i'm thinking some desert yellow recon speeders might provide something nice to look at seperate from the army, fitting with the recon idea?


What do people think?




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Firstly, have to say - growing up, Grimlock was always my favourite transformer, so that brings back many happy memories B) Work him into the army - Grimlock, transforming Ironclad Dreadnought of Doom :)


OT, with the recon idea - go for it, it's in the background and it'll make a nice break from all the green. If you do it right will look great in your army I think.

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So, progress is possible :)


After a day of spraying with both primers and then a couple of hours relearning to airbrush, Something a bit more colourful has arrived. Colourful enough to give me a headache actually, and several parts of me are also the same colour as the hulk ;)



Mid airbrushing





And how the termnators looked two hour ago, before I washed them all heavily with thrakka green









The 3 speeders have also been primered, basecoated and then washed with various desert colours as that proved to be the popuar choice, but I'm gonna get a chunk of these termie done before distracting myself working on them.


Input is again needed though, Do I go for a dusty appearance on the terminators, or a battle scarred paint scheme, a mix of both or keep them all clean? The colours are so bright, even more so than the previous incarnation of the army, that I'm not sure what route to go with them currently. Input is good at this point.



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  • 2 months later...

Wakey Wakey,



So I got something in the post this morning that hopefully will wake the project up and get me started once again...



Thanks to someone I know, I got a little package of these boys...







Very impressed, very nicely cast, with only the eyesockets on a couple of the skulls filled in. A nice sharp scalpel point will deal with that. Now I just need some cruz pads to replace the dozen or so of them that I lost.


I do however have to decide on a shoulder pad style, and a way of making the force not so off the transport fresh and much more battle damaged to suit a 'long term campaign' look to them.



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Someone I know did they on computer and had them rapid prototyped, then created moulds himself for them.


He'll have a website up in the near future, when I get the addy I might put a subtle link up somewhere ;)


Now that I've got the shoulder pads, I've got to find the bloody army, they're in stasis in a case amoung 8 other cases somewhere...




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First test fit, and colour me impressed.


So much so that I might actually get some painting done tonight, lets see though...






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  • 3 weeks later...

So another brief period away, another small bit of progress in the slow (and methodical) painting of the army. I've got a bit of progress and the first squad of Terminators is looking a bit more finished. Still loads to go on them, but since I've joined up with the Badab War challenge, I've got to get this squad done by the end of the month.


So, one battle damaged unit coming up, that currently looks like this








I have got to work out some colours for shoulder pads and other minor details, whether to go with the standard shoulder pad colours from IA10, or to go for one of the other clans and incorporate more black or silver, depending on which War Clan I go for.


But its progress at least, which is always good ;)




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