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Titan opinions

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Hey you guys I was wondering if I could get some opinions on a titan, as Ive learned that you are more "admech savy"? It's a titan Ive been designing and havent had very many people respond to it, so im coming to the xperts. If you would like to check it out or give your opinion, click on the first link in my signature, its the lion one.
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Name one Imperial Titan that moves on 4 legs? There has been an Eldar "Bright Stallion" Knight titan on 4 legs, but Imperial seems to like the bipedal form. Human-centric view of the Universe, I would think.


The 'limitation' of being lower to the ground in dense urban terrain and thus not having as good field of fire is.... well, how many Apoc games have you actually seen with such terrain, that would block a Warlord's LOS? Not much out there does, oh, sure, the occasional infantry unit can hide behind a building, but nothing would draw LOS to them in any case...


Build it, then make appropriate rules for it. I'm sure no one would mind then...

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Name one Imperial Titan that moves on 4 legs? There has been an Eldar "Bright Stallion" Knight titan on 4 legs, but Imperial seems to like the bipedal form. Human-centric view of the Universe, I would think.


The 'limitation' of being lower to the ground in dense urban terrain and thus not having as good field of fire is.... well, how many Apoc games have you actually seen with such terrain, that would block a Warlord's LOS? Not much out there does, oh, sure, the occasional infantry unit can hide behind a building, but nothing would draw LOS to them in any case...


Build it, then make appropriate rules for it. I'm sure no one would mind then...


Hey, remember the lion, as well as the eagle, and cherub, are imperial symbols of purity and righteousnous. And I did name one, the one you looked at :lol: . And far as build first ask later, I would rather not waste my whole summer on something I cant use.

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