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Hey you guys, this is a clip of something Ive been writing, and Im looking for feedback as to wether anyone would like it.


Ezekiel fell to his knees, and time itself seemed to have stopped around him. His eye rolled back in pain as something seemed to tear apart his mind and soul. Then a voice came crashing down upon him like thunder, ancient and full of rage, "You shall not pry into my soul psyker!" Ezekiel's soul shook with every word, and he struggled to comprhend his whereabouts."You, nor any other fool that gets in my way shall be left standing of you continue to refuse me! Now take me to him!"


I know its short but what do you guys think?


P.S.- Its involving the DA's later on in the story, it is not about them. :)

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There really isn't that much to comment on. There's a few spelling mistakes ('of' instead of 'if', comprehend missing an 'e'). The Liber Comniscor is a very slow subforum at the best of times and you should really write a fair bit more if you want to attract comments.
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