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Black Fists Space Marines

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For those of you first joining us in the quest to complete madness (not really) please feel free to read this first post, then do whatever you want. :D Posted on January 1st, 2011, 4AM. PST. :)

Sorry for the ridiculously red color...

And I will hopefully be adding more to the following fluff. For more, you can read my chapters on the "War for Atalcina"

War for Atalcina, part 1

War for Atalcina, part 2

Black Fists War Organization Chart for the two chapters

The Black Fists are a chapter that descends directly from the honored Imperial Fists. Sister chapters with the Black Templars and the Crimson Fists, the Black Fists combine both paint schemes of the chapters. The chapter badge comes directly from the Imperial Fists, with crossing triangles in the background represent both the Black Templars and Crimson Fists intertwined in brotherhood.


Founded in the year M37 from a surplus of tactical units, the Black Fists spent five decades training members to be specialized with devastator weaponry and in the form of rapid assault. Although the newly formed chapter had little to no experience in battle, Chapter Master Andre Cortola was soon to remedy that by bringing the Black Fists to battle with the dark treachery of Chaos.


After several incidents, the brothers who performed at a greater level of weaponry skill and tactics, were soon seen as the chapter’s elite. Chapter Master Andre Cortola soon made a point of forming proper companies after seeing initial performance of the marines. Following the strict Codex Astartes, Cortola soon had ten companies at full strength under his command.

Although the chapter closely followed the Codex Astartes, Cortola had put in an extra squad in his elite First Company. By doing so, he had ten extra marines to bolster the attack of the core force. The First would always move as one, soon to be known throughout the chapter and the home systems as Cortola’s Hammer was swift to bring destruction to the enemies of the Holy Emperor.


The chapter itself is a master of siege tactics. No match for the Imperial Fists themselves, the Black Fists have been known to hold citadels under siege for years, eventually flushing out the enemy from within. The commanders of the Black Fists are well versed in tactical planning, rehearsing every movement before it happens.


The Black Fists embrace the Codex Astartes readily, and receive training of all aspects of combat as written by Roboute Guilleman.


Once recruits are selected, their criminal record is examined, and they undergo a battery of tests: musculature, psychological profile, psychic level, eye reflexes, intelligence, the ability to shoot, pain resistance, and dexterity. If they manage to pass that, they face extreme heat, cold, empty space, and any other condition they may face on any warzone. The severity of testing increases along the way. If the initiate passes, he becomes a cadet and the symbol of the Black Fists is marked on his left shoulder. Then begins the indoctrination, training and the actual surgery that will make them Marines. After the initiation ceremony, the cadet's family is informed that their child has become a Space Marine to ensue a matter of pride in the families.


The 1st company always marches together as one, with the Captain of the Company always being the Chapter Master as well. As with the Crimson Fists, it is considered a bad omen to march to battle with less than a full veteran company.


The Black Fists have always had close ties with the Imperium and the Inquisition. They have contributed many warriors to the kill-teams of the Ordo Xenos, being renowned Ork fighters. Many of these kill-team warriors have made their way back into the chapter, and even into the veteran company.


Chapter master Cortola is a veteran of over three hundred battles, most of which are against the foul Orks. He has battled against Orks so often that he knows how the greenskins think. He can predict their movements and where they’ll have emplacements. This wealth of knowledge has been well used during several large wars, such as the Waaagh Hargrutz and the Gragnutz uprising.


Taking one thousand fresh recruits, Cortola made way on the Battlebarge Knights Glory to find a new homeworld close to Terra. Eventually landing on Abregado, a lush planet with a large indigenous human population. They did not have the technology yet to venture into space, but they had been visited by many ambassadors of the Imperium, and they knew well of the Space Marines.


The chapter moved as a whole to the planet of Abregado to construct a fortress monastery, and by doing so, duly populated the planet. The first few years after constructing their monastery went to recruiting from the entire planet’s population, recruiting around three-hundred neophytes to become scouts, though only two-hundred and fifty survived the initial tests administered by the chapter.


The first company, or Cortola’s Hammer, travels around the universe as one force together, lead by Cortola himself. They travel in one of the chapter’s strike cruisers Victory’s Grasp which always seems to get them to the planets surface in one piece, not once being attacked in the Warp and always getting them through planetary defenses. The company always descends to the planets surface via drop pod or teleportation. After an initial drop point is secured, Thunderhawks will bring down Land Raiders, Rhinos and Razorbacks for the company to move to the next warzone in.


The company has scored several hundred victories, from small incursions in-system, to aiding in the Third War for Armageddon.


This post was started on August 12, 2009 on Ammobunker Forums. :o

So with my first chapter, The Royal Redeemers, and the most recent, The Sapphire Saints, both have almost failed miserably. In fact, the Sapphire Saints didn't really fail...yet, but I was having a very hard time coming up with a chapter icon. I was surfing the B&C boards, and saw several AMAZING Imperial Fists armies, like Shaw3029 and Inquisitor Engel's. I decided to make my new chapter, the Black Fists, be a successor of them. Obviously by the name, they're a mix between the Black Templars and the Crimson Fists.


The Chapter as of December 22nd, 2010 There is another Thunderbolt, but it was presently in a box to be shipped to Australia, but thanks to eBay, it didn't actually sell...



Chapter Master Andre Cortola. WIP




Squad Prometheus.

The members of Sternguard Veteran squad Prometheus have been hand selected by Sergeant Andromedus. Each member has been in the squad for over a century. They have all had extensive training with every weapon in the Space Marine arsenal, though they are highly specialized in all forms melta weaponry more so than any other. As Prometheus was a being of fire, they use the burning might of melta weaponry to take down their foes.




Three Dreadnoughts, unfinished.



Land Raider Exterminus. WIP






Chapter Banner. WIP








Thanks for stopping by. I hope you've enjoyed the quick burst of pictures. Feel free to skim the thread for the other pictures, or just skip to the end, and drop a cent or two. :)



Have a nice year.



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Tough crowd X-P I figure you've already seen this stuff already though.

I've done some more on the next 5 Terminators. I'm using Novogord from Ammobunker's technique/idea of painting a couple marines at a time, and I indeed do get better results, faster =-D I started with the two from the right, and I'm slowly moving left, still semi-assembly line. Things like eyes and bone-colored parts I did as one, as I had excess paint, and I wanted them uniform. But the extreme highlights and leg-piston-things I did individually.

The two on the right are almost done. Just need metallics, purity seal-reds and scrollwork, stone parts, lights and pretty-ifying bases!


I've been working on the standard, and I've put maybe 8 coats of bone on it, and its still not a solid color...this is a pain =-P

I like them, then again you can't go worng with Son's of Dorn.


My only comment is that the name "Black Fists" with a fist banner just makes me think of the Black Panthers from the 70's but maybe its just me.


Side note: Love the bress on the basses did you get those from the ebay guy that makes mini bolter brass or did you make them youself?

YAY a reply!! I'm excited =-D

Son's of Dorn indeed =-D

I think maybe the Black Panthers thing is just you X-D I wasn't around then, and my history classes never really covered them, so it never came to mind.

Side note response: You mean...theres someone who makes these things!!?!? Man, that would have saved a bit of work X-P I just got some plasticard rod, and cut bajillions (82) =-D I guess its cheaper than professionally made ones...but the quality isn't as good =-P

Have I ever told you I hate sculpting?

I need to sculpt a Fist on the a Black Templar shoulder pad..which is inky dinky...

Some tests.



They got simpler as they got smaller...but they also got worse =-P I'm waiting for Son of Nocturne at the Bolter and Chainsword to post his tutorial for these, so I can see if its any easier =-D

I may look into that. The Antipope from Ammobunker sent me a couple of links for the Imperial Fist upgrade packs from GW! Which I overlooked when I made my bitz order X-(


In related news.....

Great success!



And since all marines have bolters and bolt pistols, I was able to convert this guy to be in my Sternguard Squad.


I don't know where I got the left handed bolter from...but its awesome! =-D

Haaa. no. < thanks for the praise though. I made his doo out of greenstuff. I'm a fan of dark skinned marines, and their hairdos.


I guess I should paint him up next, so people will stop getting that 'space wolf' feel X-D


I'm just about done with my squad now! I just need to do the Crux Terminatus, which I'm waiting to find a good tutorial on them first, and maybe some weathering. And a whole lot of small details, like the sergeant's eye, leaves around the chest piece, and text on the armor and purity seals. And paint the rim of the bases.



Have I ever told you how much I hate metal minis? I converted the MKII Veterans to be part of my Sternguard Squad....that took forfrickenever. I spent at least an hour and a half cutting off the first guy's left arm. The second one was done within minutes, and the third, I used a drill on, and moved much quicker!

Its times like this where I wish I could borrow someone's Dremel... =-(

I tried to keep the cut clean, but I just got fed up with my xacto, and started using my Leatherman and clippers...what a pain!



I finally found use for those Devastators I bought a while back as well!



I'm finally happy I'm done with these...now...paint...ugh.


Not much from the audience...

I love band camp ;-D We had hella fun..and being a Senior just made it so much MORE fun! Screwing with Freshman...haha. Hella fun.


I managed to put base coats on my Sternguard.


I'm starting to get really excited about these Multi-Melta marines...I think they look good.

So I did something horribly bad...I went and bought a whole bunch of stuff... =-(

I bought the Space Hulk White Dwarf, and Planetstrike book. As well as 12, 30mm bases, and 8 40mm bases. I had also preordered the Deathwatch Conversion kit, and the Thunderhammer kit.

$50something...dammit...I need a job...



Has anyone bought this Thunderhammer kit before? I'm not sure if its supposed to come with right arms or not, for the Shields.



So tonight, I went out to play Commando with my friends. Commando, if you don't know, is a huge game of tag. You get from landmark A, a school, to landmark B, another school, about 2 miles away. At night. And you're running from people on cars, and they chase you down, and drag you into their car. Its dangerous, and fun as hell.

I almost made it to the end, but I was about 30 feet away, and I tripped on a stump B) (it was pitch black, and i was running hella fast from a truck) and ate $#!T, and I wasn't wearing a shirt.....and it kinda hurts bad... Screwed up my knee hella bad too. =-P Hella fun. BUT I made it!! :D


I think..I think (Unless you guys think they could use more work) I finished the tabbards on my guys. I'm not super pleased, but I hate tabbards, and I don't want to mess with them any more! :verymad:



And while I was at it, I went and painted the head on dreadlock guy, since once I highlight the blue, it'll be a pain in the arse to get to....and now you know hes actually black, and not a Space Wolf.



What do you think? I might end up updating tonight again, if I make enough progress! Which would be rad. <<<Californian, I can say that :D

Look what I found hiding behind the Exterminus!


It had a few Dark Angel icons on it, but I scraped those off, and did the best I could to smooth off the sections..I might end up having to do some sort of weathering or something. <<< I need to buy/skim through at the store the How to Paint Tanks book. I saw something on how to do bullet holes and melta damage and stuff which I want to try on this tank =-D


Tybrus...I tried to put some different shades in my Rasta's hair and skin tones. < Fail. I'll try again later.



Star Wars was my first love (After Thomas the Tank Engine and LEGO (But LEGO are still ranked #1)) and I doodled this up..not too great, but hey...thats why I paint =-D



And I stole my sister's computer back, some Dell creation..a couple years old..so I plan on taking out the 'obsolete' parts, and replacing them. Starting with the HD..because last time I had it in my room...I loaded countless amounts of virusi in it... =-D

So much for weathering...

The initial, 2 second-made design.


I don't understand it, the blue on the Land Raider seems to be a bit lighter/grayer...

I sprayed black, then I basecoated black, then I drybrushed with Codex Gray...I'm not super pleased with the results..yet






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