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  • 2 weeks later...

+++TO+++ ----> High Marshal Renaud de Chatillion

+++FROM+++ ----> Castellan Ignathus Furor, 14th redemptionist crusade, Cadian Sector

+++TRANSMITTED+++ ----> via Adept Primus Azoth, 80182004.m42

+++THOUGHT+++ ---->Failure is Heresy.


Castellan Ignathus of the 14th redemptionist crusade reporting for duty sir.


For 99 Centuries, we have brought the Emperors light to the darkness.


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Chaplain Retrimann reporting as ordered. 13th Crusade has been delayed for too long by the actions of the Ordo Mallius. Those heretic psykers attempted to re-rout our noble bretheren to Nemesis Teresa, but I am pleased to report the annihlation of said scum. The Cadian Gate is but days away, according to the astropaths.
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Guest HighMarshalThrawn

Taking up the Rear.


High Marshall Thrawn of the Son's of Sigismund Successor Chapter


Zeig Heil! ::cuss:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sword Brother Jeramakus, Castellan and Major Domo to Marshal Nimbus Seese and the Gethsemane Crusade (ref. Gothic War, Gethsemane, Admiral Ravensburg, Black Crusade, et al) reporting in. The Crusade has been mustered and is battle-proven. However, heavy losses were sustained during the recent Chaos incursion (ref. Abaddon the Despoiler, Eye of Terror, Black Crusade) and are in the process of being replaced...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Marshall Fetus Fajitas of the Aquilas Crusade reporting in----------------------


Hail The Emperor, Dorn, and Sigismund!!!!------------------------------------------


Current Thought : how much would it cost to buy a candy bar in Cadia???---


END TRANSMISSION----------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • 3 weeks later...

Reverant Brother Chaplain Laertes of the Vortigern Crusade.


My forces stand at the ready and will move at your will to crush the foes of the enemy!


In our geneseed we are joined.

In battle we are made brothers.

We consecrate our brotherhood in blood and in glory we celebrate our faith.

Even in death we never die alone.

The Emperor, the Chapter, our Battle Brothers, our Pride...there is nothing else.

We offer our lives.

We can offer no more.





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**Thought of the day: Honor is everything, pain is nothing.**


Greetings brothers...

I request your forgiveness, the Second Omnia Crusade became embroiled within a warp storm of significant magnitude shortly after deployment and we have been delayed there until only recently. Upon emergence from the storm, I submitted myself and my brethren to the Inquisition so as they may examine us for any corruption of a heretical nature that we may have suffered during our trip through the warp. The Inquisition has cleared us for duty, and with pride and zeal do we return to the Emperor's Service.


The Omnia Crusade stands ready for combat. I joy do I commit my soul to the memory of Dorn and Sigismund. I hereby do pledge my eternal service to the Emperor of Man.


**End Transmission**

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Message type: Script

From: Grand Marshal Naemi, the Novae-Castillus

Astropathic-duct: Sanctioned Conveerian


Tought of the day: May the souls of the treacherous bur nin the pyres of damnation for an eternity.



I, Grand Marshal Kordan Naemi of the Polaris Crusade reports that all my subordinates are standing ready to smite the Foe.


The two Fortress-Barges; the Rhosslen-Castillus and the Novae-Castillus is currently making their way for Tau space.


Chaplain-Castellan Bael would be most exited to be honoured with a visit from you, Sanctum Templar Polaris is beautiful this time of the year.



/ Naemi

Edited by LordXaras
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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't think I have ever done this....


The 16th Holy Crusade of St. James answers your call to duty...


Our forces are well trained and rested. We are prepared to enter any battle and slay any foe which opposes the Emperor of Mankind. Our forces are currently battling Chaos contigents which are occasionally outbursting from the Eye of Terror. Most recently dispatching a pestilence infested force of Nurgle and a recently lost and damned force of Cadians which were swallowed in the great battles for Cadia.


Brother Marshal Gideon leads our Crusade in the name of Dorn, Sigismund, and the Emperor. Brother Chaplain Panos has lead our troops on and off the battlefield through prayer and example. Haden the Exalted (Champion of the Emperor) has made it his duty to smite the most spectacular of foes the enemy can muster.


Our crusade will forever serve the Emperor's Will...

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  • 2 weeks later...

a little late but...


Greetings Brothers,


Sword Marshal Tiberius reporting. I am leading the Estolad Crusade under the exaulted guidance of our High Marshal, who has supplenmented my forces with his own elite cadre of Sword Brethern. In addition, we have been joined by our brother chapters the Imperial Fists and the Crimson Fists. Our holy crusade seeks to intercept an Ork armada en route to the Donian Sector, intent on using the sub sector forge worlds as a base for the mustering of a horde precalculated to be comparable in size to Ghazghkulls forces on Armagedon. This would be union of warbands will be halted and purged. Inhabited planets have been notified but have denied our recommendation for immediate evacuation. Instead they prepare for war. The blood of Dorn must flow strong in thier veins.


Tiberius out...



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Marshal Amadeus of the 12th Pyrean Crusade reporting in, SIR!


By the Holy Emperor's Almighty Will, we have successfully purged Inar IV of the last vestiges of the mysterious xenos know as "Dark Eldar," and are currently in warp transit to our next campaign.



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