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Icon of Undivided for the smaller squads. Larger squads benefit from high points cost by using Icon of Khorne and Icon if Nurgle respectively for the stat bonuses. Usually, they act well in escorting HQ's on bikes.


Toughness 6 or extra attacks in melee to make up for their high cost to some degree. Twin melta+powerfist champ is the norm when taking them in larger units. Otherwise, flamers may be worthwhile in 3-size units.


(Ib4 negative "bikes sucks" comments)

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I think 6 is a good # for Bikes. Personally I would only really use them if I was wanting to use a Bike HQ and wanted an Escort.


So 6 with Icon of Undivided most likely, x2 Meltas, PF.


Personally I usually go with Raptors, but bikes are pretty cool.

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Like razorback I believe the STC template was lost or they had not been invented yet, just like whirlwinds and landspeeders. But do they have defilers? No. Double assualt weapons...no. I rest my case, we rein supreme, because we don't follow the rules of those fools that follow the false emperor. And what are bikes good for? Delivering demons, it dicey, but turbo, and manuver and then when they are available, bam drop 20 demons right behind him and watch carnage ensue, also as previously stated with melta and fist load out they are bad tankhunters, tohugh they gotta kill a few to make up their points lol.
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both whirlwinds and LS were there durning the heresy and bikes too [including attack bikes, even jet bikes were used , its the loyalist who lost paterns like the superior jump pack chaos raptors used to have].



as using big bike units goes. there is a lot of problems with them even when you go past the non scoring/not better in hth then zerkers or csm/pms for more points. first of all its the size of the base and the model . they are really big so a 6-8 man biker unit will be hit a lot more by blast weapons then a unit of sloggers . the fact that blast weapons are offten str7+ and ap 3 or lower doesnt help here as it more or less nullifies any buffs biker have [faster and higher T]. turbo bosting doesnt help here as after boosting they cant charge or or shot and boosting within 16-18" of unit you want to charge next turn signals the move to your enemy [he just moves back 2-3" inches and your out of range] and if you get closer you get hit by counter units and cover doesnt work in hth.

As a hth unit [that cost a lot of points] they really have problems with other hth units [assault termis or DPs for example] . giving them icons other then IoCU is a very dangrous move . IF they fail a test , your offten losing an HQ too and tons of points.


all in all a bad unit , but thats nothing new chaos doesnt really have a viable FA choice.

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I deploy 1 unit of 5 bikes with pfist and dual melta. Im considering getting a 2nd group of 5 because I loves them so much with the same/similar configuration..


i'd avoid plasma guns on them however, because for a 48 pt model (58 with mark of nurgle) it's too much of a risk to have them die to their own gun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a similar interest. I've got a pretty decent base list. But I want to expand, try new things. And I've been considering Bikes


My initial plan:

A squad of 5

  • 2x Melta-gun
  • 1x Champ w/ Power fist.

Deployment / Tactics

  • Use them as a primary Tank / Armor hunting force.
  • I'm thinking Turbo Boost round 1, getting as close as possible.
  • I figure this will do two things for me:
    • 1) Set me up for a turn 2 Shoot (get them within half max range to take advantage of the Melta) and Assault (with an emphasis on the Power Fist)

    • 2) Provide my opponent with a new variable (that's already in his face) he can either ignore, or deal with

If my Opponent chooses to ignore them, I've got a unit in a great position to hit his Armor Hard.

If he chooses to "deal" with it, I'm curious how successful the 4(5) toughness, and +3 Cover (for Turbo Boost) is to preserve this unit while they endure the inevitable fire coming in.


I deploy 1 unit of 5 bikes with pfist and dual melta. Im considering getting a 2nd group of 5 because I loves them so much with the same/similar configuration..


i'd avoid plasma guns on them however, because for a 48 pt model (58 with mark of nurgle) it's too much of a risk to have them die to their own gun.


based upon you're expirience;

how have you employed them?

And how survivable are they when taking large volumes of high Str shots, after Turbo Boost?

and what types of Armies have you used your bikes against?

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I tried a unit or 4 bikes a couple of times when this dex 1st came out. Didn't do too well considering their pts cost IMO. Maybe if I had used a larger squad, they would have done better...but that would have increased the cost even more.
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I tried a unit or 4 bikes a couple of times when this dex 1st came out. Didn't do too well considering their pts cost IMO. Maybe if I had used a larger squad, they would have done better...but that would have increased the cost even more.

How did you employ them? Tank Hunters? Close Combat?

How did you equip them? Melta? Plasma? Champ with a Power Fist?

Did you try the Turbo Boost? How well did the +3 Cover save help?

What armies did your opponents play? Orks? Imperial Guard? Space Marines? Tau? ????


It would seem that if you don't use the Turbo Boost (+3 Cover Save) special rule the Bikes have, you really miss out on the biggest advantage of that type of unit.

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I like bikers.

But they are too expensive in the Chaos codex.


I've had to resort to count as CSM codex using the loyalist rules set. For the whole biker theme.


But in my exp. with biker, size is 5-6.

They are able in combat (unlike Loyalists) so you should plan on them being in combat at some point.

They are first and foremost special weapon delivery.


Which then results in this:

Do you want to suppliment the list, or do you want to compliment the list. The answer to that question usually is the answer to what special weapon you will want to get.

IMO don't go too crazy on them, they are not the bread and butter of the chaos list, that is reserved for troop choices.


My 7 Cents.

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But in my exp. with biker, size is 5-6.

They are able in combat (unlike Loyalists) so you should plan on them being in combat at some point.

They are first and foremost special weapon delivery.


Which then results in this:

Do you want to suppliment the list, or do you want to compliment the list. The answer to that question usually is the answer to what special weapon you will want to get.

IMO don't go too crazy on them, they are not the bread and butter of the chaos list, that is reserved for troop choices.

I'm tracking about not being the core of the unit.

The way I plan to employ them, They should help draw my opponents attention away from my Troops.

At the same time be able to deliver a couple of Meltas into 1/2 max range of some armor (thus taking advantage of the Melta rule).


I think 5 bikes with 2x Meltas and Champ with Power Fist comes in less than 250pts.

For the potentially "FAST" destruction they could reap, this seems like a reasonable value. I just want to ensure they'll at least survive long enough to kill something (Big, hopefully).

I know I could get another 10 CSMs with a Rhino for less than 250pts. But they most likely wouldn't be able to Assault on Turn 2, like Bikers would.


I'm not worried about them being in Close Combat. If they live that long, and get stuck in with someone's troops, that's another plus.

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I use a squad of 3 bikers.. Yes its not much but I use them to attract attention even for their points they can do SICK damage if you can get them in close enough.


3 bikers

upgrade to asp champ with a power weapon and a mark of nurgle for the extra toughness. so yes it is VERY expensive unit.. HOWEVER.......


I pick a side of the table.. Turbo boost them up giving them a cover save in addition to having a unbelievable toughness save.. I get them up close and personal drawing fire while my rhinos make their way in.. It is a great attention draw... Most of my army lists are very much IN YOUR FACE by turn two.. Running a deamon prince with wings.. Infiltrating Chosen.. Squad of ML Havoc. It gives far too many targets that if they dont all get addressed quickly can grow to be a BIG pain in the but. Not to mention a squad of oblits.


I have used my bike squad to take down or tie up other squads.. They are also really usefull for objective capture and table control.

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I tried a unit or 4 bikes a couple of times when this dex 1st came out. Didn't do too well considering their pts cost IMO. Maybe if I had used a larger squad, they would have done better...but that would have increased the cost even more.

How did you employ them? Tank Hunters? Close Combat?

How did you equip them? Melta? Plasma? Champ with a Power Fist?

Did you try the Turbo Boost? How well did the +3 Cover save help?

What armies did your opponents play? Orks? Imperial Guard? Space Marines? Tau? ????


Now you are asking alot of me :D ...like I said, it was when this dex 1st came out, that was what ? 2-3 years ago ?

The only one of those Q's I can answer for certain, is that they had a PW not a PF (b/c of the way the fig is modeled).

I also don't think I could have used turbo boost b/c it was durning the old rules ed. and I don't think sm & csm bikes could turbo boost (only eldar & D/E). And I know they didn't wk too well IMO b/c I stopped using them.

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Bike capturing obj. and table control?


I'll take it these are home grown missions/adapted missions from last edition.


Anyway, true, they can be used as 'last' turn objective contesting.

Though with ICON of nurgle, it's still overcosted for what you get.

The moment they engage is the turn they will most likely die, low model count doesn't help them either.


Certainly engaging the opponent with your whole army at the same time is good, but it's just, the points could be better spent on something that can do as good of a job if you are running chosen and mech as the rest of your army.


My 7 Cents.

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have you played using bikes before? if so:

How did you employ them? Tank Hunters? Close Combat?

How did you equip them? Melta? Plasma? Champ with a Power Fist?

Did you try the Turbo Boost? How well did the +3 Cover save help?

What armies did your opponents play? Orks? Imperial Guard? Space Marines? Tau? ????


I use a squad of 3 bikers.. Yes its not much but I use them to attract attention even for their points they can do SICK damage if you can get them in close enough.


3 bikers

upgrade to asp champ with a power weapon and a mark of nurgle for the extra toughness. so yes it is VERY expensive unit.. HOWEVER.......


I pick a side of the table.. Turbo boost them up giving them a cover save in addition to having a unbelievable toughness save.. I get them up close and personal drawing fire while my rhinos make their way in.. It is a great attention draw... Most of my army lists are very much IN YOUR FACE by turn two.. Running a deamon prince with wings.. Infiltrating Chosen.. Squad of ML Havoc. It gives far too many targets that if they dont all get addressed quickly can grow to be a BIG pain in the but. Not to mention a squad of oblits.


I have used my bike squad to take down or tie up other squads.. They are also really usefull for objective capture and table control.

For my own personal reasons, I'm trying to stay away from any Marks: Do you think you'd get the same results without the Mark of Nurgle, if you add two more bikes?


Is there anyone out there that has played against bikes?

That can offer some Battle Report type stats, ie. they were hard to kill when they used their Turbo Boost, I blew them off the table in turn one, etc.

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