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Paladin Knight Titan! (Finished!)(With Suprise!)


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Holy Crap. That was actually a pretty epic suprise!


As I was reading I thougth to myself "golly, he could do a few things to make this model look pretty great but he seems to be rushing a little...." Well you had to build 7 of the damn things!


It is so fantastic, it blows my mind. Good work!

Wow, so many replies! :(


HOLY $#%&! Wow that is AWESOME dude!!!
That is exactly the response I was looking for. You made my day! :D


An inspiration to those of us who like to do things cheap, often using recycled parts, and admire the quality therein.

Great job! I can't wait to get my hands dirty making a bunch of these over Christmas break!

Post some pics when you do! ;)


You dirty monkey!


Love 'em!

I would go grab a CoD set though and just throw some of the Gothic stuff on there. Just because you can.

Bit expensive to do that for all 7...


Wicked! Where did you get foamboard for £2? It's really expensive around me.

If you make another one, don't paint the googly eyes, that would look hilarious!

From a friend. I can't remember where he gets them from, but he gets them in packs of 10 so it's not useful for a one-off project.


Wow. My titan cost only about 6 quid but took alot longer to build one and was a lot harder (I think anyway!). I used plasticard and you foam board. Where is you local store. I wanna game!
I normally play in a club called 'Bracknell Forest Gamers', the nearest GW would be Reading. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in uni until Christmas. If you (or anyone else) seriously wants a match up with the households, send me a pm and I'll bring them to BFG a GW somewhere.


LOL! Epic surprise! :D

Dude, they are great. The eyes kinda make them orky, but it works. Hope they will see lots of action.

Orky? I was told they looked Necrony (think Tomb Spider (?))! The smooth surfaces gives them a Tau-y tang too...



I haven't explicitly answered to everyone, but thanks for all the replies!

Someone get a Apothecary to Dan, and to Shrike22: Succinct. I like.




EDIT: :) 4000 views!


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