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NIMGC-hosted 40k Halloween tournament!


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On Sunday, October 25th will be the annual Halloween tournament, hosted by the Northern Illinois Miniature Gaming Club! Come on out for some fun scenarios to get you in the mood for the holiday, as well as awesome prizes!


Our venue will be at the New Game In Town, located in the same place On-Board Games used to be at 811 W. Lincoln Hwy. The previous establishment was sold and about to close down when thankfully a regular bought it up. Their phone # is 815-517-0003, so if you have any questions, give them a call!


Give a shout here if you are interested in coming, or pm me.


Tournament Information

Date: Sunday, October 25th

Location: New Game In Town (811 W. Lincoln Highway, Dekalb, IL, 60115)

Length: 3 rounds, 2 hours per round

Time Start: 10:30 registration, 11:00 game 1

Entry Fee: $15 Entry for non-club members, $10 for club members

Size: 1500 points



1st Place: Space Hulk

2nd Place: GF9 Smoke and Fire bags

Best Sportsman: GF9 Brown Stuff


Tournament Rules

1. Tournament will use standard FOC's

2. 'What You See Is What You Get' (WYSIWYG) is in effect. That means all units must be easily identifiable as the particular codex choice they represent and that any and all weapons/options taken for a unit must be clearly represented on the model(s).

3. Forge World/Imperial Armor units are allowed in this tournament; however players may not use any flyers or units with mass/structure points. Players must also use the updates currently on FW's website for IA 1&2. We'll have them on hand.

4. Special/Unique/Named Characters may be fielded, provided their individual rules allow them to be used in armies of 1500pts or less

5. Bring everything you need to play: your codex, rulebook, dice, templates, ruler, and any other rules (such as FAQs) you’ll need.

6. You must bring two printed army lists, one for the judges and one for your reference. If you must handwrite it, make sure it’s legible for anyone.

7. The judge’s have the final say in anything.


Scenario Information/Special Rules to prepare for

Night Fight

Victory Points

Dusk - On the start of each game turn the first player rolls a dice; on a successful result, Night Fight rules come into effect immediately as the sun sets. Turn 1: 6; Turn 2: 5+; Turn 3: 4+; etc.

The Dead Rise! - Within 12" of a tombstone, all movement for non-vehicle, non-monstrous creature units is counted as difficult and dangerous terrain, as the prying, poisonous hands of the undead rise up to drag you down.

Miscommunication - No units can flank, outflank, or use any other special rule that allows them to come in off of any other table edge than the player's own long board edge.


33 Total Battle Points available.

Mission 1: Kill them All!

You're enemies; are they who they really are? Are they the undead? Best to make sure by putting a couple bullets in their heads!

Special Rules: Reserves, Deep Strike

Deployment: Dawn of War

Primary Objective: Victory Points

Secondary Objective: Land Grab (Table Quarters; You capture a quarter by having more units with 5+ models in it than your opponent does)

Tertiary Objective: Sever the Head (Kill the HQ unit in your opponent's army worth the most points)


Mission 2: The Tombstone of Power

Your psykers seem to be lacking power. You've heard that tombstones nearby can give them much needed juice. Make haste, as the night falls and you hear moans out in the dark...

Special Rules: Reserves, Deep Strike, Dusk, The Dead Rise!

Deployment: Spearhead

Primary Objective: Capture the Tombstone (Capture the objective in the center of the table in the same manner as those in the 40K rulebook)

Secondary Objective: Land Grab (Table Quarters; You capture a quarter by having more units with 5+ models in it than your opponent does)

Tertiary Objective: Sever the Head (Kill the HQ unit in your opponent's army worth the most points)


Mission 3: Survive!

What have you done?! You've released the evil in the night. Now you must fight to escape this world before it consumes you all!

Special Rules: Reserves, Deep Strike, Night Fighting, The Dead Rise!, Miscommunication

Deployment: Pitched Battle

Primary Objective: Escape! (Units escape by moving off the table edge. The winner is the one that has more units escape. This edge is either your opponent's table edge, or up to 6" along the short table edge from your opponent's table edge)

Secondary Objective: Land Grab (Table Quarters; You capture a quarter by having more units with 5+ models in it than your opponent does)

Tertiary Objective: Sever the Head (Kill the HQ unit in your opponent's army worth the most points)


Sportsman scores:

At the end of the day, you'll fill out a sheet listing each of your games and assign each a score based on how you liked playing each person.





1. Caleb

2. Rios

3. Paul (B&C)

4. Frizzel

5. Les

6. John B.

7. Mick Jaggard (AWC)

8. Ron Spaulding

9. Jeff Florido

10. Tim Waeyaert

11. Bryan Simpson

12. Delso

13. Greg Chyson

14. Jason Chyson

15. Josh Page

16. Cory Page

17. GrouchoM07 (AWC not sure of real name)

18. John Keene

19. Kyle Goetten

20. Jim

21. Chris (signed up thru store)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm incredibly sorry about the scenario wait (usually nobody knows them until the day of anyway so I don't see the problem) but here they are!


33 Total Battle Points available.


Mission 1: Kill them All!

You're enemies; are they who they really are? Are they the undead? Best to make sure by putting a couple bullets in their heads!

Special Rules: Reserves, Deep Strike

Deployment: Dawn of War

Primary Objective: Victory Points

Secondary Objective: Land Grab (Table Quarters; You capture a quarter by having more units with 5+ models in it than your opponent does)

Tertiary Objective: Sever the Head (Kill the HQ unit in your opponent's army worth the most points)


Mission 2: The Tombstone of Power

Your psykers seem to be lacking power. You've heard that tombstones nearby can give them much needed juice. Make haste, as the night falls and you hear moans out in the dark...

Special Rules: Reserves, Deep Strike, Night Fighting, The Dead Rise!

Deployment: Spearhead

Primary Objective: Capture the Tombstone (Capture the objective in the center of the table in the same manner as those in the 40K rulebook)

Secondary Objective: Land Grab (Table Quarters; You capture a quarter by having more units with 5+ models in it than your opponent does)

Tertiary Objective: Sever the Head (Kill the HQ unit in your opponent's army worth the most points)


Mission 3: Survive!

What have you done?! You've released the evil in the night. Now you must fight to escape this world before it consumes you all!

Special Rules: Reserves, Deep Strike, Night Fighting, The Dead Rise!

Deployment: Pitched Battle

Primary Objective: Escape! (Units escape by moving off the table edge. The winner is the one that has more units escape. This edge is either your opponent's table edge, or up to 6" along the short table edge from your opponent's table edge)

Secondary Objective: Land Grab (Table Quarters; You capture a quarter by having more units with 5+ models in it than your opponent does)

Tertiary Objective: Sever the Head (Kill the HQ unit in your opponent's army worth the most points)


Sportsman scores:

At the end of the day, you'll fill out a sheet listing each of your games and assign each a score based on how you liked playing each person.

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Also, there will be a few themed tables to play on! We're looking at the following tables for now:


Rumble in the Jungle - Deep jungle terrain.

City of Death - Just as it says, a board covered with city terrain (might be two of these).

Blasted landscape - an area ravaged by war and death

The Chasm - Bridges across a deep chasm.

Feudal World - Flashback to WHFB!


If you would like to specifically play on one of these tables for the first mission, let us know and we'll see what we can do.


As it is, tables will have placed terrain, so please do your best not to move it. Thanks!

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The first post has been updated with all relevant/important information. We're overflowing now with participants, so if you want to come be sure to let me know so I have a table available!
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