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Silly question - what is undivided?


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I'm new to this and I've been reading many posts. Something that I'm seeing quite a bit is reference to "undivided", generally in reference to characters daemon weapons. Like "Daemon Prince undivided" or similar. Does this just mean that they don't get one of the chaos god marks? I was looking in my codex and it looks like a daemon weapon with no mark gets a +1 strength adder. Is that what's referred to as undivided?


Thanks and sorry for asking what's probably a super-simplistic question!

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It means Chaos undivided


There are different chaos gods







You can worship any one of those you choose specifically, so some followers, i.e. Khârn the Betrayer, follow Khorne, where as Typhus of the Death Gaurd, is a follower of Nurgle.


Abaddons black legion however, bears the mark of chaos undivided, so he worships all the chaos gods equally.


Black Legion

Iron Warriors

Night Lords

Word Bearers


All of the above space marine legions worship Chaos undivided.


In game terms, there is also a mark of chaos undivided with its attatched traits, similiary there is a mark of nurgle, khorne etc..

Mark of Khorne


The Mark of Khorne is given to those who follow Khorne and embrace the Chaos god's particular ways. They are fearless and devastating in close combat, often in a blood-crazed frenzy and disdaining any form of ranged warfare. They hate any form of psychic power, seeing it as weakness and are often armed with chainaxes.1


In Dawn of War Khorne Berzerkers can be upgraded with the Mark of Khorne which causes nearby enemies to flee, their morale broken.3.

Mark of Slaanesh


The Mark of Slaanesh is a mark that drives the bearer to fulfill Slaanesh's undying hunger for pleasure. The bearer is addicted to seeking out new pleasures and are often cloaked in a supernatural glamour to disturb their adversaries. The most common bearers of this mark are the Noise Marines of the Emperor's Children.1

Mark of Nurgle


The Mark of Nurgle is given to Nurgle's greatest followers and they become a living host to the powers of death and decay. Units with the Mark of Nurgle are likely to become Plague Marines, gifted with extra bulk and resilience, making them much harder to kill. They are horrible to look at and are a bane on all life.1

Mark of Tzeentch


The Mark of Tzeentch is given to the followers of Tzeentch and bestows psychic powers on the bearer. The greatest followers of Tzeentch are the Thousand Sons, bodiless animated piles of armour which have become a constant force, never changing.1

Mark of Chaos Ascendant


The Mark of Chaos Ascendant is a mark unique to Abaddon the Despoiler, a symbol of the favour he has earned from each of the Chaos Gods. The mark gives him the bonuses of the marks of Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh. This mark is proof of the fact the gods have a plan for Abaddon, and as such he is immune to Instant Death.

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Brother Chaplain was very good on his explanation of Undivided vs Cult worship.


As far as those units that fall under the umbrella of Undivided, it varies widely.


Word Bearers are intensely religous, worshipping all the gods equally but even more than that they worship the raw power that is Chaos/the warp.


Black Legion tend to shift their respective worship to whatever god will help them at the moment, and might have multiple squads following a variety of gods at any one time.


Iron Warriors tend to respect the dark gods as powerful beings, but do not worship them. Chaos is a partner or a tool, not a diety.


Night Lords and Alpha Legion have very little to do directly with Chaos. They both see religous worship as a weakness (of both Chaos and the Imperium) and tend to rely on their own power/intellect to carry the day. That being said, there is some evidence that they use Chaos as a tool as well.

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There was a big fuss about it some time back.


It's GW's lack of protocol that gets them into these jams. We were supposed to have 5 major chaos gods including Malal. The dude pulled out when they thought he would stay, simply because they didnt bind him to a contract before starting to use the name and fluff. They canned it in 2nd ed.

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man that was a llllllllllllooooong time ago. i kinda remember somthing about that. i remember the first codex. it was a book that had all armies in it. even squats! and everyone pretty much were able to get teh same weapons. then dark millenium came out and all teh specific codices. second edition was awesome and complex like fantasy. it still baffles me i remember most of those rules and still remember stats and points costs. i was 10 yrs old when i started that lol
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