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Going up against Necrons 1600 pts


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Hey Guys,


Here's the deal: I'll be playing against my friend in a few weeks and it's going to be 1600 pts Necrons vs Khorne.


I haven't had the chance to play much with the new chaos dex and 5th edition so I'm asking for your help.


I'm hoping you can give me some advice on how to use what I've got against what potentially he will have. Maybe even some basic advice for fighting necrons.


Here's my list:


HQ: 410 pts


Lord: MoK, Bloodfeeder, personal Icon




Greater Deamon


Elites: 250 pts


2x Dread: Plasma cannon, heavy flamer, extra armor


Troops: 939 pts


3x Berzerkers (8): Powerfist, personal icon, Rhino


1x Lesser deamons (8)


1x Lesser deamons (7)



Now, he has:


Necron Lord and one with destroyer body, Deceiver


10 immortals, 10 pariahs, 30-40 warriors, 14 flayed ones, 3 wraiths, 5 destroyers, 3 heavy destroyers, monolith, tomb spider.




So yeah, any advice is welcome! Thanks in advance!

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Assuming he takes all the warriors, flayed ones, destroyers, lord, ect. his phase out is 19.


You don't have enough anti tank to deal with the monolith, so ignore it and go after the warriors.


Basically go after the warriors and try to kill as many as you can. Then you can phase out his entire army.


I'm actually not a huge fan of your list. Those dreads can easily go crazy and hurt your own guys... especially with plasma. With cc weapons this is not as big a deal. Never really cared for lesser demons but that is just me, and the bloodfeeder is a great way to kill yourself. When it works... it works, but it hurts you over a 4th of the time.



Treat the immortals and warriors the same, anything you have can easily take them in hth combat. Great place to send your lords.


Flayed Ones and Wraith are good in hth, but not really that good. Wraith have 3+ inv saves and high str so don't bother throwing the lord or greater demon at them. Basic bezerkers can take care of them without to many problems, against wraith you just want to tally up a lot of wounds so they fail some, power weapons are pointless against them.


Bezerkers are also perfect for flayed ones. They make you take ld tests.... oh wait your fearless :) , and your a whole lot better in close combat. If he is smart he won't even bother bringing flayed ones against a khorne army.


Pariah: Scary on paper, not so scary on the battlefield. They lower your ld... but as noted bezerkers are fearless. They are equal with immortals at shooting, so don't try to outshoot them, but they are expensive, have a 3+save and don't come back to life. Only thing... they can be scary to your lord, and possibly the greater demon. They ignore all saves in clsoe combat, so don't send big expensive stuff after them. Bezerkers will do fine.


Destroyers: Fast moving with a lot of firepower. Get in close combat if you can, if you can't this is the place to unload those plasma cannon rounds.


Oh and the monolith will likely teleport warriors out of close combat with you and position them perfect to rapid fire on you. Be ready, it will happen, but like I said you don't have anything to deal with a monolith so ignore it and focus on the warriors.



If he brings the C'tan you lack the firepower to really kill it. You do have things that could kill it in hth, but you would loose a lot more points in the process than he would. Best bet if he brings one... tie it up with demons while the rest of your army focuses on trying to phase him out.

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I'm actually not a huge fan of your list. Those dreads can easily go crazy and hurt your own guys... especially with plasma. With cc weapons this is not as big a deal. Never really cared for lesser demons but that is just me, and the bloodfeeder is a great way to kill yourself. When it works... it works, but it hurts you over a 4th of the time.


This is my first Khorne list with the new codex so I actually want to try out the bloodfeeder! Knowing full well that with my luck it will probably backfire horribly... :woot:


I'm considering making the dreads CC only, so that would free up about 10 pts... If not CC, would you suggest another weapon?


The lesser deamons are there for what you suggested: tar pit for C'tan, finishing off a squad in CC or objective gathering while my berzerkers do the actual killing!


Thanks for the great advice! :)

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I'm considering making the dreads CC only, so that would free up about 10 pts... If not CC, would you suggest another weapon?


Well it doesn't hurt most things to take a hit from a combi bolter, the worst part is that you can't move if he goes crazy.


The other combination that is ok... not great, but also not as horrible as some other outcomes is a missile launcher and cc weapon. If he goes nutz and shoots your own guys, pick the type of missile least likely to do anything. Ex. Position a frag missile so it only hits 1 marine. Or if you are shooting a friendly tank shoot frag missiles. When shooting the enemy... well that is why you have krak.

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HI there. Im fairly new, having started with this Codex and 5th edition. I have played several games against a friend who plays nEcrons and is used to 4E. THe big diffferences: in 5E your tanks are even more vulnerable to Necron fire because everything he has can Glance vehicles; and the biggest one seems to be Cover Saves, which are omnipresent in 5E and most of our games seem to come down to who can make better use of cover.
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HI there. Im fairly new, having started with this Codex and 5th edition. I have played several games against a friend who plays nEcrons and is used to 4E. THe big diffferences: in 5E your tanks are even more vulnerable to Necron fire because everything he has can Glance vehicles


Um... this is actually the opposite. Necrons got worse at destroying vehicles. They have always been able to always glance vehicles on a roll of a 6, that has been the guass weapon's special rule since 3rd edition. Use to be a necron warrior could kill a LR by rolling 6s back to back. In 4th ed rolling a 6 on the glancing table was destroyed. Now rolling a 6 on the glancing table just immobalises.


Under 4th ed. 1 necron warrior vs LR. 2 shots hitting on 3s: 1.33 hits, needing a 6 to glance: .2222 glances needing a 6 to destroy: 3.7% chance of killing a LR. I know... that sucks, but now imagine 20 necron warriors all firing at once, odds improve, and a necron warrior was just as good against a LR as a rhino.


Under 5th, rolling a 6 on the glancing table won't do anything. To kill that LR the necrons would have to immobalise, and destroy every single weapon on the tank. Can be done, but it is 4(guns and immoablised result) or 5 times harder than it was before.


5th ed hurt necrons a lot when it came to killing tanks, which is only worse since every army is going mech. Now necrons will shake, stunn, break weapons, and immobalise your vehicles a lot, do be aware of that. They just have a hard time killing them. Use to be very few necron armies actually had heavy destroyers because they were not really needed that much. Now they are becoming a requirement in a necron army. Even the necron version of grenades glances on a 6. So its heavy destroyers, monolith particle whip(expensive), C'Tan(extremely expensive), or units with phase weapons(rare) for tank killing. Regular destroyers can kill light tanks, but are no more effective against heavy armor than the basic warriors.


PS My other army is necrons, and they aren't getting used till this problem is sorted out, either with an errata or a new codex.

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I'm sure my friend is aware of the differences between 4th and 5th, but I'll mention it just the same.


I have a question: if I win combat and sweep them, what happens? do they get their WBB? Can they be teleported by the monolith? I'm pretty sure he will have a lord with resurection orb so he will be doing lots of WBB, just want to make sure I understand the mechanics. :)


So let's see for tactics:


warriors/immortals/lord - Rush lords+zerkers towards them

C'Tan - tar pit lesser deamons

Monotlith - ignore


Dreads will support CC when able, shoot at destroyers when able?


I'm starting to see how my dreads can become a big liability if they get immobilised and start shooting my guys all the time... Well, I could use "counts as" with my other models... What would you suggest I put in for 250 pts? (I don't have a Land raider)

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Yeah, because GW fixes things


Oh I know... my third army is LatD. So of my three armies the only one that sees the table top is my IWs.


What would you suggest I put in for 250 pts?


Another squad in a rhino.


Bezerker squad would be fine.

8 bezerkers, champion, PW & meltabombs: 238pts. Change it to a power fist and throw on an icon if you want, doesn't matter, still fits.


I have a question: if I win combat and sweep them, what happens? do they get their WBB? Can they be teleported by the monolith? I'm pretty sure he will have a lord with resurection orb so he will be doing lots of WBB, just want to make sure I understand the mechanics.


I'm 90% sure they are gone if you catch them. It would be in the necron rule book on the page that talks about we'll be back. I highly doubt they get a WBB roll. Now if they fall back and you don't catch them... they might be able to go through the monolith I'm not sure, never really had that problem.

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I'm 90% sure they are gone if you catch them. It would be in the necron rule book on the page that talks about we'll be back. I highly doubt they get a WBB roll. Now if they fall back and you don't catch them... they might be able to go through the monolith I'm not sure, never really had that problem.


I'll check that out, I'll ask my friend to check his codex.


Would a squad of raptors be good? 8 guys, flamers? MoK for sure... I just would like a bit of diversity I guess :woot: They are still relatively fast, can hit hard and maybe Deep Strike next to a squad and soften it up before an assault?


The idea of playing with 4 identical squads makes me cringe :cry:

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