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Battle Report


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Well as promised here is a quick run down on the game i played monday vs the dreaded imperial guard.


My list.


Chaos Sorc W/warptime, doombolt, familiar, personal icon.


Possessed x12



CSM x12

IoCG, Heavy Bolter, Plasmagun


CSM x10

IoCG, Flamer, Meltagun

Champ W/power fist



Lesser Daemons x12

Lesser Daemons x12




Imperial Guard list.


General Longshanks (guy who liked to orbital bombard me constantly)


Four platoons

Piles of guns and stuff.


The heavy 20 lemun russ tank. Forgot the name


Normal lemun Russ




A valkrie with some veterans inside.


In our campaign we are all close friends so the lists tend to favor casual instead of "ZOMG TOURNY STOMP"

Anyhow here is the breakdown of the game. We had three objectives and it was table quarter deployment.





He won the "go first" roll and deferred the initial turn to me. I deployed everything other than the greater and lesser daemons. I kept everything in cover. The sorcerer joined the possessed squad and was placed up front and center, as close to the deployment zone as i could.I had one objective in my deployment area and one that was right on the mid board line. He also had one in his deployment zone. I placed my 12 man CSM squad on an objective in my deployment zone, the defiler halfway behind a building, the rhino behind the possessed.


He placed his stuff on his edge holding the one objective and kept a valkrie with some vets in reserve.


I was very aggressive my first turn and took a chance on some things. I moved the rhino in front of my possessed and gathered behind it a bit just to make sure i would get cover vs the lemun russ. I happened to roll up feel no pain so i didnt care much if anything else shot at them. My defiler moved up behind a small piece of cover, my rhino popped smoke, the 12 man marine squad moved behind some cover and stayed 3 inches from the objective (this one was right on my depoyment line). I took a few pop shots at some things and managed to do a little bit of damage. My defiler started the fun and blew a hole in one of his lines, killing 6 from one squad and 3 from another. The first unit broke but rallied on his turn. My sorcerer used doombolt and killed three guardsmen standing around with no cover. This pretty much ended my massive shooting phase :P


His retaliation was my lucky day. He used the heavy 20 lemun russ to unload everything at my possessed. It also had two H.Bolter sponsons that joined into that fun. Again lucky for me i rolled feel no pain and pretty much laughed this off. I lost two possessed by the time it was done. (29 heavy bolter shots is not nice). I think he felt a little despondant about the lack of death from the dakka russ tank and shot a whole bunch more at my possessed. The lemun russ added in a battle cannon and i lost 2 more (he had a slight scatter and my cover ignored a few), he used his orbital bombardment to try and hit them and managed to scatter on to my defiler (was like 12 inches away from the possessed. silly 3d6 scatter). My defiler recieved pen hit and luckilly only got stunned (ignored for possession). He then unloaded a pile of small arms fire against my possessed who again laughed it off, i lost two more from autocannons/missile launchers/lasgun galore).




My second turn was fairly devestating for him. He had a guy that made my reserve rolls one harder, so only one lesser daemon unit came on. This was a good thing as i only had one unit in range and im fairly sure the other stuff would have been left out in the open for a turn or two.


Moved my rhino and possessed forward six inches and held my ground there for a moment. The defiler moved forward out of cover taking a chance he would live through one round of shooting. The 12 man CSM squad holding ground on an objective did nothing as there was nothing in range of the heavy bolter or plasma gun.


My shooting phase here went fairly well again. The defiler killed about 13 guardsman. The sorcerer used doombolt again and killed two more guardsman from a unit in front of him out of cover. The unit of marines in the rhino popped hatch and laid out a meltagun shot into the hellhound about 11 inches away. It managed a glancing hit and blew off the inferno cannon.


The assault phase consisted of a unit of 12 lesser daemons assaulting a guard unit standing in a patch of woods. They won the fight even with allowing the guard the benifit of going first, they ended up fleeing and being run down. The daemons now took cover in the woods and prayed the rapid fireing flashlights wouldnt burn out their retina's.


His return fire this time was much more devestating. He had very little movement as i now had him boxed into his table quarter and he was now in a short range battle. He started his turn bringing on the valkrie with the vets inside. It flew toward the CSM unit on the objective. It shot one ordanence shot and killed a few...Glad i moved into the cover. His dakka russ unloaded on the possessed again and had minimal effect, two more dead possessed. The lemun russ backed up six inches as the defiler was getting near assault range. It fired at the possessed again and i chickened out and went to ground giving me the three up cover save. He killed a single little possessed. Some of the guardsman with missile launchers shot at the rhino immobilizing it and busting off the combi-bolter (oh noes). Autocannons unloaded at my defiler and managed to blow off the battle cannon. This was an interesting moment as he knew i had the extra two dread CCWs and i was going to charge a small unit the next turn with fleet. A few guard units unloaded on the lesser daemons and really laid into them with some fire. I ended up getting scared and going to ground taking a 3+ cover with them as well. (they were standing in woods). In the end i lost about half the unit, i easilly would have lost at least five more if i hadnt gone to ground.




This went badly for him. The greater daemon and last unit of lesser daemons both came on. Both were going to be able to assault this turn.


My possessed+lesser daemons (hiding in the woods at half str) were both pinned this turn due to ground, so it didnt leave me a whole lot to do. I moved the CSM out of the rhino and began moving my way back toward the objective(the one in the middle of the board). I was down the champion from this unit as he became the greater daemon. The defiler moved forward toward a poor guard unit. My shooting phase was very short, so short i only took a single shot. The plasma gun from the CSM unit on the objective in my deployment zone took a pop shot at the valkrie...No luck and in fact i over heated and died :(


The assault phase was much better. The defiler fleeted and charged the poor unit of guardsmen who were shaking in their boots as they lost and broke instantly almost. Defiler ran them down and was now looking directly into the lemun russes main gun. The unit of lesser daemons that just came on the board assaulted the middle of his army and made some poor unit run for the hills. I consolodated into a straight line right in front of a few of his units (making him fire at the immediate threat instead of the possessed or CSM behind). The greater daemon assaulted the dakka russ and blew off its main gun, immobilized, stunned, stunned, shaken.....Didnt destroy but wasnt so bad either.


His turn now began to look desperate. He backed up with the lemun russ, being pinned more into his deployment zone. The valkrie moved closer to my unit protecting the objective in my deployment zone. The rest of his army was fairly static. His shooting began with him placing the orbital bombardment thing right in the middle of what was left of my possessed. It scattered off of everything very far (thankfully). The lesser daemons ate a pile of flash lights, the larger unit now went to ground as he laid most of the fire on them. I ended up losing about half. The valkrie unloaded the second ord one shot weapon on my CSM guarding the objective. They went to ground and lost two. The russ prayed and shot the defiler, glancing hit that was shaken. Ignored.




The defiler moved closer to the lemun russ. The possessed+sorcerer moved toward the middle of his army. The greater daemon stayed put adjacent to the dakka russ. The lesser daemon unit that wasnt pinned moved into assault position. The sorcerer used warptime and assaulted a unit in his area. The lessers destroyed a unit by running them down, the defiler destroyed the russ, the greater daemon finished off the dakka russ, and the sorcerer+possessed wipped a poor guard unit. Consolodated into cover as best i could.


His turn showed that there was nothing left to stop my advance. He moved even further into his corner as best he could. The valkrie didnt move and used two H.bolters+multi laser at the CSM unit. Killed three and even with an icon they ran. This is the moment was waiting for. General Longshanks did a brilliant move and used his orbital strike at the CSM in the middle of the board and not in cover. This killed 4 and they made their leadership. He was holding off hopeing his next turn he could snatch victory from nothing.




My turn was fairly short....My CSM unit running was now under half and couldnt rally. The sorcerer moved into attack position and had used warptime when the turn started. The lessers had my right flank secured, the defiler moved and had the left flank secured. There was now no escape for the poor guard. I wiped every unit other than his leader who now was literally standing on the corner of the map hiding behind some last troopers. I moved near him and assaulted the stuff in front, killing it all. My CSMs ran some more. The ones near the middle objective stayed on it and were in fact pinned as i went to ground the turn before. There was a chimera+the command squad+valkrie w/veterans left...nothing more.


His turn was quick but fairly good. He moved the valkrie and dumped off his troops on my objective...He also had a multi laser shot lined up at my CSM on the other objective. I was now holding his objective with my lesser daemons and realized what was about to happen. Now General Longshanks dropped another orbital bombard onto my poor CSMs holding the middle objective. I immediately went to cover and he clipped three of them, i made two of the saves and lost one.




We rolled and the game continued. I assaulted Gen. Longshanks and ran his unit off the board. Though he lived to fight another day...I knew he was going to throw that valkrie at my unit in the middle and there wasnt much i could do about it. I left the lesser daemons on his objective and surrounded them with beef, the greater daemon and the sorcerer. The defiler ran toward the guys in the middle.


His valkrie unloaded everything on the middle guys and managed to do nothing, as i made all my armor saves.




Sigh...The game wont end.


I now used the CSM in the middle to bolter down some of the vets on the other objective. He only had a small unit and i killed a few forcing a leadership. They actually ran...Probably because of the upper brass calling down orbital strikes on friendlys, they expected to be bombarded at any moment :P


His turn he rallied and ran to try and get closer to the objective again. He rolled a 1 inch run roll and didnt get near it.


Game over.


All in all he got throttled and he used his quickness to exploit the slower footslogging army i brought to this battle. I took one of his territories and sent him home packing. A command Bastion was my reward. Though there was a report that General Longshanks was furious and swore revenge against the great host.

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Sounds like a fun game Smurf.


Some non-uber choices in there that still seemed to work well for you.


I was confused though, what ordnance was the Valk dropping? I thought they had LasCannons or Multi-Lasers only.


LOL...Yes, definitely not cream of the crop list :) A group of close friends (10+ years together for the most part), so we tend to play very silly stuff vs eachother. He is also learning the new guard dex so i took some things ive never taken before (sorcerer).


The valk has an option to take up to two ONE-shot ord weapons. With two heavy bolters i believe it makes the total cost 110pts and very very versitile. The ord is str 8, ap 3 if i remember correctly. I have a few pics on my phone i can post, but its only deployment+the last turn when i had General Longshanks surrounded. Didnt wanna go through the posting them so just left those out. Will take more pics next time and post them with my link. I have a game tonight vs Ravenguard, and again i will be running an oddball list. The battle report will get posted tomorrow.

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I demand Spawns be used in a list!


For the same reason as Possessed, awesome model and piss poor stats.



HAHA! Funny as it is, i actually am in the process of writing up a list and had four spawn in the list. Lost my 12 spawn models when my car was stolen two years ago, but im sure i can find something fat enough to represent. Hope with my Command Bastions i can roll up two feel no pain abilities to give them :P

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I demand Spawns be used in a list!


For the same reason as Possessed, awesome model and piss poor stats.



HAHA! Funny as it is, i actually am in the process of writing up a list and had four spawn in the list. Lost my 12 spawn models when my car was stolen two years ago, but im sure i can find something fat enough to represent. Hope with my Command Bastions i can roll up two feel no pain abilities to give them :D

You're a monster :P

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