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Pre-Heresy Legion


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So Please forgive me if this has been discussed elsewhere. I didn't find anything on the search but I'm not on top of my game today I admit. Please bear with me.


I'm planning to s tart a pre-heresy Legion army and I'm leaning toward the Luna Wolves or maybe a Dark Angels force that would be played as Fallen. I want to use the Legion approach rather than the Chapter approach (for obvious reasons) but I'm not sure exactly how mu ch of that is just fluff and now much of it impacts the game itself.


So my question for those who have done this as well: Would you use the Space Marines Codex, or the Chaos Space Marine codex? I have access to or own both, as well as a Dark Angels book, but I want to avoid using wargear and organizational stuff that wasn't available pre-heresy. At the same time, I don't know how deeply ingrained the Chaos stuff is in the CSM book... Is it easy to separate out or...?


Thoughts? Experiences?


Edit *Mods, if this is a thread that should be in the Horus Heresy board then please let me know and I'll post it there, or if it's not too much of a pain could you move it? I didn't post this there in the first place because I had the impression that board wa smore about the novels and fluff, and less about gaming as such. Thanks.

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IMO, i think the best choice now would be the Space Wolves new codex, it's non-codex structure is a little closer to what the legions fought like then the current SM dex (which is mostly how the Ultramarines fought and is more focussed on ranged combat) and isn't infested by nasty chaos yuckyness
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The above codexs are good. But a supplement to the marine dex has been made. Tempus Fugitives have a PH ruleset that includes rules for new units, special characters and even primarchs! The also include 'Legion Tactics' that acts like 'Chapter tactics' for each Legion. eg. Alphas can have infiltrate with certain characters on the field.
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The above codexs are good. But a supplement to the marine dex has been made. Tempus Fugitives have a PH ruleset that includes rules for new units, special characters and even primarchs! The also include 'Legion Tactics' that acts like 'Chapter tactics' for each Legion. eg. Alphas can have infiltrate with certain characters on the field.


Would that be from any official source? Whatever I do, I want to be tournament legal.

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The above codexs are good. But a supplement to the marine dex has been made. Tempus Fugitives have a PH ruleset that includes rules for new units, special characters and even primarchs! The also include 'Legion Tactics' that acts like 'Chapter tactics' for each Legion. eg. Alphas can have infiltrate with certain characters on the field.


Would that be from any official source? Whatever I do, I want to be tournament legal.

no legal no, was made for their Campaigns so won't be aloud in Tourneys... if you want to be competative, i suggest Space Wolves tbh

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Hmm. It always depends on the Legion. For DA, the DA dex is pretty much what they have always been like. For Luna Wolves, Black Templars cause they arent SM but arent SW. For ultras, IF and other conservative legions, use SM dex. for SW and IH, the SW dex. IH use it because they use TDA sergeants by background so... yeah.
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The IH use of Terminator Sergeants developed after the Horus Heresy.


Space Wolves can work well (though separating out the Wolfiness can be a little hard, mentally).


Chaos allows the unit sizes and the equipment. However, no drop pods.


C:SM'd work well, honestly. It's not the best fit, but it's close enough.

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That's been sort of my leaning only because I can rely on the codex not allowing for equipment a pre-heresy army would have access to, wheras using a "Modern" SM dex would mean I'd have to be careful to either avoid those things or justify their use.


In terms of picking a legion, it's more like I want to choose a strategy first, t hen a legion that specialized in it. Since I already have a Black Templar army, I want to focus away from a CC force, so no World Eaters or Space Wolves.


To REALLY go in the opposite direction, I was thinking maybe Thousand Sons. Plenty of Psykers and not big on hand to hand from what I understand.

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How'd you represent Sergeant Pyskers if Thousand Sons? :)


If you want shooty and not choppy, any of these will be fine:

Imperial Fists

Iron Warriors

Possibly Salamanders

Possibly Dark Angels

Possibly Blood Angels, because they weren't bat poop loco back then.

Possibly Death Guard as well.

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How'd you represent Sergeant Pyskers if Thousand Sons? :)

Through the magic of 'counts as' :P That's not a plasma pistol Brother-Sergeant Adathor is wielding, its merely him using his sorcery, with the 'Gets Hot!' representing a perils of the warp attack. Lots of possibilities if you go looking for them.

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  • 1 year later...

The beauty of pre-heresy/heresy is that you can pretty much use any of the codex chapter or chaos books to reflect how you personally see the Legions. It sounds like it's going to be a while before FW get around to making the official IA books on the subject, hopefully they will though eventually.


I personally like the Tyrants Legion rules from the Badab War book because it allows you to field Imperial Army style units, tanks and mercenaries alongside your marines which is great for representing the expeditionary forces of the great crusade and steers the marines away from the standards of the codex that are the defining aspect of the modern chapters.

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