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Appeal of the Dark angels

Pavement Artist

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I absolutely loved the DW story in the Space Hulk Deathwing supplement, then when the Angels of Death codex came out and their fluff was fleshed out more, that was it.

They were my first marine army and now I'm coming back to them.

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Since when did First = Best? Only latter incarnations get closer to perfection.


All space marines were created in the Dark Angels image. The Dark Angels were not the prototype, they were the production line models. ALl future space marines were made just like them because they were perfection. the only time they were messed with was during the cursed founding which everyone knows that space marines are already perfect and cannot be further improved upon. All cursed founding marines were hunted down and destroyed along with their research a nd anyone and anything that knew anything about them. Not even Fabius Bile has been able to improve the space marine and he has been at it for 10,000 years.

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Top Ten:


1.) The Dark Angel's Primarch is alive and someday will awaken to restore the chapter to it's Legion's former status.


2.) They are THE first legion. The others are mere copies.


3.) Termies. Lots of em. Termy options. Lots of em.


4.) Their fluf doesnt preclude them from firing upon and obliterating fellow Adeptus Astartes that get in their way.


5.) Sinister, Dark, Mysterious, and Ill Tempered, they have a mobile Fortress Monastery and are not afraid to travel around blowing :tu: up.


6.) Have founded many chapters which are loyal to the Dark Angels Inner Circle, not the Imperium which together surpass Legion strength.


7.) Have the only known Imperium jetbike still kicking ass.


8.) Deathwing.


9.) Ravenwing.


10.) Black, White and Green Armor.


Any questions?

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You like ill tempered, you'll love my chapter ;)


If i played Dark angels, id have to do pre heresy. It's something about the black armour. Looks nice and menacing. Sort of speaks to the whole "we're the first legion, we dont need any fancy livery to identify ourselves" thing.

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You like ill tempered, you'll love my chapter :rolleyes:


If i played Dark angels, id have to do pre heresy. It's something about the black armour. Looks nice and menacing. Sort of speaks to the whole "we're the first legion, we dont need any fancy livery to identify ourselves" thing.

2nd Founding Angels of Vengeance. Kept the black armour so there you go! (Also the base for my own angels)

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I've always loved being the bad guy, and Dark Angels allow me to be one. (without having to squeeze spikes onto every inch of the model)


They're also easy to paint, have some of the coolest art in 40K, wear those lovely robes, and let you paint Cream, Black, and Green all in the same army. And you get to be the arrogant bastard that hates everyone else.


Plus: How doesn't like being able to kill your allies when you don't need them any more?

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  • 1 month later...

I started out initially with the Ultramarines. I guess most of us begin with the regular Space Marine codex before we start to learn about the stories behind the game. Eventually I started looking through the other codices at the store, and when I found the Dark Angels book I was hooked. A group of knights on a seemingly impossible quest to atone for their mistakes? Sounds great to me.


Also, I love terminators. Dropping 3 squads onto the battlefield on turn 1? Priceless.

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My first Dark Angel models were actually Fallen for a chaos army. I converted up a Cypher basically just to troll my friend who DID play Dark Angels. I started to really enjoy the robed models though. When 4th Dark Angels rolled around I tried a Ravenwing army and absolutely loved it, even though the army did not really seem to love me when 5th edition came out.


With the advent of the FAQ, I've been doing Combo-wing avidly.


As the army stands right now, it is an excellent army to learn strategy with. You learn how to manage multiple small units, you learn the limitations and uses of bikes. You learn the merits of accurate deep striking and good scout maneuvering. You learn how to handle fragile armor like speeders. And since model count tends to be low, you learn how to squeeze the most out of cover and/or kiting the enemy units at range with armor and Riflemen dreads.


Since there are not a lot of options in the current codex compared to Vanilla, you learn how to make the most out of almost every unit, and when to use those units. It's not the best codex in the world, but it may be one of the best to learn strategy with. Out of the six codices I own, this one felt like everything snapped together in my head. When the Dark Angels get a 5th or 6th edition codex, I feel that I will be able to take what I have learned from this one and identify new advantages and disadvantages immediately, and thereby grasp a new codex faster than I have ever done before.

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Since when did First = Best? Only latter incarnations get closer to perfection.


In the case of the Astartes... the opposite often prevails... Hence why the First legion still has the least tainted Geneseed (and we'd still be the best even if that wasn't true!). :P


I started Dark Angels originally around 6 years ago as a second hand army and fell in love with the fluff and ideaology, but moved away to Orks because I had a very limited group due to our LGS closing down and because my friends were also marines.

As the years have passed and our group has grown larger (and I found Orks to be wanting in many respects) I returned to my original force.



...a marine who is bad- :cuss enough to wear a dress to battle is the best marine there is :P



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To me it has always been the fact that we are typical anti-hero's. The fluff indicate's this, and i always feel we are the one chapter whom are more the inquisition then the inquisition.

The dark green armour, making for excellent camo, and the robed monk aspect really appeal. Aside from that we really do have the best emblem! :tu:

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Ironically, my first foray into Space Marines with the standard 'dex (before the SW and BA 'dexes were out) ended in utter failure. I started playing with Imperial Guard, and was getting quite adept at their tabletop game (again, before the new Guard 'dex), but I wanted a change. My first game was a miserable loss. I was devastated. I almost swore off trying any other army after that, even.


Then I discovered the Dark Angels codex (the 4th edition one). At first it was a mere curiosity--I always enjoy reading new 'dexes. Then I hit upon the Librarian powers section, and I was hooked. I've always *loved* librarians, and the fact that the Dark Angels librarians have, in my opinion, some of the *coolest* powers ever just further makes them great. Then I discovered the Deathwing--and I had decided on my second army.

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One thing.


In the back few pages of the 3rd ed microdex there is a picture of Azreal in armor flanked by Watchers carrying his weapons. It was the single most powerful image I had seen to that point in my life. Here was a man with one purpose and the tools to carry it out. Whenever I waver toward another army that image keeps me walking the path of the unforgiven.

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wow, finally made it :cuss getting to post on B&C


Dark Angels for me are a focused bundle of great power that follow their own agenda while still professing loyalty to the emperor and the imperium. I like to think of them as believing themselves loyal, they are after all the Frist Legion, and as already stated functioned as the emperors bodyguards. But... I do also love the slightly sinister side and the watchers in the dark. What other loyal 1st founding legion has mysterious little aliens deciding who progresses up through the hierachy. :cuss

This makes them more 'human' and gives DA some deep running flavour that other legions don't have. I also love the idea of DW/RW (elite warriors initiated into a secret that could destroy the Chapter/Legion if it became common knowledge), who often have to decide between 2 conflicting sets of orders, but always do the right thing for the Legion to keep it safe, even if it means other loyal followers of the emperor suffer. I like to think that this conflict of interest doesn't go straight past those DA commanders who have to make the call, but they know without a doubt where their first loyalties need to lie.


I also like the DA HH books, they give more depth to the DA. If GW build on the fluff in the next codex I'll be very happy. Although I'm not 100% sure that I actually want to see a final decision in print whether Jonson or Luther was actually the bad guy. The present cloak of mystery over it all helps make it special.


When I play I like to project the 'feel' I have for the DA onto my models, although I do admit over the last few years my DW army also included a GKGM (yep, for the hood) and a 9 man unit of GKT (the models just looked so cool), I'll have to work around that little problem now ;) . I've collected a RW army, but never really used them on their own, and now run a triwing and love it. The colours, the symbology (just love the wings and sword) and the fluff for all the DA units makes them something I'd never swop.


Also, I have to say this, this forum was one of the reasons why I've kept the faith over the years. Good posts, members/mods who made you feel motivated about playing, who themselves enjoy the game and the Dark Angels, and have a lot of wise experience. My army I've collected is structured around lots of cool points mentioned here on this Dark Angels Forum over the past few years.



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Way back in the 90's when I was first acquainted with the 40k universe, I was instantly drawn to the Dark Angels. However one of my buddies back then already had a DA army, so as a compromise I took Black legion.


Now that I've got back into gaming and modelling after a 10 year break, I no longer feel restricted! I love the fluff behind the chapter, and the models and colour scheme for me are the coolest of all the astartes (red, blue and yellow just dont sit right with me). When you spend so much time painting and modelling, its nice to be working with colour and models you like!


Roll on the codex upgrade I say! It'd be nice to have some cool new models like the BA and GK.......



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For me it started simple. When I started 40k only like 2 years ago. I asked who can field the most and the best Terminators. My favorite GW model. Deathwing came up. Then I asked about the fluff and was hooked. And Robed normal guys? I was sold.
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I also like the DA HH books, they give more depth to the DA. If GW build on the fluff in the next codex I'll be very happy. Although I'm not 100% sure that I actually want to see a final decision in print whether Jonson or Luther was actually the bad guy. The present cloak of mystery over it all helps make it special.


After reading the DA HH novels, i dont know if they're going to skirt around the issue as such. You have a certain luxury in that regard when writing a codex, but novels by and large have to get to the heart of things. That being said, it doesnt seem like Luther's betrayal is being handled in a black and white "oh you're evil" manner. Jonson is to blame in some respects for the way that he mishandled the sarothi situation. he ostracised himself from a large core of his original battle brothers, not to mention the man that raised him. In that way, he seems the most like the emperor than the other primarchs, the mishandling of situations that could easily have been diffused relatively bloodlessly is a speciality of the big E (look at the word bearers).


We cant be too hard on Luther. Caliban has been shown to be an extremely tainted planet and the fact that for the most part, he was a valiant and upstanding knight is a credit to his character. He isnt evil, there was just a fatal flaw in his soul- that nagging jealousy that Jonson usurped all the glories that Luther had strived for. It's easy to condemn the man but it must have been a simple matter for chaos to chip and work away at that tiny crack.

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Agreed, I def am getting more sympathetic to some of the 'Traitors' (1K Sons mostly, and poor poor Fulgrim.)


Anyhow, I absolutly love the Dark Angels and their Primarch. I got hooked on the look of them compared to the other chapters, blue was just...tooo...blue...and yea... I love how the Lion is still alive, I love our floating Rock. And how our Codex is 3 armies rolled into one, and how we have the best bikers, the best termies and the best commanders as well as the most oure geneseed.


The Robes look cool, but I wish we still had Black Armour, with winged helms... My fav image is the one of the Lion with his guard, I also love the winged helm, robed Astelen. The air of mystery and the fact that were are one of the good chapters that tries to be loyal, but needs to potect themselves from the Imperium. I draw a comparison with the DA to the Iron Warriors, except we are loyal. And they are not.


But, yea, I love everything about them. especially that badass Chaplain on the front cover with the smoking plasma pistol...

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You dare to aske the Ultra Marines 1st! We are the 1st Legion Know your Place Brodher Templar. :eek .


Why i start whit the Dark Angels well Brodher it is simpel.


We are the 1st Legion.

We have a hidden agenda and a dedly secret.

We are also the most gotic chapter you will find.


A good base to build on bicase DA have evrything.

Good names a History that make lesser chapers cry.

But most of all we are feard by so many if not evryone.


The Emperor Proteckts.

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I asked the Ultramarines first because they were the ones that confused me the most in regards to why they had a fanbase <_< At least with the Dark Angels i can see nuggets of cool


Being a History major with an interest in Antiquity, the Ultramarines radiated awesome. Roman Legions in Space? Yes, please.


For some us, the coolness stands out. The LACK of blood drinking, brooding robeness, fangs, etc etc etc actually is the draw of the Ultramarines. They ARE the exception in that they lack some "terrible secret" or some such Vampire: The Masquerade bit going on.


Mind you, the first Marine codex I ever read was the 2nd edition Angels of Death Codex and I loved the Dark Angels in that. Compared with the Blood Angels (the other, less cool half of the book :lol: ) they really stood out. The full color picture of the Interrogator Chaplain, presumably Asmodai, leaning of the that huge zogging sowrd really sold them.


Then I grew out of the brooding teenage years and realized wearing dresses was for girly men. :rolleyes:

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Then I grew out of the brooding teenage years and realized wearing dresses was for girly men. <_<


And Romans :rolleyes:


I'm considering starting a Dark Angel force. Not too big on the fluff or the robes, but the colors rule, theirs and their successors'.

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