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SB's Chaos Army WIP

sword brethren

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Look very nice, but call me picky, it looks unfinished, if you know that I mean? I just feel there should be more colour on the main body.


yeah i feel the same having woken up in the morning. im adding bits a and bobs of brass and other things to it as i speak ill show the finished product afterwards.


oh well at least i finally got round to an update :tu:

having brassed up an otherwise unbrassed brass scorpion i have an update.

im hoping it looks alot better with the pistons given a bit of work.

let me know what you think. i reckon its almost time to call it as done.

claw arm now has more brass and black to break up the silver


same with the rest...



any C&C? id love to make this better as its gonna be a bit of a centre peice as its large.


the wash on the scorpion looks better now -_- you cant see a difference in pics so i havent taken any

i have started to build a chaos lord on a bike, with a daemon weapon. he is a former white scar so im trying to add some white scarryness to him. a fur cloak and some of the new space wolf stuff.

so here is the daemon weapon in the shape of a formidably hefty chainblade.






torso, imusing a space wolf head this one is just there for size comparison


let me now what you think. :tu:

no comments? ;)

i have an update, please give C&C

his head is almost done. (not sure what to do next im not good with faces)


his body is almost done


legs are almost done


these are not done


and the bike which has jest been under coated (by hand, mother threw away my spray :( )




please tell me what you think, this guy will be important, he will play in my chaos army as a lord on bike with a daemon wepaon and when im playing he entire bike company he will be khan (ill use marine rules for the bike company and chaos for when im not) , which means next after him will be his squad (chaos apothicary and stuff :lol: )


loved watching u paint all of this i must tell you brother delvan mud wash has pleasantly surprised me with its wonderful reaction with mitheral and chain mail also try a little more h20 when painting metal several thin coats yield a more controlled effect over all keep painting always love to see life being breathed into the forces of darkness

thanks :P


ive been working on it more today and i thinned out the silver ofr the bike and its looks much smoother, thanks for the tip.


i will update later today, ive finished his face, torso, daemon weapon, back pack and the legs are almost done.


the bike is coming along well.



thanks :)

update! :lol:

ive made lots of progress :P

the head is done (best face ive ever done in my opinion)



torso is done (first time doing fur)



legs are done



one arm is done, the other is a biker arm... not very interesting


and the bike is WIP still


any C&C?

thanks for looking

the scorpion looks great but you can see that you got tired of it, its not your best peice of work.


on the other hand this biker lord is really shining out as something you want to do and it really shows int eh effort you have put in.


the daemon weapon is fierce and really quite fitting for the force you use.


i dont approve of using him as khan sometimes and having a biker force, the extra save and the meltyness you bring to our battles really annoys me :P



keep it up


P.S. we have to geek it up sometime :P

thanks man, gonna chop you up on our bicycles :lol: we do have to geek again, when you get your new russ i can melt that to :lol:

right, this will be the last update until i show the completed model because apart form shoulder pads everything is painted.

here is the unassembled lord


and his smoking ride




in his fluff the knife on his bike was used to bring down a nurgle champ when he was a white scar scout, he plans on ending Korsarro Khan with it as he blames khan for never reaching his potential in the scars. he wears a red scar on his right hand which was an award from khan for killing the nurgle champion, he wears it out of respect for his opponent.

please let me know what you think guys!


the cloak on his back was me but the one on his legs is from the DA bikers set with green stuff fur :lol:


im glad you like, he is assembled now and im just adding finishing touches like ammo bags and stuffs :P



All comments are welcome :wub:

well its been a nice little project which i really enjoyed :tu:

thisi is the finished article, if you wanna see any certain bits or any questions on what a used let me know.





im not sure what is next up but i received £600 compensation from being attacked by an idiot while i was playing football so im sure i could fit some new additions into that.

Edit: more bikers might be next but i dont wanna burn out again so it could be something completly different

thanks for reading.


final product looks great, fit to lead a force of bikers. good job.



one suggestion is that you use an ink wash, at the moment i know you are using chaos black watered down and it is leaving resisdue and tide marks, its only a little thing but it could make all the difference.


looking forward to more

just need to paint them rhinos and bikes :FA:

one rhino is on the weakend job list :lol:

until then i have a base to make, i was told to base my lord :Elite:

so here it is, i wanted the look of an imperial tank being the unfortunate recipitant of his attention.




what do you think? i still need sand...

Man you have been BUSY since I last logged on a few months back. Everything seems to be comming together and I think the base has the perfect amount of smashed parts to get the point across without overdoing it. Keep posting Brother.


thanks :tu: i have added sand and will start painting it tonight or tomorrow


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