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You're more than welcome to take any of my own chapters marines, though if you're looking for something with a finished IA behind it you might want to hold out for a bit. :)


A renegade Blazing Son might be fun, but again it's up to you my friend.


Oh and congratulations on your acceptance into the Librarium! My hat goes off to you.

Edited by Grey Hunter Ydalir

Thanks very much guys, the offers are really appreciated, I’m not sure what to go for to be honest!


@Aquilanus: Thanks, let me know what you think once you’ve finished it, I’m always on the look out for new ideas/ways to improve!




@SP: Well, funny you should say, but one of the models I’ve currently got on my paint station is a dual chainsword wielding Marine using one or two of the more understated BA bits. He's a counts-as Mark of the Wulfen in game terms, but a berserk warrior fallen to the Black Rage in fluff. I hadn’t really assigned him an ex-Chapter, but in my head he’s definately now a former member of the Eternal Legion!




@GHY: Thank you! And a Blazing Sons renegade would be awesome! I’m not entirely sure how I’d hint at who he was by how I built the mini though, how would you sum up the character and/or common equipment/honours, etc of the Chapter?


Edit: Having written the bit below this, I think I'm pretty much decided on a traitor Ice Lord (as long as it's cool with Octavulg) but my question about equipment, etc still stands as I'd be honoured to include a Blazing Son renegade, perhaps as a member of the same squad? The squad will be a 9 man counts-as Grey Hunters, including a MotWulfen (now SP's Marine mentioned above), a melta gunner and a Marine carrying some kind of banner (Wolf Standard). Any thoughts?




@Octavulg: Nnnyyarrgh! (convulses on the floor) Too many cool choices! ;) If Varn didn’t already have a personal Sorcerer type character, he would without a doubt be getting one now – blind and half mad!


Having said that, I love the Ice Lords too much not to use them. Also, in fluff terms I could definitely see one of Telemachus’ Wolves, disgruntled with Taramant's decision, either exiled for ongoing insubordination or by some circumstance striking out on his own, and ending up under Talek Varn’s ‘fatherly’ wing. He’d be cold, ruthless and calculating, perfect qualities for a pirate!


Same question as to GHY though, how would you hint at his origins on the mini without making it obvious? His weapons are already set in my list, combi-melta and power fist. Perhaps I could use one of the SW badges somewhere on his armour to show his allegiance to Telemachus’ ideals? Or maybe a white pelt taken from the predators of Franklin’s World?




Thanks again guys!

Edited by Strike Captain Lysimachus

To sum up the Blazing Sons?


Sombre, pragmatic, dedicated. They are rough and ready in the same way the Pre-Heresy Luna Wolves were, but are more quiet and focussed like the Iron Hands or the PH Death Guard. They just keep pounding the enemy in the most efficient and brutal manner until one or the other falls.


One of their main themes is self-reliance and unswerving dedication to whatever cause they set for themselves.


To my mind a renegade Blazing Son would have to be particularly broken, bitter individual. Someone who doesn't lust for power or glory, just for the twisted fact of being renegade. If I was going to pick one position from what you had available there I'd pick the Melta.


Why? Well I'd think this guy would need something to hold on to and if he isn't a leader already he's definetly one of the followers. Just because he's no longer a true Blazing Son doesn't mean he's lost any of their defining traits, being dedicated to whatever they hold true and eminently brutal and efficient in the application of that dedication.


If you want more info I'd link you the most recent of my WIP threads but.... I forgot to put it in my Sig and have now lost it. I'm also half asleep at the time of writing so I'm not going to find it right now, but it's there! I'll post a link..... soon. :D

Cool, thanks!


Here's the draft of the Ice Lord, any ideas for a name for him?


Although relatively youthful, ____ is a true pirate; brutal, ambitious and coldly calculating. While Talek Varn appreciates ______’s abilities, he is well aware that the younger renegade might one day have the potential to threaten his own sovereignty. Therefore, __________’s squad is commonly assigned the most unruly and disturbed of any new recruits to the Iron Gods ranks, thereby keeping him far too busy to plot or plan for his own advancement.


(The last bit is to explain why he's got the MotW/Black Rage 'berserker' Marine ;) )





Melta gunner it is then! Sounds very cool btw, how's it going with the Blazing Sons IA? As an aside, is there anything that I could use (modelling wise) to hint at him being a former Son? For example, they're crusaders, but would you use a BT style tabard; or they're IH successors, but would they have lots of bionics? Would they use any specific armour marks? That kind of thing...



In all honesty, there's plenty of time to think about it, as I've got to finish the stuff I've got before I can start on any more squads; got counts-as Long Fangs, exteriors on Rhino and LRC, still to do! At the speed I usually paint, it may be 2011 before I get round to the next unit! :D

  • 3 months later...

just thought I'd show these off here:


Brother Rasius, formerly of the Ice Lords:




Shoulder trim in red, DA head , and a wolf pelt all hint at his origins and beliefs!


and also, finished renegades of the Blazing Sons and Eternal Legion:



I am quite liking them as well! Good stuff through and through, though some more updates would be good.


Sorry I never got back to you, I swear I'd already posted here in response.


Anyway, to mark him as a Blazing Son, well.... hmm that's a good question given that he's a renegade. Maybe have his armour the most battle damaged and jury-rigged? The Blazing Sons don't polish their boots before or even after a fight really, just do the repairs and make sure everything is working before jumping into hell once more.


Maybe give him a round shield somewhere attached? The Sons make use of Saxon-inspired weapons and such.


Though by now they are probably completed and my belated advice is moot, but better late than never right?


Are we going to see more of these? As I'm sure I've told you, I'm quite taken with the Iron Gods.

Yep, sorry guys, just figured some of the Liberites might not check out the HoH forum much, so thought I'd add to the thread here too!


Though by now they are probably completed and my belated advice is moot, but better late than never right?


I'm afraid so mate, he's done (on left of last pic). Did use some of the SW bits for that 'saxon' look, but you never know, I might come back later and add a shield to his back?


Definately more to come, next up for construction will be a dread!


It's a freakin' awesome idea... If the Star Hippos turn evil, I hope they become Iron Gods LiteTM


Thanks CJJ! and I haven't seen the thread but... please, don't call your Chapter the Star Hippos :lol:

  Strike Captain Lysimachus said:
It's a freakin' awesome idea... If the Star Hippos turn evil, I hope they become Iron Gods LiteTM


Thanks CJJ! and I haven't seen the thread but... please, don't call your Chapter the Star Hippos :lol:


I'm struggling for names after I gave the best one to KHK, so Star Hippos will be the name of last resort :P


But back on track, some awesome stuff.. I always look at Iron Gods-related posts, you have jealousy-inspiring levels of creativity/awesomeness.

  Strike Captain Lysimachus said:
Yep, sorry guys, just figured some of the Liberites might not check out the HoH forum much, so thought I'd add to the thread here too!

Apology not accepted because you have no reason to apologise, I was being curious :lol: Good point.



  • 1 month later...

If you've need of more Renegade leader characters, I'm a huge fan of the Iron Gods and therefore willing to donate one of my Bright Lords. :P


Bright Lords are somewhat more openminded than many marine chapters, willing for instance to "ally" with aliens in the pursuit of turning the Xenos' blasphemous strength against itself and other enemies of mankind, but even for them, too far is too far. A true Bright Lord should be a selfless crusader for the Emperor's truth, a protector of His flock and a reclaimer of His lost technologies. As they are a space-based chapter, they tend to produce marines skilled in the arts of naval warfare, boarding action, and artefact seizure/recovery, useful skills for a potential pirate. A true Bright Lord will use all means available to him to defeat the Emperor's foes, save that he should not compromise his Chapter's basic morals in the process, and one who plays too fast and loose with the "all means available" clause to the expense of the Chapter's code of conduct might easily find himself sanctioned or worse.


As such, a Bright Lords renegade might be one who either took some aspect of this philosophy too far, or one who betrayed it to his own ends. Perhaps a marine who went too far and was too willing to sacrifice the lives of Imperial citizens to accomplish his goals, or committed some unforgivable act in the pursuit of an artifact. Or perhaps a cruel, stone-hearted warrior yet bound by his own twisted code of honor, convinced of the absolute rightness of his actions.


If you're interested, the Bright Lords recruiting stock also has a nice bit of distinction in the form of an ethnic subgroup of albinolike individuals called Geisters, who are considered "marked for great things" by the rest of the recruiting population and generate marines with a striking appearance: chalk-white pigmented skin, silvery-white to platinum blonde hair, and unusually colored eyes of red, purple, pale blue, or green. For the awesome subtle hints you like so much, the chapter's got an individualistic streak, a touch of knightly theme to it, colors of black, gold, and green, and loves to collect old artefacts, marks of equipment, and exotic or archaeotech.

Edited by Brother Daeger Helsir

Thanks very much for the offer Daeger! Bright Lords sound good, are you working on an IA here in the forum? That being said, I've actually got characters for all of the Sgt/Champion types in the army I'm building (2,000 pts) already and then I'm planning a break from painting grey! However, if I do decide to do more Iron Gods later, I'll definately bear the Bright Lords in mind! ;)



Yes actually, I am in the process of writing their IA. The ideas are all there in my head, fleshed out, even got stuff written down in dusty files on my computer, but it's always the case with these things, the issue is getting them down in words succinct and interesting enough to merit submitting as an article. ;)


I'm glad you like them from the blurb, and even the consideration is an honor even if I might not be seeing a Brightiron Godlord anytime soon. :P

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