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Dannis' Black Templars


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So well,

I have been in the hobby for about 2 years now, but doing an other system (LotR). Interested in the other 2 systems GW has to offer I fell for 40k (most WFB armies have awful miniatures). Choosing an army was rather difficult, as most armies did not even received my slightest interest (I collect for the miniatures, I enjoy painting/converting :P) I was doubting between Space Marines and Tau, seeing Tau as cool units with the battle suits and especially the very cool Kroot, and the Space Marines as a pretty cool army overall, but I just didn't liked the blue at all.. this is where the hobbyists came by, and told me a little bit about the different chapters.


So it became the Black Templar. After seeing allot of stuff I really think this army suits me. I like Knights/Templars etc and I think the playing style is lovely (more focused on CC). So after a few intro-battles, reading the codex over and over I have bought allot over these last 2 weeks. Not all assembled, most still on sprues. Collecting allot of bits from bit stores and I think I have almost everything I want now (I just want to get a really cool army, thus I bought/buying allot of extra bits).


As I couldn't wait for everything to arrive yet, I already made a couple of models. I have made 2 Initiates and began working on a lord.


I have the idea to give every model in the army a backpack banner, the inspiration behind this was the Tau army I saw browsing the internet (whole the army has the backpack banners, I just don't remember where I saw it). I also want to give every Initiate atleast some sort of tabard. As my sculpting skills aren't that good enough for making my own tabards, I bought allot of those 'mini' tabards you can put on the Space Marines' waist. See the PF dude for what I mean.


Well, time for some pictures of my first 3 models for the army:






As you can see I already reconfigured the right arm from the Initiate with the pistol/CCW, I think the pose is allot cooler this way. Also, you can see I put on right Terminator shoulder pads on them, the idea behind this is that I want to give every squad a 'champion', or teamleader if you want to call it that way. Just for 'visual' purposes.












This is 'the' lord for my army. I don't know if I honestly will field him, I mean the gear options aren't the best for a commander (term. arm.), but I just wanted to make this one (a dude wielding a 2-handed hammer!). I mean come on, the Lord himself need to be cool looking right? :P

Here are already some other bits. The hammer is from an Empire General from WFB, the first shoulder plate is from the Dark Angel Dreadnought upgrade sprue if I'm not mistaken. The cloak is from the Chaos termie lord and the head is also from WFB, a marauder head. The banner I cut from the AoBR captain.


As you can see the shield is magnitized. I'm not sure if I want to use that shield when I field him, plus when he is not on I could say the hammer is a special weapon that counts as twin LC :P (then the commander is not so bad for fielding ;)).


He isn't finished yet, still need to do allot of cleaning and I still need to add allot of things (still need to get the other bit for his right sheen plus I still got allot of ideas!).


Any ideas/C&C is welcome and appreciated!



Must confess I won't update this thread for like a week at least now, I have some upcoming exams which means almost no time for the hobby.

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Those models look sweet but the commander needs a bigger, fancier hammer.

I agree here man although he pretty sweet already. I might have to start a templar army now, or at least a squad for use in my Dark Angels or Space Wolves... or Crimson Fists if i ever start them. CURSE POWER ARMOUR AND IT'S SHINYNESS!!!! :)



Well I tried to find a decent looking 'big' hammer, but I just couldn't find any. My sculpting skills also aren't that good for creating my own hammer. So I got this one. If you guys have a suggestion I might try it :D


@Little: I will do as much converting as possible on the whole army. Making my own champion and probably the Sword Brethren as well. Plus I want to try not to let a single Initiate have the same stance.


Well I'm back to studying :)

Well inspiration.. I kinda have a loving towards templars and such. Some of the things that inspired me most though are paladins. My vision of the Black Templars lean a little towards the 'Paladin', so thats something I'm trying to create.

I kinda disagree with you Brother Immortal, as he would be my 'leading' commander, and allot of knights had beards and long hair, he should have IMO. There isn't any SpaceWolf characteristic in the face; no barbarian things or ridiculous haircuts (sorry, no offense! ;)) .

I just stick with him the way he is.


Well as I actually need to study, I wanted to have like an hour break, but it became much longer.. B)

I made the beginnings of my Champion and another idea that went in my head. I want to have some sort of Banner bearer which has a tome in the other hand, some sort of sacred book or w/e. Just wanted to make him for visual purposes only, as I'm not planning to field a command squad really.


Btw, the heads aren't glued on yet, just putted them on for better visualization. The mini's are still very wip, so don't look too close at all the imperfections.





  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, has been a while, busy with school and projects. In our local gaming store we are beginning a Tale of 10 gamers, beginning on the 1st of december (so tomorrow ;)). I'm in, will give a boost to my motivation for the army.

With that in sight, I'm finally getting in the final stage of my EC, almost done. Still need to add minor stuff before I begin painting, but it's almost completed.




Just wanted to step by and complement you on your nice conversions.


1 That EC really looks lethal. Slick. Best EC I've ever seen, by far.

2 The commander looks great.

3 I hope your skilled with a brush.


Thanks :)


I ain't the best painter around, but certainly also not the worst :) I hope to update this weekend, not yet with colour though. I will begin painting the first batch next week. Probably the EC (140), Initiate with PF (31) and probably 5 more initiates (80) This will give 251 points by the end of december, meaning I have passed the first month ;)


I'm still waiting for Forgeworld stuff to arrive. My total army I have sofar (not yet all assembled) would be:



1 Marshal in Termie armour

7/8 Assault terminators

1 Dreadnought (not FW's)

2 Rhino's (1 will be 'EC's' Rhino)

1 Landraider Crusader

~25 Initiates

5 Assault Initiates (but I will magnitize backpacks, so that I can switch them out for normal if needed)

5 Neophytes


Besides this I have plenty of leftover bits to make either some more cool marshall dudes, perhaps making my own sword brethren.


For now I have finished modelling 3 Initiates and 1 Initiate with PF. So 2 more and the EC to go to begin painting. Stay tuned, will try to update the models this weekend, painting will begin next week :)


Just wanted to step by and complement you on your nice conversions.


1 That EC really looks lethal. Slick. Best EC I've ever seen, by far.

2 The commander looks great.

3 I hope your skilled with a brush.





I agree with swordbrother that EC is crazy awsome he just looks like he is going to slay some heritics today.

Good work. Best Black Templars I've ever seen. However, I am worried about the excessive conversion. I find that doing too much conversion strains your mind, uses up your imagination (inasmuch as that is possible), and frankly eventually becomes uninspired. Sorry to be a spoilsport, but I feel that armies should have a few ultra-conversions, for the main characters, a few conversions here and there, but should mostly be standardized.

Just my rant. Ignore me if you want.


Also, wouldn't all those back-banners be incredibly awkward in close combat, not to mention impractical for loading/unloading into vehicles?


Ignore me if you want, I hope that I do not cause offense. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Good work. Best Black Templars I've ever seen. However, I am worried about the excessive conversion. I find that doing too much conversion strains your mind, uses up your imagination (inasmuch as that is possible), and frankly eventually becomes uninspired. Sorry to be a spoilsport, but I feel that armies should have a few ultra-conversions, for the main characters, a few conversions here and there, but should mostly be standardized.

Just my rant. Ignore me if you want.


Also, wouldn't all those back-banners be incredibly awkward in close combat, not to mention impractical for loading/unloading into vehicles?


Ignore me if you want, I hope that I do not cause offense. I look forward to seeing more of your work.


No offense taken, it's critism and that's what I hope to hear ;)


I do not do any excessive conversions on my army. The 2 big conversions you see are the EC and my marshal. The conversion I do on my Initiates are just using greenstuff to alter some of the poses, I ain't planning to do that much on every Initiate (on a side note, I have taken down the 'banner bearer', I felt it wasn't good enough).

The 2 Initiates you see aren't converted really, I haven't put any GS on the PF marine and I just remodelled the right arm of the BP/CCW marine.


And as of the back-banners, it's a matter of taste I guess. I've seen an all Tau army with all backpack banners, that inspired to do my own. I do not fear painting all those banners, I think in the end it will look quite good (and if it doesn't I can always take them off :P).

I do know that I won't do this on my next army. I find the BT quite epic and that's what I'm trying to let others see.

Fluff wise or 'logic' wise those banners aren't good (loading/unloading), and I agree that fighting with those banners on top would be rather weird (they could not even bow when they are all standing in a row :P), but hey, the captains and/or leaders have one and they seem perfectly fine fighting with them, so I don't think its impossible! :P


I have started on those other Initiates (I just can't set my head to go all study >.< ) and will upload some pics later this week.

Well school is killing me.. don't have much time for the hobby, luckily the ToG is only 250points each month, and with the Christmas holidays coming, I think I will make it! :lol:


Have slapped some paint on the powerfist Initiate. Still need to do some more contrast on the PF, as I'm not entirely pleased the way it turned out. Did some highlighting on the chest armor just to see how I want to do it, tried red glowing eyes and painted the tabard with some freehand. Any C&C as well as tips are appreciated!





Cheerst guys ;)


I used the Helghast Eyes as a reference for the colors etc.




Awesome modelling, i am truly jealous. i just need to know where you got your EC's sword from, it kicks ass and by far the best sword ive seen. also how do you do the glowing eyes effect? i fancy trying that myself.


The sword if from the empire general, Empire WFB.


The glowing eyes, first I gave the lenses layers of Scab Red, when I found it good enough I mixed Red Gore with Blazing Orange, glazing the eye more in the middle. BO solo and in the end BO with Skull White, and to finish it a SW dot in the middle. After that I mixed Chaos Black with SR, very dark red, painted the area around the eye. Then I used glazes again to slightly build the red up towards the sockets. I mixed a little bit BO with it to paint the edges.



Well the afternoon brought me the postman, another shipment of the resin bases I use (from Sciborminiatures), got a funny looking 'Christmas Promotion' miniature along with it, have to see when I get him painted :)


Anyways.. the shipment brought me the base for my Dreadnought, as well as more Terminator and footmodel bases. Here are the pictures with the Dreadnought, he ain't ready yet, as you can see I'm holding him on the top. I have glued the feet already on, but I want to try to sculpt a sort of shield on the other sheen protector, which I can't do if I glue him on the base.


As you can see on the 2nd photo, I have magnitized the waist, as well as the 2 armsockets. I'm planning to plant another magnet under the armor, then one under HunterKillerMissile, so that I can put it on and off when I please (and when I have fired it I can remove it if wished :P)






While I'm busy I might as well pop some pictures of the WiP Terminators (will magnitize the arm sockets as well, for the dual LC/ TH+SS options ofc). One terminator I will make permanent LC, you can see the bold guy.





On the other side I have also worked on the sword arm of the EC. I tried to make it look like a marine arm, sculpting it. But that didn't worked out that well. So I tried another idea. As you (hopefully) can see in the pictures is that I made a bracelet. I bent the terminator 'penis protector' and threw some GS with it.



The only thing I have not is that the other arm doesn't have that. I have tried, but it doesn't really fit with the gun. Any suggestions on this?


I also wanted to give the EC another thing, I won't add anything else 'cause the model will then probably look to busy, but the 'libram on his waist' is something I wanted to give him, a paladin like feature :P





And to finish if off, here are some other initiates:





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