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Lamenters Chapter Log


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After many months of looking around here for inspiration, I have finally begun work on my own marine army once more. However I keep jumping from model to model without getting much work done, so I thought a progress log would be a good way to get some momentum going. Without any more whinging, here is what I have so far...


Small detachment shot, 2 tac squads, one scout, one veteran/command.


Tac 1


Tac 2


Colour tests

Essentially though this is only a small amount what I have going on. I am in the process of stripping my old blood angel army (3000 points?), which will give me at least;

20 tactical marines

10 scouts

9 devestators

20+ assault marines

2 rhinos

2 attack bikes

Right now I am waiting for my press moulds to dry, so I can get to work on the tac squads shoulder pads and ornamentation - I want every model to be nice and detailed, even if my painting lets me down.

C+C welcome!

Cheers, ID

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Cheers A17roolz ;)

Best way to get replies I guess is to post some more images, so here is a a couple of small wip's. Meant to post them earlier in the week, but kind of got distracted by Modern Warfare 2 :huh:



Both the scouts have Pig Iron heads, hopefully going to give all them to all my scouts - the idea of new recruits charging into combat bare headed makes no sense to me at all.


WiP attack bike, sidecar to be painted seperately.


Drop Pod with added chapter symbol.

Any tips on colour scheme welcome, or any other pointers!


The Lamenters is such a cool name for a chapter, but the army's icon is, well... comical, to say the least. You know you can't take the army seriously when you get accessories for the army the female section of any clothing store. :D


The yellow looks great so far, and the brown looks good as well. When you have a finished model, it will be easier to give feedback on it, which is helpful for you, obviously.

Funny I stripped my BA to make my Lamenters too. Overall I really like what you got going on here. I really like the yellow on the attack bike, much smoother than mine. BTW how you running them, codex or BA? Keep up the good work! I know how frustrating this scheme can get. Ugh I have nightmares about black and white checkerboards still lol.

Looking forward to seeing more!

@ Alpha - not true, only really hardcases would have a chapter icon like that, and good point on the finished model.

@DKR, I am going to run them as standard codex, very tactical heavy, eventually lots of drop pods with massed bolters. They like to get close to their enemies, just not ripping their throats out with their teeth :lol:


Pretty much finished tactical marine. I am not convinced by the red eyes, any ideas on them?


Waiting the driver/gun/gunner, but pretty much there.


Current model in the pipeline.

After many hours of trying to get good moulded shoulder pads, I have decided to abort the idea - my results are too erratic and I have decided I need a fair amount of practice with gs first. Decals/symbols are all going to be freehanded at a later date, when I have got back into the habit of painting.


Right so I realise my progress so far has been ridiculously slow, but here are a couple more finished marines.



And my next victims...



When I say 'finished', I mean I am satisfied with them to tabletop condition. It has been a while since I have painted properly, so I am still getting my eye in so to speak. They still need battledamage/weathering, squad and chapter markings, as well as those damn checkerboards. Oh well!

@Yogi, cheers for the comments on the yellow. I agree that method should be faster, but I developed a phobia of painting yellow over black when doing some colour tests. Even with Iyanden Darksun as a base, I struggled with the coverage, and I wasn't 100% happy with the results.

C+C more than welcome,


Looking nice man, love to see the less popular chapters getting painted up. Yellow looks great, I'm paiting up an Emperor's Children army atm and I hate painting up from black too so started undercoating in white. When you thinking of doing the shoulder pads?

Hey nice models and Lamenters are a funny chapter Blood Angel/Ultramarine Hybrid


Just a quick questions, but what models did you get those scout heads from because they look sweet, I also don't understand having un-helmed marines, most the time they would fight on planets that are not hospital to human or genetically modified human life so a helmet is a must lol.

I read you have trouble with molded shoulderpads?

Edit:remove pic

Those are the feathers from Sternguard/Vanguard shoulderpads.

From the picture, it should seem fairly straight forwards. If you have any questions, send me a PM.

I can also show you how to mold full shoulderpads, including the shoulderpad itself. A bit harder, but also do able.

Great looking yellow by the way!

Cheers for the positive replies folks :)

@ Midas, the greenstuff work is very average, but I still think it helps add detail :)

@Emperors Children eh? Pink marines :P

The right shoulder is the chapter badge, which is something like this gallery_40962_4221_41302.jpg

Left shoulder is going to be tactical/squad markings, in various guises.

@ Maltese Falcon - the heads are Pig Iron, most often seen in Imperial Guard conversions but some are big enough to fit scouts. I have got some bare-headed marines, but they will all have helmets on their body somewhere....

@Shortsonfire79, thanks for the offer of help on moulding, but it is something I have gotten fed up of trying right now. Most likely I will go back to it at some point, but my unpainted marines where taunting me and I just wanted to crack on with the painting. Glad you like the yellow ;)


I have been watching this log evolve and I must say that I really like what you have done so far.


You have managed to achieve a really good tine with the Yellow and if I ever encounter yellow then I think I will be using your method.


With the should pads you could save your sleve loads of time by using the new Crimson Fist shoulder pad, filling of the fist and painting or green stuffing on a heart. It doesn't look like there is a trim on the pad so it would be easier to do the chequers. Linky


Hope that helps as an idea.

Thats a very good idea with the shoulder pad Blackiron, thanks a lot, may well go get some of those this weekend and give it a try :tu:

Another idea that has been bouncing around my head with the scouts, is how they get in position. In fluff it is always mentioned that they are inserted sometimes days/weeks before the main force, to scout out enemy positions, but in my mind drop pods/thunderhawks aren't really very stealthy. I have been browsing t'interweb today, and found some paper templates for quite a cool little flyer, so without further ado here is what it looks like:




Scale shots.

This is it without armaments/engines etc, and is just me hurridly putting it together from the templates. If people think it looks appropriately 40k I will give it a proper bash with plasticard, as a 'stealthy' insertion vehicle for scouts.

Advice welcome :P

First off - that is a really nice yellow and the idea of those helmets on the Scouts is great. I always thought the Ellysian Drop Troop heads would make great heads for Scouts.

I too am starting a small 500 points-ish Lamenters force so I can add some Codex: Space Marine items to my Blood Angels. Whats your recipe for yellow? I was going to paint some test models this weekend.

Cheers guys. I agree Lestat, the Elysian heads are cool, but my main reason for choosing Pig Iron was you get double the number of heads for half the price - a no brainer to me! They have also just put out another set of heads which I think should look good, although I will have to wait for my second scout squad for these.



As for the yellow recipe, I can't take full credit as it is based on a recipe I saw Pig of Sparta using, but it is as follows (from a white undercoat)

1)Vomit Brown

2) Cover with Devlan Mud

3) Vomit Brown

4) 50/50 Vomit Brown/Golden Yellow

5) Golden Yellow

6) 50/50 Golden Yellow/Sunburst Yellow


If you want them brighter its easy to go straight through to a full highlight of sunburst, or you can just as easily stop at the golden layer highlight, for a very rich colour.



I agree that pig Iron is a bargin, plus I really like their stuff. I purchased a large batch of used space marines that I am planning on turning into a Imperial Fists army. I was thinking about using the mirroed hemets from pig Iron for my scouts. Your pics just reinforced this idea.


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