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Acolite's FW Chaos Reaver Titan *update Dec.02/2011*


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  • 3 months later...



Hey, so apparently I've been working on a Titan for a while now and I kind of forgot to update what has been going on here. :o


Anyway, I have been working on it, on and off. Last couple of months has kept away from it, Christmas, New Years, Olympics and work.


So, here is my rather massive update on it so far, I won't go into too much detail of what has been done over time, if you are really curious you can check out my project blog page: http://www.acoliteart.blogspot.com/.


Basically I've come to the point where I have glued and primed everything I need to for the legs. I will start to paint them in the next week or so.


After cleaning it, I went and glued/pinned and fitted all the parts. After that I primed it using the following method:


I first prepared all the parts by applying small pieces of painters tape to all the areas where I'd be gluing things together.




Then used the Matt Varnish first, since it adheres better to resin than regular spray paint. I did about two light coats on each piece. It dries quite quickly, only takes about 15 minutes, once that was done, I sprayed the pieces with the Chaos Black spray paint.




After letting it dry over night, I went back to check how it turned out. After rubbing all the pieces, none of the primer came off. Success!


I learned things the hard way with my Greater Brass Scorpion, it was quite terrifying to see the paint peal off as I painted.


Finally I ended up gluing all the pieces that I could, that would not interfere with painting any areas.


I'll try to remember to update this more often from now on.









Almost forgot to mention!


So I've been thinking about what I am going to do for a color scheme. Now, I was initially going to go with pretty much the same idea with what Forge world did for theirs, red and brass, mainly since my army is khornate CSM army.


However lately I have been having second thoughts. I've been wanted to paint some of my csm in a different color scheme, I got the idea after playing with the army painter in Chaos Rising. This is what color scheme I came up with:




I was thinking something like that, as my own personal color scheme. I'll probably be making a small personal war band for part of my army as well. obviously the army painter in the game is pretty limited, but I'd probably add a splash of red here and there, since it would still be loyal to khorne.


Otherwise I'd go for the more traditional colors:




My whole thought behind this is, I'll probably not be buying another one of these, at the very least not any time soon. I'd want it to be somewhat unique, that it is my Titan, yet, at the same time, I do like the forgeworld colors.


Anyway, I'm open for ideas and input from everyone.


Let me know what you all think.

Titans. Is there anything more fun to terrify an opponent with? Good luck with your project, I will be keeping an eye on this one.

I quite liked the grey/brass colour scheme you posted, it would stand out in a sea of Khornate red (although the titan will stand out anyway, being a titan) and would therefore signify the units you painted this way to be important in some manner.

  • 1 year later...

Woa... I haven't updated this in a long time. It seems I kind of forgot that I posted about my Titan on here. So, I've done quite a bit since the last update. However Titan still isn't done, lots of things came up over the last year, life, work, etc. I picked it up again back in May, getting the legs completely done, and now again, getting most of the Upper Torso done.


I only have the upper torso armour plates to finish, and I'll finally be completely done the body. Next will be the many weapon arms.


Anyways, here are some pics, you can see more and read up on more info on my blog. Acolite Reaver Art

















Hehe, that last photo, from below with the halo of the sun (or lightbulb, I guess ;)) looks epic...even if it is from behind.




Very impressive in all regards. I'd probably put my head through a wall trying to paint anything that big, much less with so much attention to detail (and uncooperative GW reds to boot).

Another update already, I'm on a roll.


I just finished the faceplate. Initially I was going to do chunks of each piece, so I could get them all done at around the same time, but I ended getting the face plate done first. I created another stencil for the symbol I wanted to do. It wasn't quite as good as the Mark of Khorne one I did for the knee, but it still turned out quite good.











Thanks for all the comments guys. It's coming along really well. I just finished the underside armour plate as well as the one that sits under the very top one (the one with the Eye of Horus). I started working on the top center plate. I'm going at a pretty damn good pace, and I'm hoping to have the body done by the end of next week, if not sooner. Then I'll start working on the weapons, I'm going to focus on the Apocalypse Missile Launcher for the carapace weapon and the Melta cannon and Laser Blaster for the arm weapons. I'll do the rest of the weapons at later date, as I have some new Necrons that I want to start painting soon.


So, expect to see another update in the next little while! :teehee:

Really great model and wonderful painting... Do you plan to do any Banners to hang from the legs or arms?



Thanks! <_<


I actually am, I got a few ideas a floating around a while back. Seems I've never scanned them, I'll do that and post em up on my next update. I want to do at least one banner for the legs.

Another update!


I've managed to complete yet more of the Titan. This time the underside armour plate, the plate that fits between the Torso and the the upper Mid plate, and of course the actual Mid plate. Probably one of the coolest parts of the model, the eye of Horus. Decided to go with a blue/white for the eye, similar to the smaller one inside the Titan. I only have the two shoulder plates left, and then the body will be officially done. At this rate, it will be done faster than my initial prediction of end of next week.


Anyways, enjoy the pics!












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