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is it a bad thing I like that land raider name?


Not at all, i made up some fluff for it after a game my pure Grey Knights had against a Dark Eldar army.

I had a Grand Master as my HQ, and i gave him bionics to fill the last 10 points i had left :lol:

Turns out, after being shot down by Dark Lances three times, he passed his 6+ bionics roll twice (The third time he wasn't so lucky) and got back up to keep fighting!


So badly wounded after the engagement, Grand Master Baene realised that it was not the Emperor who had kept him alive, but the bionics from his many previous engagements with the forces of Chaos, fought at the behest of the Emperor.

Taken in by the Dark Eldar, most of his forces wiped out, they have Baene and his remaining Grey Knights tortured. Still, the bionics of the Grand Master keep him clinging to life, and he fought back against the enslavers on several occasions. The Dark Eldar start to respect the martial prowess of Grand Master Baene, he is put into the Wych arenas as a gladiator, where he continues to impress the Kabal of his captors. Baene is approached by the leaders of the Black Heart Kabal, and they offer him the chance to join their ranks.

Eager to have freedom, Baene accepts. Those of his remaining Grey Knights who do not join him, he slaughters personally. The few who do, become his own personal retinue. Returning to the battlefield where Baene was originally captured, he and the Dark Eldar salvage his old Land Raider Crusader, take it back to the black city and repair it, fitting it with powerful grav-engines to keep Baene at the pace of his new comrades.


Outfitted with the grav-engines, Grand Master Baene stands atop the pulpit of his old transport, along with his personal retinue, shouting orders to the pirates under his direct control, while swooping low with the doors of the Land Raider open, gunning down the enemies with the repeater splinter-hurricanes, and scooping up those not killed from the Land Raider Enslaver's deadly new weaponry.


I have been meaning to work on stats for them, but the fluff is as far as i've gotten ;)

My apologies for heading off topic, i just thought i'd share the fluff for my creation

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This is blasphemy, reporting it.


I'm as much of a fan to the 'incorruptible Grey Knights' idea as anyone, and i cannot for the life of me understand why the Grey Knights are ok with the Exorcists, considering their creation process includes being possessed by daemons.

Going by my image of the Grey Knights, knowing of their creation method, i'd expect them to smash down the door of those responsible of such radical thoughts, and either gun down the radical, or ensure they are trialed for their heresies against mankind.


But i still think Land Raider Enslaver sounds awesome :jaw:

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But i still think Land Raider Enslaver sounds awesome :)


I think Land Raider Enslaver is a pretty cool guy. eh hovers off the ground and doesnt afraid of anything.


Truely the most "awesome" thing is the fact that you wrote several paragraphs about a Grand Master who fell, not to chaos, but to Dark Eldar - only to hover-board out his Land Raider and start cruising the system for chicks.... and yet you haven't had your eyes clawed out by fluff Nazis.


The Emperor watches over you indeed sir.

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yesterday from Bindi Baji:


GK codex is currently being put together (fluff, art) and playtesting is happening now.

dead centre january is the date it's pencilled in for,

curiously enough the date seems to be more "in stone" then anything not related to 8th edition fantasy.


additionally there is CSM + O&G chatter



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Well, for months I've been badgering an associate of mine who happens to be well in the know when it comes to what's going on within the GW walls and for all of those months the story has been the same, "I can't tell you but you wouldn't be interested anyway".


However, this weekend I pushed again for some info and there was a distinct change in the tone, it was still "I can't tell you..." but now added to that was "...because it's something that you would be interested in".


For my money and bearing in mind I know this person well I'd have to say that i reckon the ball is well and truly rolling (approx 6-8 months and counting by my reckoning). If I had to stake my rep I'd say DE for autumn, GK for new year?

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really? so i may finally get my plastic sisters???? ;)
Well, I'm not so sure about SoB. I've just called GW direct up to see if I could get some kind of clarification on sisters being able to run in the forthcoming ToS tournie and the very helpful guy on the phone said that for the purpose of this years UK GT they could be played but might not be valid for next year. Mind you, he also said that it could be because a new codex is on it's way and so the PDF would be obselete by then anyway.


Needless to say I'm pretty unconvinced we're going to see anything SoB within the next year. Let's face it, there's a few armies out there that would both benefit from a new codex whilst also bringing in a significant wedge of cash to GW when they were renewed (Tau & Eldar being the 2 most popular examples). Then take into account that necrons are in need of an update, DE are en route so to speak and the DA players out there are also deserving of some kind of reboot but in any case the amount of work needed to update sisters is by far greater than anything else out there at the moment (DE would have been the exception but we know they're been worked on for a considerable time anyway).


I just can't see sisters being updated in a way that befits their pedigree in such a short time frame. I could be wrong mind...

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Well, according to sources like Bindi Baji, SoB are more 18 months away... In the meawhile I got an answer from GW UK regarding my queries.


There has been no neglect as I would hope we have explained to you in the past. There are plans and schedules for the production/redoing and development of armies. Some have to come sooner than others, otherwise nothing would be done. What is clear though is that these things will have been planned for some time so that certain updates and add ons will not have been done as they would be known to be changing in the future and the work would be pointless.


So I hope you see the situation. “ You” as a customer are not being treated badly. Things just take time to develop. Much is the same for Necron and Dark Eldar players and until receantly the Blood Angel players. We simply have to wait for things to be developed correctly and produced.


So basically, they are very sorry for me and I have been treated exactly like all GW customers. I guess the guy didn't read the part of my letter about us not getting Battle Mission scenarios et Apocalyspe formations (no, I don't count the very very bad GK one!).




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At the worst, if schedule goes like this for 2011-2012

Jan: GK

March: Necrons

October: DA or Black templars

Jan: Eldars

March: SoBs



It could be about 2 years... Mind you, that march 2012 could also go to DA/BT (the one that doesn't get the 2011 spot). But that is only speculation...



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was in our local store the other day and the manager let slip that the three ordos are being merged into one codex called forces of the imperium thats is supposed to include some extra stuff on the adeptus mechanicus

It contradicts with many other rumours from much more reliable sources.

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was in our local store the other day and the manager let slip that the three ordos are being merged into one codex called forces of the imperium thats is supposed to include some extra stuff on the adeptus mechanicus

Yeh sorry, your manager has most likely passed on a fake rumour. Is fine though and don't get discourgaed to keep posting them up, more rumours... must have more rumours :yes:

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was in our local store the other day and the manager let slip that the three ordos are being merged into one codex called forces of the imperium thats is supposed to include some extra stuff on the adeptus mechanicus

Yeh sorry, your manager has most likely passed on a fake rumour. Is fine though and don't get discourgaed to keep posting them up, more rumours... must have more rumours :D


It's actually possible that this is true, albiet with GK (and pressumably SoB) seperated. The only thing we got from JJ etc is that GK and SoB aren't being combined - nothing was ever said about the ordos not being combined AFAIK.

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