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its not our fault Mat Ward loves them so

and what does that change . dont like ward who likes ultras . dont like ultras . dont like ultra players. Specialy as I dont realy see many ultra players going around "nah guys Ward over did it a bit , we are not the best fleet/tactical/assault/bike/tank etc force in the meq world " . even the IW gunline and BL khorn players did agree that H-man went over the top with them[even if he did cut some of the IW rules in the dex. for example there were no dread squadrons in the end].

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@ Great Crusade08, he already did to the other marine chapters just to make his mary sue version of the Ultra's look better, can't imagine he would see any reason to stop.
you know i get your mad at mr Ward, but do you have to call the Ultras Mary Sue that really burns me up... people talk without thinking some times...

its not our fault Mat Ward loves them so

You Ultras and your fancy pants shiny armour and your super clean idealised fluff just come strollin' into our grubby little inquisition forum and expect us to kowtow to you? :P


Bah! Like we're going to renounce our petty intrigues and deals with the dark just 'cause some pretty boy marine says so. ;)


Figure that if we all loved the ultras as much as you did, we'd probably play ultras, and wouldn't that be boring. ;)


Can't we all just agree to get along and loath Matt Ward together? B)

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(Drool) even if his fluff tells he personally saved Maneus Calgar 29 times from deamonic posession, singlehandedly while knitting an I love Kitty sweater with his other hand!


As both a 40k player and a knitter, I find the second half of this to be far more impressive than the first. I vote for this to make it in the codex, just for that! :huh: :D

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You mean nobody is looking forward to the Grey Knights with their Grey Bolters and Grey Force Weapons wearing their...


statler: I don't get why they have grey everything

waldorf: its just one big grey area



statler: didn't the last version have enough grey areas?

waldorf: No they needed to argue over why they were silver and called grey too


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You Ultras and your fancy pants shiny armour and your super clean idealised fluff just come strollin' into our grubby little inquisition forum and expect us to kowtow to you? :P


Bah! Like we're going to renounce our petty intrigues and deals with the dark just 'cause some pretty boy marine says so. ;)


Figure that if we all loved the ultras as much as you did, we'd probably play ultras, and wouldn't that be boring. ;)


and what does that change . dont like ward who likes ultras . dont like ultras . dont like ultra players. Specialy as I dont realy see many ultra players going around "nah guys Ward over did it a bit , we are not the best fleet/tactical/assault/bike/tank etc force in the meq world " . even the IW gunline and BL khorn players did agree that H-man went over the top with them[even if he did cut some of the IW rules in the dex. for example there were no dread squadrons in the end].


you both need to get a grip, im sure this is a bg joke, where its ok to make fn of someones choice of army, but i happen to like ultras.. just becuase you think its funny doesnt make it right?

If you want to go down that route, ill gladly come round your houses and flush your face down a used loo cuz you know id kinda find that funny too..


why dispresect a whole chapter and its members/players, just becuase you hate one guy... it makes no sense and i urge you all to give it a rest



Can't we all just agree to get along and loath Matt Ward together? B)

Yes if you like, but that doesnt mean you should disrespect somones choice of chapter, i also play grey knights btw.. so im here for a reason

hate mat ward but leave ultras alone... geez he wrote the BA codex too and messed that up, no-one gives them the special treatment ultras get.


Im not gunna ask again, any more disrespect will result in me hitting the report button... ill gladly keep doing it until someone gets banned.. its unaaceptable.

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Yes if you like, but that doesnt mean you should disrespect somones choice of chapter, i also play grey knights btw.. so im here for a reason

hate mat ward but leave ultras alone... geez he wrote the BA codex too and messed that up, no-one gives them the special treatment ultras get.


... But we do make fun of the Twilight Chapter!

Well, i do at least.


Codex: Space Werewolves and Codex: Space Vampires. See where i'm going with this?

It looks like GW's attempt to bring Twilight Fangirls (and the feminine fanboys) into 40k.


One day, there will be a clash between Wolf Lord Jacob and Captain Edward... Just you wait

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... But we do make fun of the Twilight Chapter!

Well, i do at least.


Codex: Space Werewolves and Codex: Space Vampires. See where i'm going with this?

It looks like GW's attempt to bring Twilight Fangirls (and the feminine fanboys) into 40k.


One day, there will be a clash between Wolf Lord Jacob and Captain Edward... Just you wait


Dont get me wrong im not being overly insensitive, we do get the odd niggle (Eddie Orlocks post would have been funny had it not been in response to my last plea.. which just made it inapropriate)

we get called smurfs, BA, twlight amrines etc.. thats fine.. but to go on about the ultras just because you hate mat ward is wrong.. like i said before its not our fault, we just want to collect and game without the overspill of hatred.

Mary sue is just plain annoying..

I hope you can understand my point, i often have trouble explianing myself properly..

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Dont get me wrong im not being overly insensitive, we do get the odd niggle (Eddie Orlocks post would have been funny had it not been in response to my last plea.. which just made it inapropriate)

we get called smurfs, BA, twlight amrines etc.. thats fine.. but to go on about the ultras just because you hate mat ward is wrong.. like i said before its not our fault, we just want to collect and game without the overspill of hatred.

Mary sue is just plain annoying..

I hope you can understand my point, i often have trouble explianing myself properly..


I know what you mean, I'm not trying to disenhearten someone from the game because of their army, i just dislike the direction Ward has taken the codices in.

Also, the whole thing about the Ultramarines dominating the artwork sections of the rule book and SM codex. It's great help for artistic direction and inspiration. That is, if you play Ultramarines.

I just personally think it's a little unfair that a single chapter always has the spotlight in the rulebook and codex, where there are only a few small pictures to show the paint scheme of other chapters. Look through the painting section of your SM codex and you'll see what i mean. Around half of the pictures are Ultramarines, and the other 50% of pictures is made up of the other 10+ chapters mentioned in the Codex.


I just wish that GW could show off several paint schemes equally in their codices. In the 5th edition Tyranids book, Hive Fleet Leviathan have the spotlight, leaving me (i have a variation on Hive Fleet Behemoth) with very little inspiration in the form of models painted in my chosen scheme.

Not trying to rip into Ultramarines at all, just incase i have not explained this well enough

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i know what you mean, diversty would have been good, although apparently the book was written as codex ultramarines and changed at the eleventh hour to C:SM.


It does appear that way. Just like i have a modified Codex: Hive Fleet Leviathan sitting next to the last of my unpainted Tyranids

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It does appear that way. Just like i have a modified Codex: Hive Fleet Leviathan sitting next to the last of my unpainted Tyranids


yeah i noticed that, i was looking for behemoth mainly due to the BfM connection.. think i found about 3 pictures of that colour scheme, which is odd considering how much space the 'fluff' got

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I don't get all this Matt-Ward-hate. We got codice by Andy Hoare. Now, mind you, I think Mr. Hoare is a gentleman and was one of the few guys at GW that really cared about the Inquisition. Still, for all the very cool fluff, they were possibly some of the worse codice to come out. Space Marines and Blood angels are very fun to use, no matter if the fluff might displease some of the players.


I'm looking at WFB 8th edition and all 5th ed. codice and I think 2010 might be the year GW remembered it's all a game and should be fun to play first and foremost. Now, let's just hope they remember that everyone likes to play and that they should pump out those codice ASAP...




edit: haha! I'd putt in Mike Ward... He's a local comedian know for his very dark and gritty humor!

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Figure that if we all loved the ultras as much as you did, we'd probably play ultras, and wouldn't that be boring. ;)
you both need to get a grip, im sure this is a bg joke, where its ok to make fn of someones choice of army, but i happen to like ultras.. just becuase you think its funny doesnt make it right?

If you want to go down that route, ill gladly come round your houses and flush your face down a used loo cuz you know id kinda find that funny too..


why dispresect a whole chapter and its members/players, just becuase you hate one guy... it makes no sense and i urge you all to give it a rest

Can't we all just agree to get along and loath Matt Ward together? B)
Yes if you like, but that doesnt mean you should disrespect somones choice of chapter, i also play grey knights btw.. so im here for a reason ... Im not gunna ask again, any more disrespect will result in me hitting the report button... ill gladly keep doing it until someone gets banned.. its unaaceptable.
By the presence of the spelling errors, I get the strong impression that you're very passionate about the subject. To be honest, the entire post was intended as sarcasm. I too run a codex chapter, but I suppose I cowardly disavow any association with the ultras to avoid the insidious 'ultrahate'. I tend to fluff them as inheritors of the Lion, you know, 'cause that doesn't bring its own stigmas. I don't really hate Matt Ward, mostly I'm ambivalent. He did a decent job on the book, but I think he got some top-down direction that's implemented in ways I'm not fond of. Not really his fault, he's just doing the job he's paid to do.


Since you brought it up, I'll drift into a brief aside on B&C policy and join you in violation, under the last bullet point, the one that talks about off-topic discussion (on that note, I'm surprised that "Six" or "Nicolli" haven't popped up yet brandishing inferno pistols) there is a short paragraph on not 'user moderating'. Threatening a report, would likely fall under this category. If you think the charge will stick. either do, or do not. Don't threaten.

Dont get me wrong im not being overly insensitive, we do get the odd niggle (Eddie Orlocks post would have been funny had it not been in response to my last plea.. which just made it inapropriate)




I hope you can understand my point, i often have trouble explianing myself properly..

So, it seems that you could have seen it in the light intended. I'd hoped a bit of semi-in-character levity could have eased tensions and we could have moved onto more productive things, without having to derail ourselves with a meta-topic chat.


Now then, to try and stay on topic and redeem this post a shred: How long has fifth been with us, and do we think we'll go yet another edition without a witch hunter book. Further, can we speculate that in sixth they'll return to the historic practice of composition percentages, matching the change in Fantasy, and that iff the witch hunter book arrives late enough in the edition it'll subscribe to the space woof precident of modifying the org chart, only to such a degree that it'll replace it with it's own percentage system as a defacto preview of the new system in sixth.

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I'm surprised that "Six" or "Nicolli" haven't popped up yet brandishing inferno pistols

Heh. Well, I'll be honest. RL has been very busy this summer (in a good way), and there's only so many hours in the day ...


... and this topic is very, very wearying. B) I'm as big a fan of the Inquisition as anybody, but even I can't understand how this topic continues to churn along with so much activity day in, day out.


Do we really need it?


If we're going to get threats to REPORT and paragraphs about what Fraters may and may not do vis-a-vis the moderators' duties ... I begin to think ... "Maybe we don't need this topic."


Don't worry, I'm not brandishing any pistols yet. Just ... play nice. Don't threaten, even in a "friendly" way. If you have a problem, REPORT it. That will always grab our immediate attention.


Also, don't instruct other users about what is or isn't proper. Supposedly, all of you have read the Forum Rules and understand them. The moderating team will take it from there.


I'd rather you spent your time pleasantly wishlisting, showing off your models, and scheming about the radical Inquisitors and traitors, heretics, and xenos of the far future.


Carry on!

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Well, WFB 7th and 8th were 4 years apart (roughly), so I hope we won't get WH40k 6th before 2 years, enough time to bring 6 more codice to date. Not sure they can do it. That's WH, DH, DE, Tau, Necron, DA, BT, Eldars and Chaos Space Marines. Chaos Daemons and Orks, for sanity's sake, will be "considered" 5th ed. So that's 9 codice in the next 24 months.


As far as I can see, they'll need at least 3 years until 6th ed. unless they seriously ramp up things...



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To be fair about the painting sections, if I could pull the books out of my various collections of codices, regrettably they're packed away, I'd postulate that in nearly all of them, one particular brand is brought to the forefront as the 'Eavy Metal teams darling, the one painted up for the in house play tests. It's a bit like the Empire and Altdorf. Sure you see a bit of Nuln, Middenheim, and Stir River Patrol, but most of it is red and white livery. In the modern era there's always the Guard and Cadians. Often when it's Orks it's Goffs. I think it's often an artefact of what the studio has available to photograph.


It's not a new phenomena.


Per Boreas assessment, and the current impression that we'll see new books within a year we'll probably still get an org chart. What are our ratios like now anyway? In the event that in a few years they move to percentages, What do we think the norm will be, and are we already compliant? I'd speculate from what I remember of 2nd and what I've seen of Fantasy 8th It'll default to 25%+ troops, <25% HQ, <25% Elite, <25% Fast, and <25% Heavy. It might be something stranger though, given the appearance of Elite Characters in recent books, it might become something more like <50% HQ and Elite including at least one designated command capable character (ie. HQ) and <50% Support, consisting of Fast and Heavy elements.

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I personally hope they do not go down that road.

It would mean that Tyranid players like myself, would be capable of fielding ridiculous amounts of minimum-strength Termagant broods across the field.

It would also seriously limit the ability for Tyranids to access Heavy Support, as everything other than Biovores cost at least 160points, making it impossible to have more than 1-2 choices in a 1500-2000pt game.


It would basically remove the GK's ability to take tank-busting equipment, too. Only having one Land Raider in a 1500pt game, for instance (personally, at 1500 i am running 2 and a Crusader to get the most firepower available).


Percentiles would be terrible in 40k, i just hope that GW realizes this.

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Percentiles would be terrible in 40k, i just hope that GW realizes this.


They did percentages in 2nd Edition and abandoned them for the FOC which has served well ever since. I seriously doubt that GW designers will ever go back to percentages, as there is no reason to adjust the current system further. The FOC does what they intend, which is to "shape" army lists to focus on basic troops (Troops), while also minimizing/limiting excessive specialty/elite/support style units. In the cases where such specialization is appropriate (e.g. Deathwing lists, Biker lists, etc.) there are game mechanics in place (usually via a Special Character) which allows modification to the FOC. If done correctly it all works very well. I am quite sure that the do realize this and will stick with what we've got, or something close to it.


Now, to make this related to this thread (Inquisition-specific), I could see the Grey Knights perhaps getting a special FOC (like the Space Wolves do, with their 4 HQ slots). Just throwing this out there, but we could do something unique like get 1 HQ (either Grand Master or Inquisitor Lord), while getting 4 Elite slots, or something like that.



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@ Great Crusade08, he already did to the other marine chapters just to make his mary sue version of the Ultra's look better, can't imagine he would see any reason to stop.


you know i get your mad at mr Ward, but do you have to call the Ultras Mary Sue that really burns me up... people talk without thinking some times...

its not our fault Mat Ward loves them so

I didn't mean to offend you and I am sorry if I did, I am not saying the ultramarines are mary sues, they may seem like that if all you have is wards rantings, whilst if you have any Ultramarine fluff pre ward, then they have a nice history and are a noble chapter that had the bad luck of having the worst writer (even Twilight books are better then his stuff, mind you, thats only because they are big enough to give to hobos to use as fire fuel, otherwise they are equal.) as a fanboy, and I offer my condolances to all Ultramarine and Blood Angel players for what Ward has done to your fluff, and merly ask you to join us in praying for his swift banishment, er sacking before he gets near another army.

A hivefleet, meh, the Squats were lucky, they should be glad ward will never go near them.

The main problem I have with ward is he gets paid for what he writes, yet he takes no care at all in what he writes.

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