Brother Argent Posted January 2, 2010 Share Posted January 2, 2010 IA: Star Wardens Origins: If one was to ask a brother of the Star Wardens of his Chapter's history one would be met with stony silence. This is, for the most part, not done because the Chapter has some hidden desire to keep it's history a secret it is just that very little is known of the Chapter's early days. The history of the Wardens seems to have been, from a certain point in their history to their founding, wiped clean. Very little remains and what has been discovered is through a concerted effort on behalf of the Chapter or other Imperial forces. It is as though most mention of the Chapter was purposely obliterated at the same time the Chapter suffored a catastrophic loss of resourses and their homeworld, along with all the Chapter's recorded history. That such a huge task was implimented, perhaps not as thoroughly as intended at the time, but still to the degree of most records either being destroyed on inaccesible to the Chapter, would require a huge amount of effort; Most likely from both the Chapter itself as well as other high ranking members of either the Inquisition or the Administratum. How or why the Chapter would want to undertake such a drastic mesure it unknown, and this is one of the reasons the Chapter has such a deep desire to discover the secrets of their past. What little history that has been recovered through fragments of recordings and paintstakingly restored war records indicate an essentially normal Chapter. There are no records of potentially herectical activities and, indeed, the Chapter is recorded as having less then usual Librarians and potential psykers. There is very little to nothing that could explain the suden destruction of any records of the Chapter. The only thing out of the usual is in most recent records before the dissapearance of the Chapter is an increase of the Chapter's movements and what becomes an increasingly erratic fashion, as though the Chapter was looking for something. Then nothing for a millenia until a recording indicates the Star Wardens coming to the aid of a fringe world of the Imperium against orks. What happened to the Chapter during that time or why their history was destroyed previous to that point is unknown. Although the Chapter's early history seems all but nonexistant their doings since that cataslymsic loss of knowledge have not been. The Chapter has placed a high value on all knowldge, barring the most herectical and truly obscure xeno. Thusly the Chapter has painstakingly recorded any and all history of the Chapter they can. These histories tell of a glorious and faithful service to the Imperium. Recorded as having served in many conflicts throughout the Imperium, including the recent Seige of the Dragon's Spire and the actions against Hive fleet Titan, the Star Wardens have served as a stalwart and implacable Chapter; Ever willing to protect the people of the Imperium as well as ever vigilant for evidence of their long lost past. Homeworld Although all records of the Chapter's original homeworld were lost during the planet's assumed destruction the Chapter has long sought out any records it can on it's past. Only one record regarding their homeworld has been discovered, a dataslate mentioning the Star Wardens and their homeworlds of Iria. Although no record of where the planet even was or what it was like has ever been found. Since their re-emergence in mid M41 the Star Wardens have been a fleet based Chapter, moving from system to system where they are needed. Based upon a massive converted battle barge that serves as the Chapter's Fortress Monastery this ship, The Pride or Iria, was renamed after the discovery of the name of their homeworld. During the later part of M41 the Space Marine Chapter known as the Dragons of Dawn abandoned ties to the Imperium and embraced the Dark Gods. The Star Wardens were part of the force marshalled to defeat them, along with the Black Lamenters and the Iron Chevaliers Chapters. After a long, bloody and hard fought campaign which culminated in the seige of the Dragon's Spire. The Imperial forces were able to take the Spire, although they took heavy losses doing so. The Dawn Dragons fled into the Eye of Terror, swearing vengeance on those Chapters that had helped defeat them. The planet of Kovorosk, previous homeworld of the Dawn Dragons, was declared unclean and purged via Exterminatus at the behest of the Inquisition. Perhaps it is was because of their valiant actions during the Seige of the Dragons Spire, or perhaps it was some other subtle manipulations on behalf of the Chapter, but the Star Wardens were gifted the newly purged planet of Kovorosk to be their homeworld. The Wardens quickly accepted the offer, turning the remains of the Dragon Spire from a indominatable fortress into a reliquary for all the knowledge they acquired during their travels. The planet of Kovorosk was once a lush agri world until its savage bombing at the end of the Seige of the Dragon's Spire. The Exterminatus enacted by the Inquisition burned away much of the planets atmosphere, killing most of the life on the planet. Kovorosk is now a barren desert world, filled with graceful yet crumbling ruins of its previous inhabitants. The Star Wardens have begun to restore some life to the planet, bringing unusual plants and animals from other planets as they journey to them. Without a huuman population still on their homeworld to recruit from the Star Wardens have adopted a system of recruiting from the worlds where they fight, taking the most promising of a Planet's youth to undergo the rigourous and, even by the standards of other chapters, dangerous trials. Only the absolute best make it to the ranks of the Star Wardens. This over rigourous recruitment methods ensure that the legacy and history of the Wardens shall continue. With whatever shame that caused their Chapter's destruciton having whiped the Chapter's history clean the Wardens are going to ensure that, from now on, records of their Chapter will show them as the true servants of the Imperium they are. The Conclave of Postern From the first record of the Chapter after their disappearence up until the current day the Chapter has had close ties with a small group of Inquisitors of the Ordo Xenos based on the planet Postern. This Conclave, currently led by High Inquisitor Tarun, claims the Chapter has an ancient honour debt to the Conclave and, as such, the Conclave keeps in close contact, should they need to call on the debt. They also deny having any further knowledge of that dark time when the Chapter lost its history. Whether this is true or not remains to be revealed. Combat Doctrines The Star Wardens rely upon a system of pinpoint stratergy and precise blows, eventually robbing the enemy of both his will and ability to fight back. Not for them the vain-glorious charges of some of the other more vicous chapters, nor the meat grinder of other marines. Instead the Star Wardens try to ensure the least amount of damage to their surroundings. The Chapter places a high regard on both Imperial life and knowledge, both to the same extent. This has led to times when the commanding member of the Chapter has been forced to decide whether to commit to protecting Imperial civillians or some ancient relic or reliquary. Such a decision has proven costly before with some Commanders splitting their forces between both, bringing about a harder one victory or, sometimes, bitter defeat. However where possible the Chapter defends both people and any source of information to the full extent of their ability and have been known to rather fight to the last man then allow the enemy to take the Imperial forces they defend. The Star Warden Librarians, although highly valued, often take to the field. These Librarians are limited in number, even more so then other Chapters, but the Chapter ensures that no force leaves the Pride without at least one Librarian attatched. This is to ensure that any and all of the Chapter history is recorded from a first hand perspective, rather then being relayed through pict recording and reports. But it also serves the purpose of any knowledge found, particularly relating to the Chapter's own past, can be properly analysed and recorded. These Librarians are heavily guarded upon the field of battle often taking to battle alongside dedicated bodyguard units known as Keepers. Organisation The Star Wardens are Codex in nature, following the dictates of Guilliman closely in most regards. Lime most other Codex adherent Chapters the Star Wardens consist of Ten Companies. The first comprises of the Chapter's Veterans. These warriors are highly valued by their brothers, seen as living links to the Chapter's past. Also any Dreadnought deemed venerable in seconded to the First Company. It is rare for much of the First to take to the battlefield at once, the Chapter prefering not to risk such a powerful but venerated part of the Chapter. The Second through to Fifth Companies are known as battle companies and are made up of a mix of tactical, assault and devestator marines. Unlike other Codex Chapters, however, the battle companies of the Star Wardens are not equipped or trained in the use of bikes or Land Speeders. This role is taken up by the marines of the the Sixth and Seventh reserve companies with half of each of these trained tactical marines focussing almost exclusively on the use of these fast attack weapons. These specialists are then assigned to Battle Companies when the Chapter feels it is neccesary. The Eigth and Ninth Companies are also reserve Companies, comprising of Assault and Devestator squads respectively. The Tenth Company is comprised of those whom pass the Chapter's harsh recruitment rituals and have reached the rank of Neophyte or scout. These neophytes serve of the battlefield in support roles until they prove themselves worthy of joining their brothers in battle. The Crucible Because they create the history of the Chapter with every step the Star Wardens are particularly brutal and thorough when it comes to recruitment. Nothing symbolised this mor ethen the trial known as the Crucible. New recruits to the Chapter are left on the outskirts of what was once the city surrounding the Dragon Spire. Forced to make it through the ruined city, filled with all sorts of horrors, these new recruits bvery rarely make it to the Dragon Spire. The Star Wardens have filled the labrynthine ruins will all sorts of test, ranging from auto sensing turrts to dangerous beasts from other planets. There are even rumours of Warp Spawned beasts within the depths of the Crucible, although this rumour is unproven. If daemons do exist within the Crucible, no recruits have survived the encounter.. Because the Chapter operates in a fleet based crusade it is rare for a force of the Star Wardens to be operating in a conflict without support from the rest of the Chapter nearby. Thusly the Companies work together closely and often forces sent by the Chapter will have squads of marines from other Companies seconded to them for the duration of the conflict. But this system means that the marines of the reserve companies are not directly drawn in to the battle companies. Instead the battle companies induct new recruits from the tenth company and the forces of the reserve companies are used more to bolster forces where they are temporarily needed. Beliefs Whilst the Star Wardens hold all human knowledge as sacred they place such knowledge at the same value as a human life. Thusly if a commander was forced to decide between protecting an ancient reliquary or a hive city the commander would be hard pressed to decide what to defend. Part of the reason for this is the Star Wardens believe that knowledge, once lost, cannot be recreated, where as humas could simply reproduce. This belief is held in various degrees by the Chapter command staff. The Star Wardens hold the Emperor as the Father of Humantiy and its one guideing light. They see him as the one constant in humanties existance and as a paragon from the past. The Primarchs they hold in various degrees of awe. They disagree with much of the Ecclisiarchy's teaching, believing that religion should never be allowed to cloud the the truth of history. This rensentment, however, has gone unnoticed by much of the Imperium. The Wardens beleive that, by examining the mistakes of the past, then one can truly prepare for the future. There are whispers amongst some members of the Inquisition that there are those amongst the Chapter that venerate Magnus the traitor Primarch for his power and knowledge, although this has yet to be proven. Geneseed The Dragon's Spire Once a massive Fortress, fortified beyond belief, that claimed the lives of many Star Wardens, the Dragon Spire now serves two purposes. Used as both a mausoleum for the Chapter honoured fallen as well as a massive library and reliquary for all the artifacts and knowledge the Chapter has secured during its crusades. Home of the Chapter's few facilities not onboard the Pride of Iria the Dragon Spire is maintained by the Chapter's serf as well as the mysterious Keepers, a group of the Star Wardens seconded to the Librarium to serve as both bodyguards and agents of the Librarians. Indeed most of the Spire is of limits to all but the Keepers and the Librarians. Although the knoweldge, along with much else the Chapter knew, was destroyed with the fall or Iria the Chapter has since rediscovered the origin of their geneseed. With the assistance of the Magos on Mars the Chapter has been able to determine their geneseed is that of Rogal Dorn, although exactly which Chapter or Founding they are from is unsure. Like their brothers in the Imperial Fists they too suffer from the failure of several zygotes. A further mutation in their geneseed seems to make them less able to produce marines with psyker potential. Although the reasons for this is unknown it effects have been felt with a much smaller number of librarians then other Chapters. Although the Chapter's Apothocaries have looked extensivley into this, they seem unable to determine the cause. Battlecry Although they have no formal recorded battlecry the Star Wardens seem to have adopted the battle cry of "Remember this day!". This cry is only rarely heard, however, as the Chapter often fights in taciturn silence in an effort to further unerve their enemy, often only speaking to give short commands or ackowledge word from their commanding officers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 2, 2010 Author Share Posted January 2, 2010 Okay so here it is, a new Chapter for a new year. This is the basic beginning IA for these guys. It has limited coding and is very basic. I intend to add more as I go and the Chapter is intended to be a living one, that is the games I play with the Chapter, etc, will have an effect on the Chapters IA and things. I intend to launch a new painting proeject for these guys soon to: painting an entire company perhaps. Maybe even start a little Challenge between other DIYers. In the meantime, however, tell me what you think. I love to hear back from you guys with these various projects of mine. So, ravage away... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terminatorinhell Posted January 2, 2010 Share Posted January 2, 2010 I like the idea, the silent fighting is awesome and their disagreement with the elessiacrhy(sp) is also a novel idea :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 2, 2010 Share Posted January 2, 2010 It's a great start and a very intersting idea. Certainly whetted my appetite to know what actually happened! My only worry with it is even if something happened to their Chapter records (either by design, accident or destroyed by enemy) there would be a certain amount of information about them in the great libraries of the Adeptus Terra e.g. Founding, colours, gene seed, home world etc and probably some info on important campaigns they'd taken part in. If all of that is going to disappear too, then you don't have much choice left but to involve the Inquisition in some way? That being said, it's an interesting idea that now, so much later, they are eagerly searching for information about themselves that their forebears possibly regarded as shameful and did their best to destroy. What happens if they discover the truth and don't like what it says about them? Good start! Lysimachus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 2, 2010 Author Share Posted January 2, 2010 Ah, but I didn't state the Inquisition wasn't involved did I, just not for psykers or messing with the gribblies from the Warp. Perhaps their Heresy was of a different kind. Or perhaps the information is there in the Great Librarys of Terra, there just not being allowed to see it. :blink: Thanks for the comments guys. Will hopefully do a bit of an edit and rewrite soon, maybe add some side bars. And then there is of course the living nature of the Chapter which will cause some changes soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Tyrak Posted January 2, 2010 Share Posted January 2, 2010 Quote The history of the Wardens seems to have been, from a certain point in this history to their founding, whiped clean. Very little remains and what has been discovered is through a concerted effort on behalf of the Chapter or other Imperial forces. You need a reason for that, or the more experienced members of the Liber will read that as "I couldn't be asked to write a backstory". Yes, that plot device has been done that many times before. The Administratum never throws anything away, ever. It exists rather like a giant filing cabinet - the only way they could lose records is if the index to the archives got lost. It's the one organisation where "planetary archives" can be taken literally - they do have entire planets carved out as giant record-storing warehouses. There needs to be a good reason for the records to be lost. Quote Ah, but I didn't state the Inquisition wasn't involved did I The Inquisition would never be involved, it doesn't act in unison and is specifically designed not to. It would be like one Chapter Master commanding all 1000 Chapters. "The Inquisition did it" is Inquisitor ex Machina. Have a look round the differing factions of the Inquisition, and if you want to involve an Inquisitor or two, find reasons for them to act too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 3, 2010 Author Share Posted January 3, 2010 I do actually have a reason for the whole vanishing act. I'm still formulating the exact process of how it happened but the rough idea is this: The Chapter was obsessed with knowledge before their disappearence just as they are now (just not as much). They also didn't have any qualms over whether it was Xeno etc. They discovered Xeno recordings of a device that held great power. They began their search for clues leading to this device (thus the Chapter erratic movements just before their disappearence. They eventually found the device and brang it back to their homeworld for study. The Librarians studied the device and whether intentionally or accidentally activted it. The Device happened to be a long dormant Necron construction, along a similar vein to the World Engine that the Astral Knights fought. Long story short the device ate their sun along with much of their chapter and all life on their home planet. The Ordo Xenos soon discovered what had happnened and, although they were unable to destroy the device as it had vanished, they destroyed all records of the Chapters actions and indeed most records of the Chapter itself, to avoid such an incident from happening again. What little records remained were locked away tightly in the Ordo Xenos halls. The Chapter Master of the Star Wardens at the time even willingly submitted his Chapter to a good old fashion mind scrubbing, knowing that the disaster that had been unleashed upon the world was due to his Chapters possesion of knowledge that should remain forbidden. Of course this brutal supression of the records to try and avoid it coming to light has had the opposite effect on the Chapter, with them seeking knowledge of the past with a fervour bordering on the extreme. This is my way of making the Chapter both tragic and almost hypocritical. The exact details are still being worked out but as this will never be openely stated in the IA (about what happened) instead only hinted at I figure the exact blow for blow reasons could be left to formulate fully and properly before I perhaps reveal it in a bit of fiction or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Tyrak Posted January 3, 2010 Share Posted January 3, 2010 Quote The Ordo Xenos soon discovered what had happnened and, although they were unable to destroy the device as it had vanished, they destroyed all records of the Chapters actions and indeed most records of the Chapter itself, to avoid such an incident from happening again. It's still too generalised. Rather than having the entire Inquisition act together you've just picked between a third and a quarter. Roughly speaking, for every two Puritan Inquisitors who think that was wrong, there will be one Puritan who doesn't see anything wrong with it, and one Radical who will/will not think it was wrong but thinks he can use it to manipulate you for his own ends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 3, 2010 Author Share Posted January 3, 2010 I use the term Inquisition lightly. I am of coure refering to a single Inquisitor or, due to the size of the effort required on this part, perhaps a small group of like minded Inquisitors perhaps following an Inquisitor Lords lead. The Chapter iteslf helped with the destruction of records. Perhaps not entirely willingly, perhaps under great duress. The scale of what was achieved with this erasing of the Chapter's past would be quite monumental so it would have to be either a fairly influencial Inquisitor(s) or luck was on their side. Soemtraces of the Chapter survived, as I've mentioned. After all no matter how influential and thorough you were you wouldn't have time to go and destroy every record or mention of a force that had been operating in colflicts Imperium wide for a few thousand years. Perhaps alot of the knowledge destruction was on the part of the Chapter Command. Instead of involving an Inquisior too thoroughly it was by order of the Chapter Master that much of the records were destroyed, perhaps only involving an Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos to hlep get rid of those hard to reach records, such as those on said Administratum Filing Planets. The question remains, I suppose, as to whould this even be possible. I mean the Blood Ravens did it/ had it happen to them. But my Chapter isn't really like the Blood Ravens (Praise the Emperor). They have had their history destroyed, just not as thoroughly as the BR and hopefully for a more plausible reason, to try and avoid the mistakes of the past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 4, 2010 Author Share Posted January 4, 2010 Okay so any further ideas would be helpful. I want to edit this some more but I'm not really sure where to go. I have one idea in relation to their homeworld, but I think that may pan out as a result from a campaign (kinda getting into the whole living Chapter thing). I'm also considering a side bar hinting at strong ties wit ha faction of the Ordo Xenos, and the Chapter not sure why there is such a tie but go along with it anyway. This gives me an excuse to include an Ordo Xenos kill team in the Army like I was contemplating anyway. :P What do you guys think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 8, 2010 Author Share Posted January 8, 2010 Okay proposed side bar added and just bumping for the Iron Gauntlet. Heck, these are the guys that started it all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ferrus Manus Posted January 8, 2010 Share Posted January 8, 2010 Just quickly, it's a bit late to go through it all (I'll do that tomorrow)... Quote The history of the Wardens seems to have been, from a certain point in this history to their founding, whiped clean. You mean wiped, whipped implies something much more painful :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neophyte of Slaanesh Posted January 8, 2010 Share Posted January 8, 2010 My first read through too, just noticed a few grammatical errors! I can't wait to see how the heretical device evolves (I guess I like long, drawn out stories). I'd also like to see these trials that new recruits go through. I really would love to see a short story on someone who knows the truth behind this chapter who maybe gets killed before where you take over with the history. Very interesting start! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted January 8, 2010 Share Posted January 8, 2010 I don't often do the grammar stuff, but I can't find a lot to fault these guys on. So, I must revert to my real-life grammar-seeking missile mode. :( Let's go grammar Ninja! :lol: Silver Phoenix said: IA: Star Wardens Origins: If one was to ask a brother of the Star Wardens of his Chapter's history one would be met with stoney silence. This is, for the most part, not done because the Chapter has some hidden desire to keep it history a secret it is just that very little is known of the Chapter's early days. The history of the Wardens seems to have been, from a certain point in this history to their founding, wiped clean. Very little remains and what has been discovered is through a concerted effort on behalf of the Chapter or other Imperial forces. It is as though most mention of the Chapter was purposely obliterated at the same time the Chapter suffored a catastrophic loss of resourses and their homeworld, along with all the Chapters recorded history. Highlighted words should be; Stony It's Chapter's Quote What little history that has been recovered through fragments of recordings and paintstakingly restored war records indicate an essentially normal Chapter. There are no records of potentially herectical activities and, indeed, tjhe Chapter is recorded as having less then usual Librarians and potential psykers. There is very little to nothing that could explain the suden destruction of any records of the Chapter. The only thing out of the usual is in most recent records before the dissapearance of the Chapter is an increase of the Chapter's movements and what becomes an increasingly erratic fashion, as though the Chapoter was looking for something. Then nothing for a millenia until a recording indicates the Star Wardens coming to the aid of a fringe world of the Imperium against orks. What happened to the Chapter during that time or why their history was destroyed previous to that point is unknown. Bolded words are typos. The underlined words are to remind you, you just said they don't have any records. I'm not sure they could have such detailed knowledge of their past and have no records. :P Quote Although the Chapter's early history seems all but nonexistant their doings since that cataslymsic loss of knowledge have not been. The Chapter has placed a high value on all knowldge, baring the herectical and xeno. Thusly the Chapter has painstakingly recorded any and all history of the Chapter they can. These histories tell of a glorious and faithful service to the Imperium. Recorded as having served in many conflicts throughout the Imperium the Star Wardens have served as a stalwart and implacable Chapter. Ever willing to protect the people of the Imperium as well as ever vigilant for evidence of their long lost past. Barring. The full stop after Chapter would read better as a " ; " The sentence seems to stop and start oddly otherwise. Quote Homeworld Although all records of the Chapter's original homeworld were lost during the planets assumed destruction the Chapter has long sought out any evidence it can on the Chapter. Only one records had been discovered, a dataslate mentioning the Star Wardens and their homeworlds of Iria. Although no record of where the planet even was or what it was like has ever been found. Since their re-emergence in mid M41 the Star Wardens have been a fleet based Chapter, moving from system to system where they are needed. Based upon a massive converted battle barge that serves as the Chapter's Fortress Monastary this ship, The Pride or Iria, was renamed after the discovery of the name of their homeworld. Without a homeworld to recruit from the Star Wardens have adopted a system of recruiting from the worlds where they fight, taking the most promising of a planets youth to undergo the rigourous and, even by the standards of other chapters, dangerous trials. Only the absolute best make it to the ranks of the Star Wardens. This over rigourous recruitment methods ensure that the legacy and history of the Wardens shall continue. With whatever shame that caused their Chapter's destruciton having whiped the Chapter's history clean the Wardens are going to ensure that, from now on, their records of their Chapter will show them as the true servants of the Imperium they are. Highlighted bits should be: planet's Any evidence they can on the chapter? I think they have proof that they exist already. I suspect you mean 'any historical records of the chapter'. record Homeworld Monastery Planet's wiped the underlined 'their' can be removed from the sentence. Quote From the first record of the Chapter after their disappearence up until the current day the Chapter has had close ties with a small group of Inquisitors of the Ordo Xenos based on the planet Postern. This Conclave, currently led by Hih Inquisitor Tarun, claims the Chapter has an ancient honour debt to the Conclave and, as such, the Conclave keeps in close contact, should they need to call on the debt. They also deny having any further knowledge of that dark time when the Chapter lost its history. Whether this is true or not reains to be revealed. Typos highlighted. Quote Combat Doctrines The Star Wardens rely upon a system of pinpoint stratergy and precise blows, eventually robbing the enemy of both his will and ability to fight back. Not for them the vain-glorious charges of some of the other more viscous chapters, nor the meat grinder of other marines. Instead the Star Wardens try to ensure the least amount of damage to their surroundings. Unless, of course, those surroundings are xeno or traitor. The Chapter places a high regard on both Imperial life and knowledge, both to the same extent. This has led to times whem the Chapter has left Imperial soldiers to their deaths as the Chapter moved to secure some ancient reliquary or shrine. This seemingly cold tactic caused them to come into conflict with other Imperial forces on some occasions, even coming to blows with the Salamanders on one occasion. However where possible the Chapter defends both people and any source of information to the full extent of their ability and have been known to rather fight to the last man then allow the enemy to take the Imperial forces they defend. The Star Warden Librarians, although highly values, often take to the field. These Librarians are limited in number, even more so then other Chapters, but the Chapter ensures that no force leaves the Pride without at least one Librarian attatched. This is to ensure that any and all of the Chapter history is recorded from a first hand perspective, rather then being relayed through pict recording and reports. But it also serves the purpose of any knowledge found, particularly relating to the Chapter's own past, can be properly analysed and recorded. These Librarians are heavily guarded upon the field of battle and often the higher ranking Librarians only take to the batlte field alonfside the Chapter Command Staff. vicious - viscous means thick. :( The underlined bit doesn't flow very well, and could do with re-wording. You also say the chapter places a lot of value on imperial life and then immediately betray your own statement by giving examples of them doing exactly the opposite. the second paragraph has typos highlighted. Quote Organisation The Star Wardens are Codex in nature, following the dictates of Guilliman closely in most regards. Lime most other Codex adherent Chapters the Star Wardens consist of Ten Companies. The first comprises of the Chapter's Veterans. These warriors are highly valued by their brothers, seen as living links to the Chapter's past. Also any Dreadnought deemed veneralbe in seconded to the First Company. It is rare for much of the First to take to the battlefield at once, the Chapter prefering not to risk such a powerful but venerated part of the Chapter. The Second through to Fifth Companies are known as battle companies and are made up of a mix of tactical, assault and devestator marines. Unlike other Codex Chapters, however, the battle companies of the Star Wardens are not equipped or trained in the use of bikes or Land Speeders. This role is taken up by the marines of the the Sixth and Seventh reserve companies with half of each of these trained tactical marines focussing almost exclusively on the useof these fast attack weapons. These specialists are then assigned to Battle Companies when the Chapter feels it is neccesary. The Eigth and Ninth Companies are also reserve Companies, comprising of Assault and Devestator squads respectively. The Tenth Company is comprised of those whom pass the Chapter's harsh recruitment rituals and have reached the rank of Neophyte or scout. These neophytes serve of the battlefield in support roles until they prove themselves worthy of joining their brothers in battle. Because the Chapter operated in a fleet based crusade it is rare for a force of the Star Wardens to be operating in a conflict without support from the rest of the Chapter nearby. Thusly the Companies work together closely and often forces sent by the Chapter will have squads of marines from other Companies seconded to them for the duration of the conflict. But this system means that the marines of the reserve companies are not directly drawn in to the battle companies. Instead the battle companies induct new recruits from the tenth company and the forces of the reserve companies are used more to bolster forces where they are temporarily needed. Typos highlighted. Quote Beleifs Whilst the Star Wardens hold all human knowledge as sacred they place such knowledge at the same value as a human life. Thusly if a commander was forced to decide between protecting an ancient relinquary or a hive city the commander would be hard pressed to decide what to defend. Part of the reason for this is the Star Wardens beleive that knowledge, once lost, cannot be recreated, where as humas could simply reporduce. This beleif is hjeld in various degrees by the Chapter command staff. The Star Wardens hold the Empero as the Father of humantiy and its one guideing light. They see him as the one constant in humanties existance and as a paragon from the past. The Primarchs they hold in various degrees of awe. They disagree with much of the Ecclisiarchies teaching, beleiving that religion should never be allowed to cloud the the truth of history. This rensentment, however, has gone unnoticed by much of the Imperium. The Wardens beleive that, by examining the mistakes of the past, then one can truly prepare for the future. There are whispers amongst som e members of the Inquisition that there are those amongst the Chapter that venerate Magnus the traitor Primarch for his power and knowledge, although this has yet to be proven. Geneseed Although the knoweldge, along with much else the Chapter knew, was destroyed with the fall or Iria the Chapter has since rediscovered the origin of their geneseed. With the assistance of the Magos on Mars the Chapter has been able to determine their geneseed is that of Rogal Dorl, although exactly which Chapter or Founding they are from is unsure. Like their brothers in the Imperial Fists they too suffer from th failure of several zygotes. A further mutation in their geneseed seems to make them less able to produve marines with psyker ptential. Although the reasons for this is unknown it effects have been felt with a much smaller number of librarians then other Chapters. Beliefs reliquary reproduce belief is held Second paragraph and Geneseed section have the mistakes highlighted. Quote Although they have no formal recorded battlecry the Star Wardens seem to have adopted the battle cry of "Remember this day!". This cry is only rarely heard, however, as the Chapter often fights in tacturn silence in an effort to further unerve their enemy. taciturn -=-= Sorry if it looks like I'm picking on your spelling and stuff, but heck. I like these guys, and the more polish they can have, the better. Also as the guy who started the challenge, I'm pretty sure you were expecting this sort of criticism sooner or later. I'm not going to count this for my gauntlet criticism count, since I'm only picking on spelling/grammar issues rather than ideas. Keep up the good work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ferrus Manus Posted January 8, 2010 Share Posted January 8, 2010 Quote Highlighted words should be;Stony It's Chapter's Actually, it's just 'its' :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted January 8, 2010 Share Posted January 8, 2010 Ferrus Manus said: Quote Highlighted words should be;Stony It's Chapter's Actually, it's just 'its' :P I have been out ninja'd. :ph34r: Well spotted, Ferrus Manus. This is also the other reason I don't do this often. The apostrophe and I have a rocky relationship at times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 8, 2010 Author Share Posted January 8, 2010 Thanks Ace. I suck at grammar (and proof reading, in case you hadn't guessed.) So any help with such a thing is appreciated. Oh and there has got to be something you can fault me on with content. Anything, please..... EDIT: Note in support of my post I made close to thirty mistakes whilst writing this post. Including four when writing this line. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted January 11, 2010 Share Posted January 11, 2010 ok well, let's get to work with this then, and try to help you with this IA! Quote (…) along with all the Chapters recorded history.Doesn’t the Administratum also have chapter records in their archives ? I think they do, but i may be wrong… Quote The Chapter has placed a high value on all knowldge, (…)well they need Librarians to record all this knowledge yet you say they have only very few…which is slightly paradoxal since the Blood Ravens also highly regard knowledge and so have many Librarians to record all their deeds and services to the Emperor. Quote The Star Warden Librarians, although highly values, often take to the field. These Librarians are limited in number, even more so then other Chapters, but the Chapter ensures that no force leaves the Pride without at least one Librarian attatched. This is to ensure that any and all of the Chapter history is recorded from a first hand perspective, rather then being relayed through pict recording and reports. But it also serves the purpose of any knowledge found, particularly relating to the Chapter's own past, can be properly analysed and recorded. These Librarians are heavily guarded upon the field of battle and often the higher ranking Librarians only take to the battle field alongside the Chapter Command Staff.Hm…well there should be more, not less than in a normal chapter, as i said before. Quote It is rare for much of the First to take to the battlefield at once, (…)like in most chapters…not a very notable trait…but you can leave if you want to. Quote Because the Chapter operated in a fleet based crusade it is rare for a force of the Star Wardens to be operating in a conflict without support from the rest of the Chapter nearby.Hm…well normally, fleet-based chapters have many ships so that they can fullfill their duty at the best of their ability, even if it means stretching their forces far and wide. Quote There are whispers amongst som e members of the Inquisition that there are those amongst the Chapter that venerate Magnus the traitor Primarch for his power and knowledge, although this has yet to be proven.On a more positive note, I like the little « traitor » twist here ;) good one Quote A further mutation in their geneseed seems to make them less able to produve marines with psyker ptential. Although the reasons for this is unknown it effects have been felt with a much smaller number of librarians then other Chapters.This clashes with the knowledge idea as they need more Librarians than other chapters. so, in the end, i think you have really good ideas, even though some are paradoxal, so keep it going! I'll be watching closely! IGC 1: 3/20 BB Ludovic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Tyrak Posted January 11, 2010 Share Posted January 11, 2010 Quote Quote (…) along with all the Chapters recorded history. Doesn’t the Administratum also have chapter records in their archives ? I think they do, but i may be wrong… The Administratum exists to make and store records. It's safe to say that they do, and it's why reasons must be provided for how Chapter records got 'lost'. When the biggest filing organisation known to man is king in the universe, the only likely way for records to get accidentally lost is if someone misplaces the index to the files. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted January 11, 2010 Share Posted January 11, 2010 posted at the wrong place sorry... :) BBL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solomon de Gravier Posted January 11, 2010 Share Posted January 11, 2010 No offence meant, oh great owner of the Gauntlet and father of the challenge, but this kind of echoes my idea. All records lost. Inquisition trying to uncover details. Cataclysmic event. I'm sure you had this idea nailed before I even started speaking :lol: but I saw the intro and I thought "Hey that guy's a genius: He can read" :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted January 11, 2010 Share Posted January 11, 2010 Solomon de Gravier said: No offence meant, oh great owner of the Gauntlet and father of the challenge, but this kind of echoes my idea. All records lost. Inquisition trying to uncover details. Cataclysmic event. I'm sure you had this idea nailed before I even started speaking :lol: but I saw the intro and I thought "Hey that guy's a genius: He can read" ;) If I'm not mistaken, the earliest draft of the Star Wardens pre-dates the Iron Gauntlet Challenge. So much for their records being lost. :P Anyway the best part of an IA is that similar starts can lead to vastly different finishes. There can only really be so many ways to begin an IA, after all. It's always interesting to see someone else present a different take on an idea that is close to one you have. If nothing else, you can see what makes each chapter unique to each other, and to the Imperium at large. The only real fault I can find with the Star Wardens at the moment, apart from dropping back into grammar-ninja mode, is that the IA seems a bit... short. The pig of it is, I'm not really sure what needs expanding upon. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 11, 2010 Author Share Posted January 11, 2010 Well Solomon, as I haven't read your IA yet I assure you, tis not plagurism but only shared genius. I actually based the idea off of the whole Blood Raven dont have any knowledge of who we are thing, but decided to go with a less psyker intense route and instead decided to focus on a high value on limited number of Librarians, but have them as the most important part of the Chapter. A focus on the preservation of knowledge, due to the Chapter knwoing what it is like to not have any history of your own. I intend to perhaps post V.2.1 later today if I get a chance. I'm also considering posting the other three or four IA's I'm working on at the moment, probably not part of the Iron Gauntlet but just for giggles ( and they tie in with what I'm thinking of writing for the Challenge later.) EDIT: oh and I forgot to mention that the Inquisition is not looking for details of the Chapter's past. They (or at least a small group of them) know. In fact they are essentially how the records became "lost". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InquisitorHayn Posted January 11, 2010 Share Posted January 11, 2010 Continuing with the discussion of the lost records and the Inquisition, I have a query/potential plot hook for you. You say the Chapter willfully sought out xenos knowledge and activated a Necron device...which consequently ate a star, most likely ending all life in the system. Re-using murderers is mind-cleanse material. What your boys did is basis for Excommunication and Exterminatus to all but the most radical Inquisitor. What you need is a solid reason why your Chapter still exists. Perhaps your almost-too-important-to-the-story Inquisitor, though not necessarily Radical, is highly influential but less than scrupulous and was fortuitously present for the event. He/she uses political clout to cover up/provide an alternate explanation for the occurrence (i.e. evil Xenos), paints your Chapter as heroes who are slightly too late, and demands that honor debt you talked about in the sidebar. Just an idea to help explain these rather fantastical happenings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 12, 2010 Author Share Posted January 12, 2010 A most clever idea, InquisitorHayn. Essentially the whole Inquisitor, Necrons device eating sun biit wont be in the final IA but I of course need to have it worked out to properly hint at it. The sun the device ate was the sun of their homeworlds system. I like the idea of how the then Chapter Master struck a deal with the High Inquisitor to kinda gloss over the details in exchange for permanent help when it was needed. Of course I dont want to openly state any of these things, ineed my idea is that the Inquisitor should barely even be mentioned. Most of these records of the Chapter are either destroyed or under lock and key to prevent any knowledge of what happened emerging. The Chapter itself was practically erased and started again. I'll have to work on these guys some more. I'm trying to draw the focus away from what happened, as they don't have much info on that, and more towards what the Chapter is today. I have to figure out how to make many more subtle references about what did happen without openly stating as much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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