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Rise of the Imperium (formely Rise of the Emperor)


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"You should have killed him Roboute" those cold words echoed throughout his head. "You know he is a liability, an unstable psychopath who'll only jeopardise the Emperors vision. It is you who are the greatest of your brothers, your mind knows no limits and your skills unrivalled, perhaps even greater than your Emperors?" the voice was smooth and soothing, as if caressing the Primarch. The ethereal voice took on a more sinister and angry tone, " Twice now the position of Warmaster which is rightfully and deservedly yours has been passed onto your much unworthy siblings. Twice your skills and loyalty has been spat on".


Guilliman stood alone on the embarkation deck, the spine chilling and insidious voice washed over him. Instinctively he knew who was 'talking' to him.


"Begone you abomination, i will not hear any more of your lies" he roared in his mind.

A dark shadow fell across the floor and began to rise, the ethereal smoke started to coalesce and in front of the Ultramarines Primarch stood a black and withered man. His robes were stained with blood and his left arm continuously mutated, changing shape and form within milliseconds. His right arm was blood red and rippled with daemonic power, dark -eye burning- runes were tattooed along the flesh, his hand clutched a wooden staff.


"I kneel before you Roboute Guilliman Primarch of the XIII and most glorious Legion - the Ultramarines-; Lord of Ultramar most powerful of Mankind's realms and rightful ruler of Man".


He bent low, his hood concealing the malicious smile on his face.


Before he could even see it coming Guilliman's fist smashed him into the embarkation deck's floor, his staff and neck snapping like twigs. Smoke poured from the robed figure and halted Roboutes second attack; "Lord Guilliman I come before you as a humble servant, wishing to serve the Master of Mankind as best I can" he squealed.


"You come before me and insult the Emperor with your lies!", the Primarch surged forwards his anger empowering him. The robbed man's magiks unable to stop the enraged Guilliman.


"I beg of you, let me live and I can aid you. Help you realise your full potential, your destiny!" he exclaimed, desperately trying to crawl out of Guilliman's reach.


"What could you and your pathetic accursed masters offer me that i do not have already?" Roboute snarled, his right fist sending his victim sprawling through the air. A burst of cold air exploded through the deck and the pressure began to build as a dark halo of warp energy surrounded the emissary of the Chaos gods. He was slowly lifted off his feet and his mouth began to open much more than was physically possible, his jaw bone snapped and his eyes widened in delight. Blood poured from his eyes, nose and ears and the dark, manically laughter of daemons filled Guilliman super human ears.


Cursing himself for having such desecrations on his ship he leapt forwards, unsheathing his blade; the light of a distant sun glinted off its keen edge. "I will end your miserable life daemon" he spat as he slashed at its head, with unnatural reflexes it dodged Guilliman's blow and cried out in worship to the gods as it retaliated. A noble and pure Son of the Emperor and evil and twisted spawn of chaos clashed, Roboutes sword easily cleaved through the daemons rotted flesh; its hand dissipated as soon as it was separated from the main body. Then suddenly the daemon was gone, instantly Guilliman took up a defensive stance and kept alert, looking for any signs.


"Stay alert great one, you have been marked" laughed a distant voice in his mind.


Guilliman laughed "Try all you may but you'll never turn me, I'll never allow it!"


"Oh we don't need your permission, we already have your soul in our grasp, it is a matter of tightening it. Your brother Fulgrim helped us to ensnare your soul. It is a matter of time" and with that the voice was gone.

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Thanks, I'm showing how chaos doesn't give up too easily :) and that the Emperor isn't Insta win powerful by no means, a mega, apocalyptic battle will ensue. However that chapter seems a little short so I may go back and 'beef' it up. Maybe.

It seems short because the font is smaller than usual ;)

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Over three dozen black dots filled the blue skies above the former Imperial world of Possio, each grew larger and larger as they descended towards the designated landing zones. Three of the Imperial craft were far larger then their escorts; the Stormbirds of the Primarchs. The Midnight blue of the Night Lords legion marked Curze's Stormbird, the hull of the vessel covered by a few leering skulls and gargoyles and its wings painted a dark crimson colour and styled to resemble giant bat wings. The front ramp made to look like a screaming gargoyle, one theme and one theme only was in mind when this ancient craft was built; terror. Guillimans personal Stormbird was far different, bearing no different in design to any other Stormbird; the blue hull matched the surrounding sky whilst the golden Legion symbol reflected the bright sun. Parchments detailing the actions and history of the Stormbird fluttered as it made it way through the atmosphere, it was a vessel suited towards the carrying of a Primarch and bore its role well. Corax's couldn't be less ostentatious if he tried, bearing only the Raven Guard colours and symbol, the Raven cared not for such trivial things. Each Imperial Vessel were flanked by the smaller Thunderhawk gunships, in their respective legion colours.


On the surface of Possio an army of Tau Fire warriors and other Tau forces awaited the Imperial arrival; Broadside battle suits tracked the Imperial craft with their rail guns, each pilot knowing that at such distances, speeds and the armour of their targets any shots would be futile. However it was a display of power and strength, something both Imperial and Tau forces knew the symbolism of. The first wave of Thunderhawk's landed, their front ramps lowered in unison and 3 companies worth of Ultramarines began to emerge. The ground slowly rumbled as 100 Marines in the ancient and powerful suits of Tactical Dreadnought Armour descended the exit ramps, these were some of the newly named 'Fist of Macragge'. Each veteran an Ultramarine who has fought and bled in the name of the Emperor for over 300 years, a warrior supreme who knows no such thing as defeat and who the words surrender and death mean nothing to. Each suit of Terminator armour was as ancient as their Primarch, bearing histories of their previous users stretching all the way back to the Great Crusade. Next emerged Ultramarines wearing MK IV Maximus power armour, such was the esteem that the Ultramarines held within the Imperium that they had been gifted with such advanced and honoured suits of power armour. Finally Roboutes Honour Guard and 1st Captain Agemman emerged in the relic suits of MKII Crusade armour, along side the Primarch himself; the sight of him enough to cause the Tau to step backwards.



Just a teaser/preview. I know there is no action but you cannot have that always :) I hope you get the message/idea of what I am trying to convey with the Ultramarines and the other legions and this situation as a whole.

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Over three dozen black dots filled the blue skies above the former Imperial world of Possio, each grew larger and larger as they descended towards the designated landing zones. Three of the Imperial craft were far larger then their escorts; the Stormbirds of the Primarchs. The Midnight blue of the Night Lords legion marked Curze's Stormbird, the hull of the vessel covered by a few leering skulls and gargoyles and its wings painted a dark crimson colour and styled to resemble giant bat wings. The front ramp made to look like a screaming gargoyle, one theme and one theme only was in mind when this ancient craft was built; terror. Guillimans personal Stormbird was far different, bearing no different in design to any other Stormbird; the blue hull matched the surrounding sky whilst the golden Legion symbol reflected the bright sun. Parchments detailing the actions and history of the Stormbird fluttered as it made it way through the atmosphere, it was a vessel suited towards the carrying of a Primarch and bore its role well. Corax's couldn't be less ostentatious if he tried, bearing only the Raven Guard colours and symbol, the Raven cared not for such trivial things. Each Imperial Vessel were flanked by the smaller Thunderhawk gunships, in their respective legion colours.


On the surface of Possio an army of Tau Fire warriors and other Tau forces awaited the Imperial arrival; Broadside battle suits tracked the Imperial craft with their rail guns, each pilot knowing that at such distances, speeds and the armour of their targets any shots would be futile. However it was a display of power and strength, something both Imperial and Tau forces knew the symbolism of. The first wave of Thunderhawk's landed, their front ramps lowered in unison and 3 companies worth of Ultramarines began to emerge. The ground slowly rumbled as 100 Marines in the ancient and powerful suits of Tactical Dreadnought Armour descended the exit ramps, these were some of the newly named 'Fist of Macragge'. Each veteran an Ultramarine who has fought and bled in the name of the Emperor for over 300 years, a warrior supreme who knows no such thing as defeat and who the words surrender and death mean nothing to. Each suit of Terminator armour was as ancient as their Primarch, bearing histories of their previous users stretching all the way back to the Great Crusade. Next emerged Ultramarines wearing MK IV Maximus power armour, such was the esteem that the Ultramarines held within the Imperium that they had been gifted with such advanced and honoured suits of power armour. Finally Roboutes Honour Guard and 1st Captain Agemman emerged in the relic suits of MK II Crusade armour, along side the Primarch himself; the sight of him enough to cause the Tau to step backwards.


Agemman chuckled, a smile momentarily flashed across his usual stern face; "Imagine their reaction to when Lord Curze arrives".


"That is what worries me" Guilliman replied, a troubled look on his face.


As if he had heard his name mentioned the Night Lords Primarch Stormbird touched down. Unlike the Ultramarines his Thunderhawks did not land and instead returned to orbit, he was accompanied by a group of 10 Night Lords; their insignia marking them out as Captains. With an air of superiority the Night Lords and their Primarch strode over to Guilliman, seemingly ignoring the gathered Tau who by now were showing signs of fear and anxiety. Konrad's attitude and behaviour towards Roboute and his legion had changed somewhat since their 'argument'; Curze and his Captains banged their arms across their chests in the Crusade era salute, The Ultramarines replying by making the sign of the Aquila.


"I will not hide it but I do not like this at all brother" Curze said to Roboute, over their private vox.


"I know, do you think I like fraternising with Xenos? No..."


"But our father commands us to do this and we shall not disobey" interjected Corax. The Raven's Stormbird has just touched down and he and 3 of his Captains and a dozen Weregeld were approaching Konrad and Roboute.


"Of course" replied Curze, "Now shall we get on? I do not wish to prolong this any more than we have to".


"Agreed, which one of us shall make this proposition" asked Corax.


"All of should go, for we are all equals" Roboute exclaimed.


Curze smiled innocently " You are much more eloquent and more of a politician than us brother, you should speak on behalf of the Imperium and our Father", there was no trace of his usual sarcasm or mocking tone. Corax nodded in agreement.


"If you are both agreed then let us begin this". All three Primarchs commanded their Astartes to remain by the Stormbirds and Thunderhawks as they approached the Tau lines.


Ethereal Tara'Va and Commander Night Blade and his three bodyguards awaited the arrival of the Primarchs. Tara'Va was the first to speak, "Welcome honoured guests to the Sep't world of Fi'sha, I am Ethereal Tara'Va and this is Commander Night Blade. , it is our pleasure that you wish to join the Greater Good". Puzzled the three Primarchs looked at each other, Curze laughed slightly.


"You are mistaken Ethereal we do not come here to join you, we come here as ambassadors of the Emperor to propose a treaty between the Imperium and Tau Empire" Guilliman, all three Primarchs ignored the anger rising in their bodies.


Tara'Va paused before he replied, his brow furrowing in thought. "A treaty? I cannot speak for the Empire as a whole but such a thing would be most beneficial between both our races. Terms would have to be discussed of course and agreements made. The most honoured Aun'Va would have to meet with your Emperor to ratify any treaty" he replied.


"Such a meeting could not be possible, the Emperor is far too busy to engage in such trivial matters. I will meet with this Aun'Va" Roboute replied.


"Too busy to meet with out most esteemed Aun'Va to discuss a treaty that would benefit your Imperium? How is this 'Emperor' in charge?" questioned Commander Night Blade.


"Keep calm and exert control brothers" Guilliman whispered over the vox quickly. "Commander, do not insult our Father and Liege Lord in that manner if you wish such a treaty to happen" Corax snarled, causing the Tau to take a step back.


"Personally I think this is a waste of time Tara'Va. I see no point in reasoning with such barbaric beings, we could be brining another of their worlds into the Greater Good" exclaimed Night Blade.


"Such threats will not got unpunished, puny Xenos." retorted Curze, extending the blood caked Talons from his armour and stepping forwards. The Tau commanders bodyguards jet packs roared into life and they leapt forwards between the Night Haunter and their Tau commander and Ethereal. Broadside Battlesuits brought their powerful railguns to bear, aiming at the Primarch entourage and Fire Warriors levelled their pulse carbines, it was an act that was supposed to intimidate the Imperial delegation; it failed.


"I could kill you in an instant, before any of your pathetic warriors could even think about pulling the trigger" mocked the Night Haunter.


Corax was busy issuing orders into the vox, Guilliman scowled and took a step forwards.


"We did not come here to instigate violence, if you want such things then the only action left to undertake will be war. Is that what you want?"


Tara'Va looked up at the Ultramarines Primarch, "What we do is for the Greater Good, some times war and sacrifice is necessary for the good of our race".


"Very well Xenos, war is what you shall get" spat Guilliman.



I hope you enjoy.

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Personally I'm more keen to see the reunion between Horus and Abbadon, with both of them having been the Chaos Gods favourite I imagine Abbadon still has some inkling at least of his traitorous past despite the Emperor's best efforts. That and I imagine Horus would very much like his Talon back...
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For what felt like an eternity to the parties stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Suddenly there was a loud 'whooshing' noise and in his peripheral vision Guilliman saw his brother Corax launch forwards, a tendril of flame followed the Primarch as his ancient and powerful jump pack propelled him toward the Tau. Before they could react Tara'Va, Night Blade and his bodyguard were all dead; the blades attached to the Raven Guards jump pack cutting them to ribbons, Corax continued onwards and began to relay co-ordinates and commands to his fleet in orbit. Both Curze and Roboute were running now, neither wanting to be outdone or leave their brother to face the Tau alone. With a single thought Guilliman powered up the Gauntlets of Ultramar, bolter muzzles emerging from the underneath of them; with in seconds two clips worth of amour piercing bolter rounds had torn apart several Broadsides. Panic and fear gripped them, their Ethereal and Commander were both dead; their killers now running toward them. Fire Warrior squads began to fall back, desperately embarking into their Devilfish transports in time. Curze laughed. Some of the Tau forces however had managed to keep their discipline and began to take up firing positions, a lone Broadside took aim and fired its railguns at Corax; a light blue 'slug' slammed into him, driving him to the floor. Cursing himself for not seeing it he quickly got up, his armour buckled in the chest area but other wise undamaged.


Due to the nature of the landing zone they occupied, the Tau were at the larger end; a single strip no wider than three Land Raiders meant that the present Ultramarines would struggle to bring their numbers to much effect. Never the less their heavy weapons began to fire, rockets soared and the energy beams of lascannons raked the Tau tanks; turning them in smoking wrecks or super bright fireballs. As the 'Fist of Macragge' began to march forwards -Agemman at their head- the ground began to rumble slightly; the sound of war filled the air of Possio.


Small preview for you all to (hopefully) enjoy. Thanks for the comments guys and Sanguinius some things I wont delve too deeply into or the story will never get done but chaos wont let their favoured minions go so easy. Regarding the Talon well that was a gift to seal the pact between the Dark Mechanicum and Horus during the Heresy and he used it against the Emperor so; he's either going to have had it destroyed as it holds bad memories or Abaddon still has it as Horus can use what ever weapon he wants etc.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Either, no mad typing I'm afraid but here is an update; I don't plan on letting this die a slow death!




For what felt like an eternity to the parties stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Suddenly there was a loud 'whooshing' noise and in his peripheral vision Guilliman saw his brother Corax launch forwards, a tendril of flame followed the Primarch as his ancient and powerful jump pack propelled him toward the Tau. Before they could react Tara'Va, Night Blade and his bodyguard were all dead; the blades attached to the Raven Guards jump pack cutting them to ribbons, Corax continued onwards and began to relay co-ordinates and commands to his fleet in orbit. Both Curze and Roboute were running now, neither wanting to be outdone or leave their brother to face the Tau alone. With a single thought Guilliman powered up the Gauntlets of Ultramar, bolter muzzles emerging from the underneath of them; within seconds two clips worth of amour piercing bolter rounds had torn apart several Broadsides. Panic and fear gripped them, their Ethereal and Commander were both dead; their killers now running toward them. Fire Warrior squads began to fall back, desperately embarking into their Devilfish transports in time. Curze laughed. Some of the Tau forces however had managed to keep their discipline and began to take up firing positions, a lone Broadside took aim and fired its railguns at Corax; a light blue 'slug' slammed into him, driving him to the floor. Cursing himself for not seeing it he quickly got up, his armour buckled in the chest area but otherwise undamaged.


Due to the nature of the landing zone they occupied, the Tau were at the larger end; a single strip no wider than three Land Raiders meant that the present Ultramarines would struggle to bring their numbers to much effect. Never the less their heavy weapons began to fire, rockets soared and the energy beams of lascannons raked the Tau tanks; turning them in smoking wrecks or super bright fireballs. As the 'Fist of Macragge' began to march forwards -Agemman at their head- the ground began to rumble slightly; the sound of war filled the air of Possio. Pulse carbine fire pattered off Power armour like energised rain drops, the finely wrought armour of the Adeptus Astartes proof the against Xenos weaponry.


Three black craft streaked through the air, raking fire across the Tau ranks and slaying many of their number. The scene was chaos, the Tau Fire Warriors were totally unprepared for such a ferocious counter attack; not realising how the presence –and totally unaware of what they actually were- of the Primach’s would inspire the Astartes.




“’Kor O Tava! Come in Kor O Tava!” the radio crackled with heavy static “Shas O, there is no response from the fleet” the panic in the signallers voice was evident. They would die on Possio, wiped out like dogs by the Imperial betrayers. However they would not go out without a fight, even now under the expert guidance of their newly promoted leader Shas O Kori they were exacting a measure of revenge. They were fighting a retreat, to link up with other forces and to launch a counter attack, or so they hoped.


“Crisis Teams deploy to the left flank immediately!” the order came down the line. One flank at a time they were retreating, in a backwards leap frog fashion, reinforcing one flank to let the other fold. The static that had been plaguing the Tau ceased, “We’ve come for you Xenos… You will be purged for your sins against the Emperor”, the dry voice sent waves of panic through the Tau; their orderly retreat turning into a rout.




“My Lord, shall we pursue?” Agemman asked.


“Of course, as the Emperor commands we exterminate all Xenos” the vehemence and venom in Guillimans voice shocked even the stern 1st Captain.


“Several of my Talons are deploying down into the valley to cut off their retreat” Curze stated excitedly “We cannot slow the Hunt brothers”.


Corax cocked his head, “The Weregeld descend, tell your men to avoid them”.

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For what felt like an eternity to the parties stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Suddenly there was a loud 'whooshing' noise and in his peripheral vision Guilliman saw his brother Corax launch forwards, a tendril of flame followed the Primarch as his ancient and powerful jump pack propelled him toward the Tau. Before they could react Tara'Va, Night Blade and his bodyguard were all dead; the blades attached to the Raven Guards jump pack cutting them to ribbons, Corax continued onwards and began to relay co-ordinates and commands to his fleet in orbit. Both Curze and Roboute were running now, neither wanting to be outdone or leave their brother to face the Tau alone. With a single thought Guilliman powered up the Gauntlets of Ultramar, bolter muzzles emerging from the underneath of them; within seconds two clips worth of amour piercing bolter rounds had torn apart several Broadsides. Panic and fear gripped them, their Ethereal and Commander were both dead; their killers now running toward them. Fire Warrior squads began to fall back, desperately embarking into their Devilfish transports in time. Curze laughed. Some of the Tau forces however had managed to keep their discipline and began to take up firing positions, a lone Broadside took aim and fired its railguns at Corax; a light blue 'slug' slammed into him, driving him to the floor. Cursing himself for not seeing it he quickly got up, his armour buckled in the chest area but otherwise undamaged.


Due to the nature of the landing zone they occupied, the Tau were at the larger end; a single strip no wider than three Land Raiders meant that the present Ultramarines would struggle to bring their numbers to much effect. Never the less their heavy weapons began to fire, rockets soared and the energy beams of lascannons raked the Tau tanks; turning them in smoking wrecks or super bright fireballs. As the 'Fist of Macragge' began to march forwards -Agemman at their head- the ground began to rumble slightly; the sound of war filled the air of Possio. Pulse carbine fire pattered off Power armour like energised rain drops, the finely wrought armour of the Adeptus Astartes proof the against Xenos weaponry.


Three black craft streaked through the air, raking fire across the Tau ranks and slaying many of their number. The scene was chaos, the Tau Fire Warriors were totally unprepared for such a ferocious counter attack; not realising how the presence –and totally unaware of what they actually were- of the Primach’s would inspire the Astartes.




“’Kor O Tava! Come in Kor O Tava!” the radio crackled with heavy static “Shas O, there is no response from the fleet” the panic in the signaller’s voice was evident. They would die on Possio, wiped out like dogs by the Imperial betrayers. However they would not go out without a fight, even now under the expert guidance of their newly promoted leader Shas O Kori they were exacting a measure of revenge. They were fighting a retreat, to link up with other forces and to launch a counter attack, or so they hoped.


“Crisis Teams deploy to the left flank immediately!” the order came down the line. One flank at a time they were retreating, in a backwards leap frog fashion, reinforcing one flank to let the other fold. The static that had been plaguing the Tau ceased, “We’ve come for you Xenos… You will be purged for your sins against the Emperor”, the dry voice sent waves of panic through the Tau; their orderly retreat turning into a rout.




“My Lord, shall we pursue?” Agemman asked.


“Of course, as the Emperor commands we exterminate all Xenos” the vehemence and venom in Guillimans voice shocked even the stern 1st Captain.


“Several of my Talons are deploying down into the valley to cut off their retreat” Curze stated excitedly “We cannot slow the Hunt brothers”.


Corax cocked his head, “The Weregeld descend, tell your men to avoid them”.




Howls and the bellows of mad beasts that made even Astartes weary erupted from the valley ahead, causing all manner of creatures to burst forth. The Tau force came to a halt as they heard the unnatural bestial cries of the Weregeld. Running forth like a tide surging forwards the Weregeld surprised the Tau, allowing no time for any reactions. Blood red eyes and saliva hanging from their fanged maws the mutant Astartes slammed into the startled Tau, using their claws and teeth to tear the Xenos flesh. Devilfish APC’s scrambled to bring their Burst cannons to bare but the Weregeld were too quick, leaping atop the tanks and punching through the cockpit.




Crisis Battle suits tried in vain to jump clear of the charging ‘monsters’, the Weregeld’s reflexes and muscles allowed them to jump on them and drag them down. Kroot and Weregeld clashed mid-air as they vied to prove their strengths, guttural challenges passed between the clashing beasts. Smacking his blood soaked lips the Alpha Weregeld strode forth, his powerful leg muscles propelling his huge frame forwards; smacking his chest he roared his challenge. The Kroot Shaper screeched back in reply and aiming his rifle at the Weregeld ran forwards. Shots rang off the patches of armour the Alpha Weregeld wore whilst some tore through his exposed skin; his bloodlust driving him forwards.


The Shaper waited for the perfect moment to strike, he brought his rifle around in an attempt to decapitate the Alpha Weregeld. The attack never hit home, the Shapers head was torn clean off as the Alpha Weregeld’s superior agility and strength allowing him to block the attack and then quick follow through with his own. It was a scene of carnage as screams of agony and the stench of death bombarded the senses of the Tau and Weregeld forces. Several Crisis suits and Devilfish lay wrecked and on fire long destroyed a fierce battle going on all around them. A number of the less disciplined Weregeld were engorging on flesh of the Tau and Kroot, unaware and uncaring of the battle around them; even uncaring for their own dead.


Across the valley floor dozens of scenes like this and more were played out, the savagery of the Weregeld was being unleashed.



That chapter is over and done with now, can move the plot on a bit me thinks :P

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