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Ultramarine Honor Guard "3D"


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Hi, I have been lurking around for a while. I have painted and still do on an off but I cant say Im that good, I am also however a 3D artist as well! So this is what I have been working on and I think this is the best place to get some feedback and Ideas of where to take it.


So here it is!


Any Ideas of what else I can add, details, scale anything.



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Good start! One of my goals is to create a space marine in 3D as well some day, and this is inspiring.


What software did you use?


I agree with Hasoroth, the legs should be bulked up and elongated. Unless your going for a miniature look and not going for 'realistic' proportions.


EDIT: this is a good reference for what I would consider proper proportions for a space marine.

Picture Link

I have updated the helmet, not realy sure if Its how i want it or not but its certainly better with more up front.




I have alos scaled the legs up a bit, somewhere in the reagon of 8%.




The head is a bit smaller than normal, I was hopeing to go for the slightly out of scale look you get in a lot of arwork, So the arms and head may be a little out of scale.


In fact looking at the image below I i think the whole head and helmet need to move down and I need to increase the neck opening in the armour to acomadate it?



If that was 8% could I recommend 15%? Maybe I just have a fetish for large marine legs (:lol:) but it seems like you're almost there. I love the helmet, the beak isn't quite in the style of the Honor Guard model, I think it looks better. Great work, love the colors.
You are definitely almost there, make the head a tad smaller and lower set and I think it would be there. All artwork seems to show the marines at different scales, so just go with what yout think, but I prefer the big bodies and small heads type, like in the picture link :tu:

That's looking fantastic so far. I'd agree that you should lower its head somewhat and widen the neck opening.


Also, I'd consider making the wings on the breastplate longer, so that they reach pretty-well underneath the rims of the pauldrons, like the ones on the actual Astartes models do. This, I think, will emphasise the barrel-chested look of the Marine and make it look more impressive.


Keep it up.

My first thought was "the legs are too small". Then i scrolled down to your revised legs and i think they look pretty much in proportions for a man. I too still think they need to be bigger and that instead of scaling up, you should elongate the shin and make the greave slightly bulkier. It will no longer be in real-world proportion but it will look more like a marine by the established 40k artwork.


I think the helmet looks very good as is and like the overall detail you have on this, keep it up!



So I have finaly finished the back pack and all the other random little things that needed doing. I pulled it all apart to check and group stuff up and while I was there I did a quick render. Now its on the enormous job of UVs! Then some texures for it.


Thanks for all the feedback I think the proportions are much better now.



Looking at the exploded version there; the helmet seems a bit narrow. Could jsut be because the wings aren't there to give it the added bulk, but it does seem off.


Also; I can't thank you enough for that exploded view. I've always had problems when it came to making the shoulders. I could never figure out how they would work; particularly for a bone rig. When I get around to trying a marine model again, I'll have to remember that. And the little added benefits of that exploded rig; such as the leg setup you use. In my old models, the legs were single joined pieces, made rigging and texturing difficult.


Excellent work so far; and also great work on the Terminator scene you have in your photobucket. I look forward to seeing thise finished soon!

So I have done the UVs for the helmet and done a first pass on the texture for it. Its mostly to get an idea of how the rest of the armour will look. Comments and suggestions are very welcome.



first up, this looks amazing, kudos you have some real talent


next, tho the helmet looks great, the final render you have there, i'm not diggin the blue and it's detail, also it looks pinched in the forehead, not as round as i'm used to


but that gold face plate, :D





So this is the next update, I have done most of the UVs for the basic Armour pieces. There is still a lot of extra detail bits that will need doing and to be honest making as well. I have noticed a few areas that night need some extra work as well.


For now I'm trying to get the armour right. I have decided to go for a worn look rather than an out right damaged one.




Some of the decal bits like the eagle and the extra panels on the side are still wip, will need some wear and tear added to them.


for you sarabando a UV layout of the leg




I will get the actual texture up when its a bit more done, the poly count is well just high its a subdivision model so it smooths up to be a lot in the hundreds of thousands maybe millions when its done. I have done game stuff but I like to do things just for render when I work on personal projects.


Again any c&c is welcome especially on how the armour should look and how much/little damage it should have. I'm always a bit torn as they are meant to look after there gear religiously :lol:


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