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Nurgle Marines (Quick and Easy)

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Hey everone, this is my first tutorial, so constructive criticism is welcome.


This is a step by step guide for painting quick and easy marines in a Nurgle like manner, looking very rusty and diseased mostly through dry brushing. You will need the following paints.


Chaos Black (For undercoating)

Dark Flesh

Catachan Green

Camo Green

Rotting Flesh

Boltgun Metal (For the added detail)


Step 1 - Undercoat your Chaos Marine with chaos black. Now we begin to witness the Lord Of Decay’s gift develop, as we build up your Marine into a rusty puss bucket.


Step 2 - Heavily dry brush your marine with Dark Flesh, all over.




Step 3 - Now, make a 50/50 mixture of Catachan Green and Camo green. Once this is done, give the model another heavy dry brushing.




Step 4 - Follow up with a dry brush of Camo Green, but not too heavily. You should start to see the colour scheme starting to come through now.




Step 5 - Give the model some light dry brushing of Rotting Flesh, and that’s the last of the dry brushing, praise Grandfather Nurgle!




Step 6 - Paint the usual metallic parts of the power armour Boltgun metal.


Step 7 - Now, this is the part that really brings the model to life for me, which is lining the joints and recesses of the armour with a very watered down Dark Flesh which gives a rusty, corroding effect. Do this by using ¼ of Dark Flesh, and ¾ water, using a fine detailed brush to line the power armour. Infact, this can make a great wash for the metallic parts of the power pack. These are the finished results.






Well, I hope this tutorial was helpful. These marines were only ever intended to be quick and simple for table top standards, but I believe this scheme can work with other units related to Nurgle, whether it be vehicles or Plague bearers.

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