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BA Army Expansion + Chapter Fortress

Angelus Mortifer

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Slightly off topic question but I couldn't help notice your superb DC Dred in one of the pics. He seems taller than other FW Chap Dreds, is that just a trick achieved by good posing? Also what did you make that excellent banner out of?



Partly the posing and also because of the OOP FW statuette base I found on eBay, by complete luck btw.



The banner is made from the Empire General Standard with FW BA icon cut and fitted to the shield. I shaved the hammer off and replaced it with an old Eldar Singing Spear. The wings are from the DA upgrade sprue with one of the blood drops from the original Lemartes model chopped off and glued in the middle. It was a bit fiddly but it worked out in the end. Seeing as we may no longer be getting Venerable DC Dreads, I'll end up using him as my counts-as Moriar. <_<


(...because of his banner he's a little bit big, even for the Gateway itself - I'll just have to count the banner as "retractable" :angry: )

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Outstanding, simply outstanding. When I saw that model on FWs site, I said to myself, that's got BA written all over it. I've got my sites set on one for my FT army, but I'm trying to find the saw bladed DCCW arms that the infamous Magmatrax dread used. Were they ever a purchasable item from FW, or were they converted?
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Could you tell where the banner pole is borrowed from? I've seen it on quite a lot of BA models but never found out where I can get that. Would look really cool in the hands of my 2nd ED banner bearer. :lol:

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Outstanding, simply outstanding. When I saw that model on FWs site, I said to myself, that's got BA written all over it. I've got my sites set on one for my FT army, but I'm trying to find the saw bladed DCCW arms that the infamous Magmatrax dread used. Were they ever a purchasable item from FW, or were they converted?
I think you meant Hellblade by Vincent Hudon (Boltman) who also made Magmatrax. Hellblade is still one of the best minis paint/builds ever made for 40K. There is a Hell blade NMM Painting Tutorial too.


Sadly I haven't found a step-by-step with fabrication info. The arms Hellblade uses and the base model are the Forgeworld World Eaters Dread and the Chaos close combat arms left and right. He either replicated the forgeworld arms minus the chainteeth or took great care to remove the teath from the chainsaw extentions and put in a radial blade (don't know if he fabricated that part) You might look in to dremel tool (or similar) as they make circular saw blades. That is what I am using. I am not going with his exact pose but I am setting my sites on replicating his painting style. I am sure I won't achieve his greatness but I will learn a lot on the way.


Also, love the Chappie Dread. I am waiting for the codex before I build/paint mine. And I have the empire general's standard thing held by my old metal BA standard bearer. I think I will probably make a new holder when the new plastic comes out as I am hoping for a much higher level of ornament.

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(...because of his banner he's a little bit big, even for the Gateway itself - I'll just have to count the banner as "retractable" ;) )


I think Mr 'Moriar' would be able to stoop slightly to get in! ^_^



1) The Dread is freakin' awesome, you have put a lot of work into him and it shows!

2) You're marines are freakin' awesome too! Loving the old school colours, you're army is one of my favourites! You have a nice red going on :(

3) This project is FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!! Looks far better in BA colours than DA.


Enough compliments from me (Yes, I think I love you're painting style :cuss :( )


Hurry up and do some more

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Hurry up and do some more


:( I'm trying, Lord (Primarch) knows! I'm hoping to have the other inner wall done towards the end of next week, give or take. Then I can get cracking on the first Bastion Annex. I'm also getting to the point where I have to invest in some more parts to make sure there's no "break in production" :(


Seriously though, thanks everyone for all the positive comments, and helpful suggestions. It's appreciated being appreciated :cuss

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Could you tell where the banner pole is borrowed from? I've seen it on quite a lot of BA models but never found out where I can get that. Would look really cool in the hands of my 2nd ED banner bearer. :lol:


It's from the WFB Empire General boxed set :P



Thannks for the info. Is there a shop where I can find him in bitz or do I have to order the whole damn thing?

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Here's a quick pic update.


The Gateway section is now pretty much complete, barring any minor adornments and details I might add (purity seals, small icons etc>). I've just put a bit of black card in the gateways to detract from the background clutter - eventually, each doorway will have scratch-built, ornate double doors made out of Plasticard, but I have to do the whole 1st level first to ensure there's structural support throughout the whole model. I've already got a couple of designs in mind, but that's for a later update.






Next up is the first of the two flanking Bastion Annexes, and here's a quick pic or two to give you an idea of layout etc. I've on-purposely broken up the double-height Bastion panels with some CoD sections for one of two reasons. The first will be on the assumption that the rumoured 3-Up style SM statues will be released with Battle Missions, and if so one of them will sit in front of the CoD panels here (with the Bastion walls either side). If they don't release them then at least the potential monotony of nothing but a Bastion facade is broken up with a "splash" of red and gold (with the obligatory skulls :lol: ), and it also mimics the same arrangement as part of the inner Annex wall for continuity.






The arrangement of the Bastion and CoD panels on this front facade will be replicated for the Outer Annex wall that runs down the side (on the opposite side to the completed inner wall), and I'll be building both front and side together. I also thought it was about time it started to have some armaments, so the lower floor will house Heavy Bolters, and the upper level will have Lascannons. Once complete of course, I'll have to do the same again for the other side of the building.


More pics to come in a week or so...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so a few more quick update pics.


Managed to complete the first lower level of one of the Bastion Annexes. It's looking a little bland but I'm really just wanting to get the footprint complete for this whole level so that I can start the first level and base board. From that, everything else will follow in terms of internal support for the upper sections, as well as further adornments and details. Since my last post, I've had a couple of ideas for using some of the other Bastion kit parts to break up the bare panels completed so far, and a couple of club-mates have also had good suggestions for some contrast colour detailing and items. I want to get the whole of the annex finished and assembled before working out where to put what and how much etc.


A quick pic to show the red-seamed granite effect after two coats but before drybrushing the highlights.



Completed lower level.





Upper level to follow but I have some Adepticon stuff I need to do first (sadly not BAs), so next update to follow as and when...

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