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1k Civil War- Bt v. Nilla Marines


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Tonight I got my first real game of 40k after doing quite a bit of research. It was a great time and I learned a lot of things.


I took the Templars. My list was:




6 Terminators- 2 assault cannons, 4 storm bolters


Crusader Squad- 7 initiates, 5 CCW, 1 fist, 1 melta, 2 neophytes, rhino with smoke

Crusader Squad- 7 initiates, 5 CCW, 1 fist, 1 melta, 3 neophytes, rhino with smoke


Predator destructor, 2 side sponson heavy bolters


He took:


Jump pack Captain with power weapon and pistol


4 squads of ten, 2 with lascannons, 2 with missile launchers


1 assault squad of ten with pistol and CCW


We rolled up objectives and pitched battle. My side had a hill on the left with some difficult terrain about 4" forward and two small ruin on the right. Across the middle from left to right was a large ruin(difficult that provide a cover save), a forest about 8" away from the ruin, a tower 8" away from the forest, and finally another large ruin on the right. My opponent had nothing in his zone.



I deployed my 10 strong squad and rhino to the right of the hill. The EC's squad's rhino went next to it and in the middle of my deployment zone, I placed the pred. I deepstriked the terminators.


My opponent put his assault squad and captain on my far left in the corner. Then he spaced his remaining 4 squads out along the back table edge, lascannon, missile launcher, lascannon, missile launcher.


We rolled 5 objectives. I put one objective on my hill on the left, one in the right most ruin on my side and one in the difficult terrain in front of the hill. My opponent put one in the ruins on his side to my left and one behind the forest in the middle.


Turn 1

My opponent failed to steal the initiative, so I started. My rhinos both moved up close to the objective in the ruins in front my hill and popped smoke. My pred headed for the gap to the right of the middle forest to shoot at marines. In shooting I killed a marine.


My opponent's assault marines jumped around the side of the left most ruin with the objective in it. My opponent shot all of his heavy weapons at my rhinos and missed or rolled 1's on the missile launchers.


Turn 2


My terminators came in on target into the left ruins about 8-10" from his left most marine squad with a lascannon. In my turn, both of my rhinos moved up again getting inbetween the forest and left ruin in the middle of three objectives. In shooting, the terminators blasted the left most marine squad down by about 3-4 models. The pred shot down another marine or two.


My opponent moved his assault squad and captain into assault range of the terminators. In his shooting he blew up my EC's rhino, but only managed to kill a single neophyte. He also stunned my pred. Shooting took out a terminator. In assault another 2 more terminators fell to the captain, but they took down two assault squad marines.


Turn 3


My 10 man squad's rhino cruised forward and let out its marined to the far side of the left ruins and a little to the right. The EC's squad rolled double 1 to get out of difficult terrain of my slagged rhino, so they couldn't assault in to help the terminators. Shooting saw my other templar squad take about another model or two of the depleted lascannon squad. They summarily failed morale and ran off the table. In the assault phase, all of my terminators, but the last assault cannon one died, but I killed enough marines to tie it up a second time.


In my opponent's turn his squads started moving up. The left most missile squad moved up to shoot my forward most crusader squad. The other lascannon squad moved up to try and obtain the objective by the forest. His right missile launcher crew failed to wound my rhino again. His luck with heavy weapons was terrible. In shooting, my forward crusader squad lost a neophyte, failed its zeal test and fled back towards my table edge, just far enough to be within 6" of the assault marines. They would flee again. In assault my final terminator died.


Turn 4


In movement, my fleeing squad continued to flee right on top of an objective in the ruins in front of my hill. The EC's squad moved up to shoot up the assault marines and then assault. My remaining rhino went to contest the objective by the forest. In shooting, my EC's squad shot up a few assault marines. The pred got to shoot again and took out a marine or two from the far right squad. The rhino shot its bolter and perhaps killed a marine near the forest. In assault, the EC led his squad into a nasty round of combat that saw me lose my other neophyte. The assault unit was wiped out, captain and all. I consolidated onto the objective in the ruins.


In my opponent's turn, his left most missile squad moved up to shoot my EC's unit. His remaining lascannon squad moved up towards the objective in the forest to contest it with the rhino. The right most missile squad shot another ineffective shot at my pred. In assault, the left most marine squad assaulted my EC's squad, failed to wound me at all and was hacked up quite a bit, down to about 5 models. They fell back and got away.


Turn 5


In my turn, my EC's unit moved up enough to hold the objective still while also being in range to assault if needed. My other squad auto-passed morale on top of the objective in the ruins. In the shooting phase, the left most missile squad was shot down by melta and pistol fire. At this point my opponent called it as I contested an objective with my rhino and held two outright. Even if he killed the rhino, he would still be down 2-1.


Victory for the Great Crusade!


This was a great learning experience. I had a great and learned a lot about how our mighty templars worked. I am looking forward to running a bigger list next week.


That's it.

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WOW! Great game and great batrep man. Big CONGRATZ on a nice victory againts 2-1 odds. I just cant stand that nillarines can take 51 models for 1000 points ;) Well I guess you get what you pay for :P
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Thanks guys. Honestly, like I said, I think I won more because of my opponent's bad luck rather than my good playing. The one thing that helped were the terminators coming in right on that objective and holding up the assault squad long enough for my EC's squad to tear them apart. When that happened, he didn't really have anything that could reliably take me down as he had to make some big moves towards the end game to get to the objectives. It would have been a totally different game if his heavy weapons were turned on or packing better batteries, but such is the way of dice games. AAC saved my butt big time. It allowed a severely outnumbered terminator squad to continually hold up the assault squad and captain until help arrived to take care of business. In the end, I only lost the termies and a rhino and he lost his captain, assault squad and two tac squads, over half his army!


Thanks for the encouraging comments. I appreciate it.

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