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Painting Mud...


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Personally for mud id paint it as the following:

paint a layer of Scorched Brown over the 'clean' paint scheme with a second layer of Bestial Brown allowing the first layer to be seen and then a final layer of Vermin Brown. Perhaps highlight parts with a lighter colour of brown. Wet mud is more simple with only the Bestial Brown and Vermin Brown with a few darker tones mixed in as well.


For a sort of caked on effect you might want to try mixing a little PVA glue into it.


They used to have a nice tutorial under the Black Templars before the update which had (the one with hyper realism, extreme highlight etc-if anyone knows how to find it or know its content I'd be most grateful if you PM'd me.).


Hope that helps :D

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That actually does help, I decided to go with this method though. I found it yesturday.




That video is a brilliant tutorial! I’ll have to give that a shot sometime


Best of luck with your painting, you'll have to show us the finished product sometime :tu:

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