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Chaos Space Marines v. Space Wolves


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Ended up being a decent game. I had originally planned on bringing 3 squads of plague marines but didn't finish converting them, so I settled with more CSMs. My list looked something like this:


Daemon Prince



Mark of Nurgle


Khârn the Betrayer


10 CSM's

Champ w/Powerfist


Icon of Chaos Glory



10 CSM's

Champ w/ Powerfist


Icon of Chaos Glory



5 CSMs



7 Plague Marines

Champ with Powerfist

2 Plasmaguns



8 Berzerkers

Skul Champion with Power Weapon

Land Raider


3 Obliterators




He brought:

Bjorn the Fell-Handed


Canis Wolfborn (in a squad with something like 14 Fenrisian wolves) (crazy)


WolfLord with a frost blade and some other stuff

in a squad with a bunch of Grey Hunters


Venerable Dread


Long Fangs in a Razorback (surprisingly didn't spam missile launchers)


Grey Hunter squad in Razorback (Asscan)


Grey Hunter squad in Razorback (Asscan)


and another footslogging GH squad


and maybe some more that I don't remember.





We were playing a battle mission where he had to take 2 of the 3 objectives on the board. We eached had half the board to deploy on with me deploying first and him attacking first. There was an objective in the middle of the field, one in the middle on my table edge, and one to the right of it 12 inches in cover.

I deployed my 5 man csm squad in a rhino in the cover where the one objective was,

My Plague squad was in a rhino at the objective on my table edge middle point.

And on the center objective was my Land Raider with Khârn and Berzerkers inside.

Daemon Prince hid behind the LR. Had 2 rhinos to the right of my LR. and the Defiler was on my right flank behind a large ruin.


He deployed his army back towards his edge with Bjorn and the Ven Dread in the center with Long Fange in their Razorback to their righ and back. WolfLord was footslogging with a big GH squad further right behind some terrain and on their far right was a razorback with a GH squad. To the left of the Dreads was another Razorback squad that deployed in high terrain for fire support and on the far left was Canis and his massive horde of Wolves.



First turn I moved my prince up to my left in support of a CSM squad, bad idea as his squad was able to charge through terrain and landed a ton of hits on him and took him out turn 1! (it didn't help that I forgot to roll my Warptime!) Prince went down.

One CSM squad went around left to attack the razorback squad over their, managed to destroy his Asscan and got locked in combat for most of the game.

In the center, the CSM squad that was with the prince tried to shoot down Bjorn, to no avail. They were assaulted and destroyed.

My land raider became immobilized in the center (luckily contesting that objective for most of the rest of the game). Khârn and his boys jumped out and headed towards Canis, but took a lot of shots in the meantime. My Defiler laid down a pie plate on Canis and his wolves and were supported by plasma cannons from the Oblits and cut that squad almost to nothing. Canis and his remaining like 4 wolves attacked what was left of my berzerkers, but Khârn was still too much for him and everyone died in combat save 2 Berzerkers, who were then shot up.

My Oblits went down to massive firepower from the Ven Dread and a squad of Grey Hunters and their Razorback.


By now although I'd lost a lot, I was still holding 2 of the 3 objectives and contesting the 3rd with my LR. He finally destroyed my LR after 3 turns or so.My CSMs that were locked in combat (the 3 left) finally got free and started heading towards my center back objective and my Defiler headed there too. My Plagues got out of their rhino and shot his WolfLord/Grey Hunter blob and gave them hell, taking out like 6 guys or so but they didn't fall back. He then shot them up with Long Fangs and hist Wolf Lord squad, destroying all my Plague Marines with AP2 weaponry and advanced to take that objective. So at this point it was turn 5 and they had 2 of the 3 objectives. I dropped another pie plate on their heads with Defiler and decimated them further but still they held. My rhino heading that way was destroyed and my men pinned down. We went on to the 6th turn and my Defiler charged the Wolflord with a bunch of bad rolls but took out everyone but Wolflord and one marine. However he had moved the rest of his army up to hold the objective. So I jumped my five man out and drove the rhino over to that objective and tank shocked them off of it.


So in the end I owned one, and contested one and he owned one and contested one, so it was a draw.


Still need those Plague Marines. If their were in my army (and my prince didn't die so quick, the battle would have been mine) I was very proud of my Defiler though, he never lasts that long : )

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Nice game. 2 solid but not maxed out lists having well fought draw is a totally fine end to a game in my book.


How did Khârn perform? For the points do you think a 2nd DP would have been better?

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For not getting the furious charge in against a mob of wolves and canis in an already weakened zerker squad, Khârn did great. He took out a 3 wound model and continued by killing a few wolves. Even so I would rather have a 2nd DP. They cost about the same as Khârn but are faster stronger, eternal warrior, and almost immune to bolted fire.

But until I can buy a 2nd prince hell do fine

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