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Blood Raven veteran idea


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Alright, first of all I'm very new in WH40k, I've played roughly 6 months by now. I've chosen the blood ravens because of their fluff, since fluff means a lot to me in the hobby.


Though I have never done any sort of convertion, nor do I consider myself good at it, I got an idea to make my own sternguard.

The idea was to create something that you couldn't possibly mistake for tactical marines, so I got a box of Dark Angel Veterans and a box of Empire Flaggelants (for all the bits and pieces). The idea was to remove all the dark angel iconography and add bits and pieces to make it look mystical (like the hourglass/skill/key on chain from the flaggelant box).


Now, I've got two ideas for the fluff behind the squad:


1: First company veterans. Being veterans of the chapter and they carry many of the secrets that the chapter seeks to protect. They dress differently than the rest of the 1st company. The question 'why' have never been raised. It is rumoured that they differ from the rest of their company because the squad consists of carefully selected individuals, chosen to protect the chapters greatest secrets without question or delay.

As guardians of knowledge, the squad usually act as a council for the commander of the force they are a part of. It is said that the squad has used this function to make commanders heed advice they do not fully understand to protect the Chapter's secrets.


1: 5th company. Nobody truly know what happened to the fifth company, but it is known that its members bears marks of penance and redemption. This squad appears to have much to repent for. They choose to wear robes to openly show their shame. Though veterans of a thousand battles and fit for the first company, this squad refuses such an honour, thinking themself unworthy. Instead, they remain in the fifth company, seeking redemption.

On the battlefield, they fight with a relentlessness rarely seen, in a constant attempt to repent for whatever grave sin they have comitted.


I don't know which of the stories I like the best, which one fits the Blood Raven concept the best or which one would look the coolest (painting/conversion wise), so I would like to hear what you guys think?


And to the colour question! These guys will need to get painted, ofcourse, but I am still uncertain how I should do it.

Should I keep the white robes the dark angels use and paint the armor in blood raven colours? Or should the robes themself be red? What do you guys think?

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Funny thing, I've been considering roughly the same idea (but I like the touch of the Empire Flagellant bits), and mine will be veterans in an ordo psykana squad and count-as Sternguard. I'm debating to model the bolters or "force powers" (special ammo) though. Bolters will be easier, but modeling them using their powers would look cooler. I might go for a combination to mix things up. I'm still up in the air about the Robe color, but I think Bone or Ivory color like other posters suggested would be a good combination with the red on the armor.
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thank you for all the replies, guys!


I like the psyker idea you're all presenting, except for two things:


Practically, I can't do a conversion like that. If they're suposed to be robed psyker marines using psychic powers, they wouldn't have bolters, but lightning shooting from their fingers. That is simply too much for someone as new to this whole thing as me.


Secondly, there is the fluff problem. I mean, the Blood Ravens only have two tactical squads made of librarians, why would they send it with a relatively small force? I play mostly 1500 points and then it just seems a bit strange that the chapter would send in the elite of the elite.


However, as I gain more experience in converting, I'll persue your idea for sure!!


Right now I think I'll use bone-white robes (not-so-shiny white) and paint the armor red and the folds red like on the dark angel veterans. I'm also inclined to go with the 1st company idea, since then I can stick all the flashy stuff on them (terminator honours etc.)

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I give my Blood Raven veteran sergeants bleached bone helmets.. I think it suits their color pallete better than white, and helps differentiate them from line Marines. That may help depending on what bit you use for the head :D
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