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Call of the Imperium Mk IV

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++ Call of the Imperium Mk IV ++

Followers of the Immortal Emperor of Man, answer the call from the one that resides on the golden throne!

Now is the time to lift brush and paint!!

In his name! Onwards to glory!!

++ Mission Statement ++

To assist individuals in the building, converting and painting of their army. By using a public-forum, each player will be able to inspire other players with what they are doing, and at the same time receive some feedback on the progress of their army.

++ Call of the Imperium Rulings ++

  1. Your army must be supported on the B&C (E.g. Power-Armored and/or under an Existing Sub-Forum)
  2. The Call will last for 3 months only. Please be aware of this when entering what you will paint.
  3. You are allowed to submit between 2 to 5 items; no more, no less. An item is defined as: a single character/squad/vehicle from your relevant codex.
  4. You are expected to submit a minimum of 2 updates in this thread, per month, for the duration of the call. There will be consequences if this is not followed. Making an update here is quite easy, you simply post a reply in this thread with a link to the relevant updates in your WIP thread.

To make it easier on the event organisers, please post your updates in your WIP thread using the following format.

<Month>, Update <number>.
e.g. April, Update 1.

Should you complete your items within the 3 months and still have time to spare before the end, you are able to add additional items (to a maximum of 5 items).

To enter the call, all you need to do is sign and post the following (for those not doing a secondary pledge, please remove the relevant section):

 [i]Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!

I <Your Name> hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.

I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) <Number of Items> of <Your Army> <Optional: Item Breakdown> - within the space of 3 months. 
I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least twice a month. 

<Your Name>[/i]

Optional: The link to your project thread can also be added later by sending a PM to The Angelus Sanctus

Although the Call last for 3 months, some unexpected real-life issues may appear out of the blue, which may require to step out of the Call. Should this occur, please leave a post stating that you are having to pull out of the Call (You aren’t required to list in extreme detail the exact reason why) and your name will be placed under the “Fallen in Battle” grouping.

As the rules require you to submit a minimum of ONE update per fortnight (two weeks), should you fail to comply with this you will be removed from the active participant list and placed under the “Excommunicated Traitoris” list. This will be enforced and there will be consequences should you leave the Call in this fashion!

Sign up will commence on the 24th of April, 2010 and end on the 30th of April, 2010. On the 30th of April, 2010, the Call will commence and end on the 30th of July, 2010.


  1. Perry T - White Scars (3)
  2. Battle-Brother Ludovic - Exorcists (2?)
  3. OwlandMoonGuy - Angels Sanguine (5)
  4. turelhim vampire - Salamanders (3)
  5. JamesI - Angels Vermillion (3)
  6. the sanguinor - Blood Angels (5)
  7. Emperors Immortals - Emperors Immortals (3)
  8. TrentL - Blood Angels (5)
  9. Brother Tyrax - Knights Vermillion (3)
  10. Buster - Space Wolves (4)
  11. cheeseychaoslord - Nova Champions (3)
  12. Kek - Condemners (3)
  13. Deathwing - War Dragons (3)
  14. Rindaris - Ka-tet of the Ebon Dawn (5)
  15. Midnight Angel - Scion's Of Blood (5)
  16. Alexander Fogh Pedersen - Ash Dragons (3)
  17. Viperion - Shining Sons (3)
  18. Irabrai - Blood Guard (3)
  19. Finn - Dark Angels (3)
  20. Edemia - Blood Angels (5)
  21. Lord Noble - Spave Wolves (2)
  22. Cedric - Emperor's Green Dragons (2)
  23. Brother_VanBriesen - Imperial Fists (4)
  24. Brother Iron Handed - Iron Hands (3)
  25. Insacrum - Disciples of Caliban (2)
  26. Pig of Sparta - Space Wolves (2)
  27. Veteran Sgt. Valour - Dark Angels (4)
  28. ShinyRhino - Ultramarines (3)
  29. Tahaal - Blood Angels (4)
  30. DaemonPrinceDargor - Blood Angels (3)
  31. Grey Paladin - Imperial Fists (5)
  32. ArchHeretic - Soul Drinkers (2)
  33. Wagner - Blood Angels (2)
  34. Arkhanist - Angels Revenant (3)
  35. Twin .44 - Blood Angels (3)
  36. Maximvs - Pre Heresy World Eaters (2)
  37. Fishbone - Grey Knights (3)
  38. Hubernator - Phantoms (5)
  39. Pdogg117 - Blood Angels (4)
  40. HuronBH - Blood Angels (3)

Fallen in Battle

Excommunicate Traitoris

++ Call FAQ ++

Question: Why has the Mk III Call been reduced to 3 months from 12 months?
Answer: We felt that 12 months was too much time for the Call and as a result many individuals lost focus and/or dropped out. By having the project last for 3 months we hope to keep things fresh and clear and keep everyone motivated with an achievable goal.

Question: What are items? You say it's a squad/character/vehicle from the codex. Could this be clarified?
Answer: Essentially, an item is: A single HQ choice, a single Vehicle/Walker, a Vehicle Squadron, a Jump/Infantry Squad, a Monstrous Creature. Note that there can be overlaps, e.g. (a Daemon Prince is both a MC and a HQ choice, in this case it will still count as 1 item).

Question: Why are we using "items" and not points now?
Answer: We feel by using items, each individual's entry is stream-lined and equal to everyone elses. We also noticed in the past, individuals that posted some of these large 1500+ pts armies, a very small number saw completion. Remember, the main mission of the Call is to aid everyone in creating and painting their army to completion.

Question: Can I sign up for both Sides at once?
Answer: Yes, you can. However we do recommend you don't overload yourself greatly as we would like to see everyone complete what they set out to do without 'burning out' in the process.

Question: I'm a fairly new member, so I haven't seen anything about a Mk I, II or III of the Calls, what exactly are they?
Answer: The Calls are a special project that we hold to basically act as a forum-wide motivational painting blog. We understand that picking up the brush and painting a mini, although sounds easy in theory, is not always the case in practice. By holding the Calls, we hope that those who feel they require more motivation to paint will join in and with their fellow frater will be encouraged and encourage others to really sit down and paint the minis they have been wanting to paint for a while (who said friendly competion was a bad thing?).

Question: In past Calls, we have not been able to have our own WIP threads (to avoid cluttering the main project thread). Is this still rule in effect?
Answer: In previous Calls, we asked that everyone avoid making their own WIP threads, however for Mk IV, we will allow them (for a change).

However the only thing we ask is that you still post an update within the main project thread (this very thread that his very FAQ is located in) as this will keep you eligible for the Call. This will now allow individuals to receive more meaningful and in depth C&C during their progress.

For those who make WIP threads, we do ask that you supply a link to your thread so we can track it within the Project thread.

Question: I don't have much that needs to be painted from scratch, but I do have a lot of old stuff I haven't touched in a while that needs to be finished, updated, or repainted. Would such be appropriate for the call, or is the call strictly for new units only?
Answer: That depends entirely on their current state. Usually basecoated models are as far as we'll allow, as well as assembled/paint-stripped models. So in a sense they don't have to be 'new'.
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Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Perry T hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) three items of the White Scars consisting of one tactical squad, one bike squad and one captain - within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.



Perry T

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I, Battle-Brother Ludovic, hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) one item of Exorcists consisting of a Librarian with jump pack - within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.



Battle-Brother Ludovic

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, and my beloved Primarch Sanguinius Hear my Call!


I OwlandMoonGuy hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 5 units of Angels Sanguine:

  • Librarian, "Senix 'Senis" - terminator armor, storm shield
  • 6th Assault (Tac) Squad, "Ardent" - 5 strong, flamer, power weapon, jumpless
  • 8th Assault Squad, "Occasus" - 9 strong, power fist, jumpless
  • Baal Predator #8, "Vesuvio" - flamestorm cannon, heavy flamer sponsons
  • Baal Predator #9, "Dominar" - flamestorm cannon

(You know I also need to get a Razorback done too but that would make it six units. :P )


- within the space of 3 months.


I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.


Here say I, OwlandMoonGuy, on behalf of the Hero Chaplain Arrassmus, Butcher of Hullus-Khore and the Force Sanguine


BTW: The Blood Angels had a great showing during the ++Librarium Painting Challenge++ I expect no less in this instance. The Call of Chaos already has a head start. Does the Imperium intend to let the keep it?



Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I turelhim vampire hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) THREE units of Salamanders: ONE unit of 10 Vanguard, ONE unit of 5 Assault Terminators, and ONE Ironclad Dreadnought - within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.



turelhim vampire



Thanks to a prod from OMG, here I am.


Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I JamesI hereby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 3 units of Angels Vermillion

  • Terminator Librarian from Space Hulk
  • Vanguard squad of 7 models (perhaps more if I get them purchased soon)
  • Predator possibly a Baal, possibly a normal pred


- within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least twice a month.





Before this Call appeared, I had been trying to consider what units to do in the Chaos call instead.


Quick question. The vow promises an update a week, the rules say 2 a month. Which is it? (Chaos call says 2 a month, which is much easier!)


Depending on when I get my hands on the Predator, I may actually paint that before the call officially starts. If that happens, I'll just enter a different 3rd unit.

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I the sanguinor hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion):


commander Dante.


10 man assault squad "Despina".


sanguinary priest "Rafael".


death company dreadnaught.


9 death company marines and dedicated rhino.


within the space of 3 months.


I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.



The Sanguinor.

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I - Emperors Immortals - hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 3 units of the Emperors Immortals - within the space of 3 months.


They will be;

1.Furioso Dreadnought

2.Force Commander

3.10 Assault marines (1 squad)


I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.



Emperoros Immortals

For the Emperor!!!

I pledge the following for the Call of the Imperium IV, my blood angels will join up (I added more units for my list because what I'm working on is basecoated already, if that disqualifies me I can edit and remove my entry)


Reclusiarch w/ Jump Pack (Or Librarian w/jump pack)


Assault Squad (10) - Built / primed / base coated

-2 Flamer Pistols

-Sgt Power Weapon, Flamer Pistol


Assault Squad (10) - Built / primed / base coated

-2 Infernus Pistols

-Sgt Power Fist, Infernus Pistol


2 Sanguinary Priests w/ Jump Packs - Built unprimed


Vanguard Veterans (5 guys) - Not Purchased

-Jet Packs

-1 Power Fist

-Sgt Power Power Fist


5 Death Company - Built - Not primed

2 Power Weapons

Lemartes - Built not primed.

Jet Packs

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Brother Tyrax hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 3 units of Knights Vermillion - within the space of 3 months.


They will be;


1. Knight Templari (Terminator Chaplain. Unassembled,unprimed,unpainted.)

2. Vermillion Sons (Death Company. Unassembled,unprimed,unpainted.)

3. Dedicated Transport for Vermillion Sons (Modified Rhino. Assembled, primed, unpainted.)



I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.



Brother Tyrax

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Buster hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 1 Rune Priest, 2 Grey Hunter Packs, and 1 Lone Wolf - within the space of 3 months.


I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.




Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I cheeseychaoslord hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 3 units of The Nova Champions. One Grey Hunter Squad, One Blood Claw squad and a Wolf Lord - within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.




Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Kek hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 3 items of The Condemners (Black Templars) to include 1 Land Raider, 6 man Crusader Squad and a 5 man Terminator squad within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.




Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Deathwing hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 1 squad of Deathwing terminators, 1 Librarian in terminatour armour and 1 Squad of vanguard veterans of the War Dragons (Dark Angels successor) - within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.




Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I, Rindaris, hereby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 5 units/models of the Ka-tet of the Ebon Dawn (Ordo Xenos, Deathwatch) - within the space of 3 months.

1. 5-man Honor Guard

2. 10-man Death Company

3. Death Company Dreadnought Geminus Ora (Double Edge)

4. Power Armor Inquisitor

5. Sniper Scout Sergeant with beacon

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.


Rindaris Synth'rad

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Midnight Angel hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 5 units/tanks of my Scion's Of Blood Force.- within the space of 3 months.

1. 10 strong Assault Squad

2. 10 Strong Assault Squad

3. Land Raider Reedemer

4. Land Raider Reedemer

5. Baal Predator

I will also strive to finish these early so i can add more to this list.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.



Midnight Angel

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Alexander Fogh Pedersen hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 3 unts/walkers of Ash Dragons, within the space of 3 months.

1. Venerable Dreadnought

2. Ironclad Dreadnought

3. A unit (10) of Terminators

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week. I also swear to aim not only to fullfill my oath, but to reach beond it and do even more for the wareffort of the empire.


Alexander Fogh Pedersen

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Viperion hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) Three (that being the number of the counting) units of Shining Sons, detailed as below:



10 Member Tactical Squad

5 Man Terminator Squad


- within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.




Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Irabrai hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 3 units of Blood Guard


5 man Scouts,

5 man Vanguard and

6 man Terminators


Within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.




Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Finn hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 4 items of Dark Angels:


- Dreadnought;

- Ravenwing Land Speeder;

- 10 men Tactical squad;

- Chaplain;


within the space of 3 months.


I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least twice a month.




Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I, Edemia, hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) three items of Blood Angels


Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost

Astorath The Grim

1 Unit Of Sanguinary Guard

1 Unit of Death Company

1 Baal Predator


- within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.





EDIT+++ Had to remove The Sanguinor from the list and replace him with Lemartes, as i'm painting The Sanguinor up for a competition for my local GW Store.

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Lord Noble hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 2 units of Space Wolves - within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.



Lord Noble

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Cedric hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 2 to 5 items of The Emperor's Green Dragons - within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least twice per month.




Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Brother_VanBriesen hereby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops, to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 4 items of Imperial Fists-

1 Razorback transport

2 Rhino Transports

1 unit of Sternguard veterans

-within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.



Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Brother Iron Handed hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) three of the Iron Hands - within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, at least once a week.



Brother Iron Handed


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