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Call of the Imperium Mk IV

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Brother_VanBriesen, UPDATE: I

belated first post, my apologies guys, the military is very stingy on giving people time to properly worship the Emperor (heresy I know).
The materials amassed and ready.
the madness begins
starting the basecoat on the sternguard

Update 2


Here are some pics of my Blood Angels, now with paint, primer, and Magnets.


Baal Predator, Magnetized turret and side doors so that I have the option of using either the Hell Storm or Twin Assault Cannons. Also Magnetized side doors will allow me to go back and do sponson for the tank in the future. This is the first of 2 Baals Predators to get this treatment for my army.






All the parts




Next up is another pic of the Tactical squad from update #1, this time primed and will all 10 guys





Next we have a WIP pic of a rhino interior. Just need to do a bit more highlighting and paint the bolter.





And finally, last but not least my WIP Death Company. Notice the use of the Sang Guard Death Masks, weapons, and bolt pistol.





Well that is it for update 2, see you all next time.




Lord Noble May, Update 1.


Here is my first update. I should be able to update more often now that the semester is over...




I've posed a pack of Grey Hunters for my vow. I've still to scrape the mold lines off most of the marines and I'll attach the bolters after I've painted the chest armor.



Buster's Space Wolves
May, update 3

Ok, not really much of an update since its been raining like crazy and I haven't been able to take pictures. Plus work has been crazy with one of my best kitchen guys getting activated to help with the oil spill in the gulf, forcing me to pick up the slack (actual work, how horrible right <_< ). Anyways, I've got another Grey Hunter done up and should have pics in a day or so.
Edemia's Blood Angels
Update 2.1

Ok so thanks to RL throwing some stuff at me and having to get another couple of modelling projects done for my local store, i've not really been able to do much. I did however today get 2 of the 3 icons glued onto my Baal Predator and get it primed. I'll be doing some more work on it later so i'll get some PiP pics up in a wee while :)


May, update 1

First 3 Sternguard 2 more almost done and then i have to pick up the command squad








Tahaal's Blood Angels
May, Update #1

Sorry if this seems late. And weird. I accidently edited my second update into this post, so I had to fix it by memory =P

Commander Dante




The Other Two Items

I have the Terminator and Assault squads assembled, but I am going to do the characters first, so no pictures yet.

:HQ: May Update II :HQ:


Not loads of progress yet I'm afraid (as I was hoping to have some paint on him by now) but I'm working on a squad of Noise Marines for a commission just now, as well as playing the Halo: Reach beta... but he's ready for undercoating today so I'll be able to work on him at lunch times at work as of tomorrow :)


One final lot of photos before undercoating:




as you can see he is now based, and I've finished up all the remaining G/S work so once the kids are fed and happy this afternoon I'll get the can of Chaos Black on to him.


@Brother_VanBriesen; I'm really loving the yellow and blue on your marines, you're of to a good start I think :)


@HuronBH: great job magnetizing that Baal, I've never done anything like that myself and I really admire anyone who has the time and patience to sit and do it... also the interior of the Rhino looks fantastic, just the right amount of wear and tear I think :)





Think it's 4 at least... Oh well...

8 of the 10 terminators are done! As well as the Venerable dreadnought.




See more in my thread :lol:



Deathwing's May Update #1


Undercoated my Vanguard veteran squad. That's about all for now as I spent most of my free time prepping for 'Ard Boyz.


Vanguard Veterans


Update Two


Got some primer and reds on my Master of the Forge, now that I have free time. Was busy working on models for the Boston Brawl.









I'm aware of the pinhole in his mouth area. I sanded too far down throug the filler I used to cover the DA symbol, so I'll be using a pin and a small drill bit to make two more, so he doesnt' look silly.

:lol: May Update III :P


Just a quick update, started painting my Wolf Lord the other night, so far this is what I've done:


more photos are in my WIP thread here


@ ShinyRhino: that MOTF looks great and the red armour looks to be off to a fantastic start too :HS:






The Terminators are based and base coated - though the black spray was applied in the evening and the photo's show area's that looked black in the twilight as actually not having spray on them. I'll remedy this before my next update.

Still, here they are, (almost) ready for painting:

Sergeant Aigaion


Brother Cottus


Brother Gyges


Brother Hecaton


I realise from the photos that I have forgotten to blend his thumb claws into his fists, I'll fix that before the next update as well.

Brother Briareus


Tahaal's Blood Angels
May, Update #2

1/4th the way through my vow!

Commander Dante

The end of the gold painting process:

Dante Painted, but not based and no jump pack:

Dante with jump pack, but no base:

Finally, Commander Dante, Finished!

The Other Items

With Dante done, I can start work on the others. Since I am awaiting my red spray paint to arrive, this will probably mean I will start Mephiston. But we'll see how the weekend unfolds.
JamesI's Angels Vermillion
May, update 3

The Librarian is now done.


The Vanguard are almost done. In fact they would be but I ran out of flock. Hopefully that can be fixed today and the final image edited into this update tonight or this weekend. <edit, flock obtained, Vanguard completed!>

The Predator has not been touched other than priming and painting the first red coat. But, I am planning to swap the weapons from a flamer Baal to an assault cannon Baal, with heavy bolters and that work will probably be done tonight.

And edited with more pictures:
The rearmed Predator:

And the Vanguard group shot:

Individual shots of two of the Vanguard will appear in my blog.
Edemia's Blood Angels
Update 3

Only a text one unfortunately as my camera has conveniently gone fething AWOL. Managed to get a quick cover of Mechrite Red on the hull of the pred, will try and get started on the interior - if other modelling projects allow me the time that is! Will try and get pics up as soon as i've found the damn camera!

OMG's Angels Sanguine
CoI Update




I still need to print up the decal for the back banner. That and some static grass and this squad will be finished.

More soon. Cheers, -OMG

Quick question. I know when we finish we can expand our vows. What do we need to do for that. All I need to do is finish the Baal predator to complete my current vow, and would like to add a Vindicator to my vow (its built and primed but that's it).


I was going to add Lemartes to my vow, but got impatient and painted him already.


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