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Vamp's Call of the Imperium thread...

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Greetings Battle Brothers,


I, a lowly Battle Brother of the Salamanders beg your indulgence in a most holy undertaking. I have pledged before all of you to bolster my forces in the next three terran months by the outfitting of new recruits into the 1st Company - 10 Brother Vanguard, 5 Brother Terminators, and 1 Ancient Brother Ironclad.


Though this thread will form as my WIP report as to the progress of this undertaking, I also ask of you a humble request...



In the past, I have painted my models to a bare minimum, with little to know shading or highlights. With this project, that will change. I am hoping to get at least these three units painted to the best of my current abilities. As such, I would welcome suggestions as to how to paint the following Salamanders colour schemes:


1 - Green/Black/Gold/White - Standard 1st Company colours, as represented here:

1st Company


2 - Yellow/Black/Gold/Red - Badab War Veterans colours, as represented here:

Badab War Veteran


For these schemes I am looking for advice on how to paint them from the ground up - from whatever spray basecoat is needed through what foundation paints to use, right up to what washes and which highlight colours to go for.


I will - as per the rules of the Call of the Imperium - be posting updates each week as to the progress of the models, but the way I see it is that if I can get at least one unit completed each month I should easily meet the deadline with time to spare.

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I don't have used any of the foundation paints, but so far i haven't missed them.

here's my take on it


1 - Green/Black/Gold/White - Standard 1st Company colours, as represented here:

1st Company


For quick painting I'd say

Black Primer

Snot Green Base colour

Badab Black/Tracka Green wash (i don't know how dark the green wash is)

Highlight with Snot Green

Highlight with Camo Green

All Black Parts get a 1:1 higihlight Codex Grey/Black and then Codex Grey

Basecoat all gold parts with scorched brown, paint Burnished Gold on top of that

Wash with Devlan Mud

Highlight with Burnished Gold (some people like to make it even brighter by mixing Mithril Silver in)



2 - Yellow/Black/Gold/Red - Badab War Veterans colours, as represented here:

Badab War Veteran


White Primer

Golden Yellow (2 or three coats for even coverage)

Wash recesses with Ogryn Flesh

Highlight Badmoon Yellow

Paint all Black areas in and highlight as described above.

Paint Red Gore Stripe, highlight with Blood Red.


I paint my orks yellow like that over a black primer, so it's the fastest way i could find to paint a good yellow.


Hope that helps.

Thanks very much Durus, that yellow looks fantastic! I'll likely be painting the dreadnought in those colours, so getting a good solid yellow was going to be the hardest of the lot - hopefully I can do it justice.


Also, I have just a small update to provide an exact squad breakdown of what I plan to submit as my entries:


Squad Enceladus - 10 Vanguard, armed as follows:


Sergeant Enceladus, armed with the Relic Blade 'Flame of Thracia'

1 Veteran Brother with Power Fist and Storm Shield

2 Veteran Brothers with Power Weapon and bolt pistol

2 Veteran Brothers with Storm Shield and bolt pistol

4 Veteran Brothers with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword



Squad Aigaion - 5 Assault Terminators armed as follows:


Sergeant Aigaion, armed with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

2 Assault Terminators with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

2 Assault Terminators with Twin Lightning Claws


Ancient Brother Panoptes, Guardian of Io - Ironclad Dreadnought armed as follows:

Dreadnought close combat weapon with heavy flamer

Chainfist with Meltagun

Ironclad Assault Launcers


All models will eventually get full names and basic histories, as the contest progresses...


Painting/Modelling will commence on 30th April when the contest begins in full.

Well, as promised here are the "pre-CotI" photos of my chosen models. First of all the Terminator squad.





Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield termies:






Close up of the text on his chest, it reads "Cleanse + Burn"


Lightning Claw Termies





Close up of the Salamanders chapter badge on his gauntlet:


Vanguard to come tomorrow...

@ Kylis:


It's a four piece conversion from multiple sources - the body is from the Mk2 Veterans box, the one with the power axe in the linked photo below, but with the plasma pistol arm removed with a saw. The arms from the jump pack vanguard sergeant were added, rounded off with a converted backpack and banner from the Sicarius model.

Mk2 Veterans

Just a quick update, and only to say that the Vanguard are all based and almost ready for painting - a small amount of green stuff work to be done - just adding the tread to the boots of their armour and a couple of minor touch ups.


WIP painted photos should be expected on friday night, even if only the bases have paint on them.

Well, here are some WIP shots of the Vanguard in case I don't get time on Friday, all that I've done so far is the bases and make a start on the snot green basecoat for their armour. It'll need more coats, obviously. ;)





The right hand model in the last shot did look fine until I dropped him, which thankfully didn't break anything off but did chip the paint. More work to be done on him.

Ok I will admit that I wasn't sure about the dread in the beggining, due to the rounded eagle and the lack of a right hand, but holy heck this thing is taking a turn for the better! :P Now I can't wait for the next update.


The vanguards looks to be off to a very good start as well my friend.


For Vulkan!

Just a quick update today...


The vanguard veterans so far have had a chaos black basecoat, with two/three layers of watered down Vallejo Sick Green, washed over with two layers of Citadel Thraka Green wash.


The dreadnought is coming along - gap filling and joint strengthening seems to be taking up the most of my time on the dread at the moment, though I'll be polishing off the eagle and adding a metal edging to it kind of like what's on the old metal venerable dread model. After that it will be the chainblade and the arm holding it getting most of the attention, before the dread is ready to be based and painted.


The Terminators will be my target for tonight, as they are almost ready to be painted - I just need to work on their bases and add a couple of tiny bits to a couple of the models they'll be good to go.


Expect a further update (with photos) tonight.

I know it's been said several times, but I absolutely love the poses on the Vangaurd.

Favorite is either the one kicking off the I-beam, or the two-handed chainsword, (which I love so very much, I was fully planning on doing my own before I saw yours, but now I have to).

Top notch work man. I am fully watching this thread.


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