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Midnight Angel's Scions of Blood


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Hey guys, just a link to my thread in the WIP forums.

WIP thread

Anyways, i figured you guys would appreciate them more as i am working on a blood angel successor chapter.

I got my first guy done(except his base) and i have to maintain the thread there since i am signed up for the Call.

Enjoy my growing Scion's of Blood.

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cool, yeah i kinda of like that model. I had it lieing around and it was missing his pistol and i didn't want to go digging around for his power fist. So i went looking thru my bitz and noticed i still had most of the command sprue unused and the company champion powerweapon always looked cool. So i added it as a weapon and it looked like a cool pose. I also added a new pistol from the death company sprue. I actually get alot more joy from creating cool looking sergeant models using the older vets. My favorite vet model was the one with the studded armor and the giant mace behind his back.


Thanks for thinking they are grim. I really want my army to look more dark and brooding. They are after all angels of death and i don't want them being all bright and cheery. I am still debating the flesh. I wanted a pale tone but not 100% happy with the way it turned out.

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updated my WIP thread with some more pics. But for those who want a quick army shot..heres a current painted army shot.



I have a few more pics of the captain and the first 5 man assault squad that i managed to finish before today so now i can start working off my call of the imperium vow. Up next will probably be the next 10 man assault squad. I might try to get the tanks worked out in between the 2 10 man squads to break up painting all the troops. So it will be 10 assault marines, 2 reedeemers, then the second 10 man assault squad, and then finish with a baal predator. Only reason i am tossing the baal at the end of this is so i can paint up two baals at the same time. Once i get my vow stuff finished i will look and see what i want to paint next. It will probably be the librarian dread or the death company marines. I still have to work out the death company color scheme as well. I am torn on what to use. I was thinking of a more tribute colors scheme using red as the predominant color with black helms, eagles, backpacks, and Death Company markings, but also doing the all white looking death company is tempting too. But i think i am going to go with the red and leave the white color schemes for my sanquinary priests i still have to aquire parts for and build.

Well time to get back to painting. The scheme paints up pretty quickly on regular troops with little bling on them and no bare heads.

Even hand painting every little army icon and company/squad marking doesn't seem to slow the paint scheme down at all.

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Very cool looking army, I dig the paint scheme and the freehand icons on your guys.


My only gripe is your chapter icon looks essentially like the Angels Encarmine symbol; was this intentional? :)


Either way, great stuff! :)

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well its similar. I was actually thinking of having the angels encarmine as the actual geneseed stock my chapter was taken from. Since my chapter is going to be a 3rd, 4th or 5th founding chapter it is still early enough to where the inherent flaw of the red thirst wasn't completely known to the public. I was looking at the chapter badges wheni was working on a design and noticed the angels encarmine have a non feathery wing with a blood drop. However there wing goes from the base of the blood drop and works its way up. My design actually took elements from the night lords wings, which were a predominant bat wing and added the blood drop in place of the skull. Its similar but if you really look at the angels encarmine you will see the difference. The angels encarmine actually looks more like a black sillohette of the fancy blood angel icon with the full feather wings.

I was toying around with the army icon before i actually worked up a new name. My orginal chapter name was Mightnight Angels. It was where i got my username on here back in 04 because that was what i dubbed my blood angel successor chapter back then that used this exact color scheme. However the biggest difference is back then i used alot of neon green, and my army icon was a green blood drop. This time around i wanted a more dark and sinister feel to tie into the gothic feel of the 40k universe. So i left the green to a very minimum. I am only using green for the eyes and the purity seals, and keeping it alot less neon in color.


Because i am toying with the idea of the parent chapter being the angels encarmine, i am still up in the air on my death company color scheme. By using the angels encarmine as the parent geneseed for my chapter, i could techincally use the ivory white death company and sanquinary guard. But i am not sure how the white death company would really look against a predominanty black armored force. So i am still thinking of using a red armor death company scheme with black X markings and black helms, shoulder trim, and back packs. This way i can still use the same color markings for the company markings and chapter icon, but i can have a different color scheme for my deathcompany than the all black. Sanguinary guard i might still go for a mostly gold scheme, if i include them, or i might go with a bone white scheme for them if i get around to using any. I am still not keen on the all gold armor in my army. So i might just give the sanquinary guard gold helms, gold shoulder trim and gold back packs in place of the majority of the red.

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Nice head swap for the Vet Sgt model, and overall they're looking suitably sultry with an undertone of sheer, unadulterated violence... which I like :D Kudos mate and keep 'em coming. I hope to have some regular BA update pics soon having taken a pause from Fortress building :blink:
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Well here's an update. I managed to finally get my bitz to finish my librarian dread and my 3 sanquinary priests. So now i have my 2000 point army fully assembled and primed now.

Basically my rough 2k list looks like this.


*RAS-10 strong

Reedemer transport

*RAS-10 strong

Reedemer transport

*RAS-6 strong

Razorback w/ TLHF

*Deathcompany-6 strong

Razorback w/ TLAC

*Furiso Librarian Dread

*Sanquinary Priests x3

*Baal Predators x2 w/ TLAC and HB sponsons


Anyways..time for pics.

Here's the CoI update. The 2 RAS squads in there basic paint scheme. The first half of squad 1 in there finished red glory.



And the other 15 assault squads which only have basic black base coat and scab red basecoat.



And well i know i didn't say i would paint my priests but its hard not to want to paint such cool looking models.


These guys have been primed white, given a black wash, and have the base coat of scab red on them. I also gave them a base coat of black on the areas of there armor that will be black, but i still have to put black on there weapons. I will do the weapons after i get the white armor finished. I am working on these guys little by little while i work on my two assault squads.


Also..i managed to finish the librarian dread's force weapon. I decided to keep it sorta simple, i never really liked alot of those jagged looking flame like runes on most force weapons. Since the grey knights have simple looking halberds that count as force weapons, i just gave it a simple blade. I also put some thought into the blade and decided to give the top of the blade an edge. I have seen most go with a flat top to the blade, but with an edge, this allows my dread to slash in both directions as well as stab thru armor as well. I wanted his blade to look like a truly functional weapon and was thinking he might slash thru back and forth when dealing with infantry but against lightly armored vehicles and other dreads, he might actually stab those to cut them open, rather than slash against the thick metal plates.

Anyways, heres the close up pic of his arm, and then another front shot. I am still debating over color scheme. I know i should do blue but debating on whether or not to go full blue with accents of my armies color, or go with more of my black red scheme with hints of blue to indicate hes a librarian.



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busy would be an understatement lol. Lets see..i work part time, i am a stay at home dad to my two youngest kids, who are 2 and 3 respectively, i also have 2 older kids, 6 and 9, who i try to spend time with. So between a wife and 4 kids, a commitment to working, and now toss in online classes with the art instititue...my plate is rather full. On top of that..i made this commitment to paint stufff in 3 months, i ended up this week getting tossed an extra project of building a volcano for my oldest sons science project. Right now i am in the last week of one class, to start two new classes towards the end of next week. I have to do a final design piece for this last week of class. Then the next two classes i start is an english class and a life drawing class. So yeah..its pretty hectic but luckily my paint scheme is a pretty easy and simple one for me. Its just squeezing in the time to get the stuff painted.


And as much as i want to finish the dread and priest, i do have to work out the 20 assault marines first and start on the two reedemers and the first baal predator before i can really endulge on that dread. I am just tossing in the priests while i work on the assault marines. When i finish the two redeemers and the two baals(since i am tossing in the extra baal when i work on the first one), then i can start on my dread and the death company marines.

Sadly when i finish the 2k points i have listed above, i still have a tactical squad, devestator squad,TLLC dread, scout squad,old school chaplain, an honor guard squad, and two terminator squads to paint. Not to mention a furioso dread to assemble and my Chapter master(dante stand in) to assemble and then paint as well.

Maybe as i work on those i can start looking at converting up or adding a stormraven to my army, plus some more rhino/razorbacks for the other squads i am going to add, and then maybe i can look at getting a jump pack assault squad together to make use of all the death company jump packs i have left over now.

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Battle report update. I would have done some pics but darn it, the camera's batteries died on me, or were dead when i got to the store so no pics of my painted stuff in good light or my army under fire.


Anyways i got to play my first game tonight with the blood angels. It was also my first game since last december so it was just good to get to play again and have some fun. First off the game was a blast because the player was such a great guy to play against. I've played against his nurgle demon army a couple of times in a few tournaments and the games against him were always the best games win or lose.

Anyways this time it was a 2000 point match up, i brought my army list above, minus 1 death company guy cause i did the match wrong, and had to drop 20 points.

So to recap..i had a captain w/ PW, priest w/ PW, 10 RAS w/ PW and meltagun in one reedemer, the other 10 strong RAS squad w/ meltagun and PF, plus priest w/ PW in second reedemer, 2 baals w/TLAC and HB sponsons, 5 death company w/1 PW in a razorback w/TLAC, 5 RAS with flamer and PW plus Priest w/PW in a Razorback with TLHF, and my Furioso Librarian Dread with Wings of sanguinus and Blood Lance.


He brought a chaos army that had a termie lord w/ demon weapon and MoNurgle, 2 vindicators, 5 termies w/ 3 twin lighting claws, MoT, Heavy flamer, combi flamer and 2 chain fists. He also had one unit of 7 plague marines in a rhino, 10 chaos marines in a rhino with undivided mark, 13 plague marines on foot with 2 plasmaguns, 10 raptors with mark of khorne, and 2 obliterators.


We did an annihiliation scenario with pitch battle setup. He set up first, and then he got first turn. First turn almost brought me some doom when both his vindicators moved up and scored a direct hits on each redeemer. Luckily his dice were against him and all he did was shake them first turn, so they couldn't move. His two plasmagun plaguemarines shot at a razorback with flamers and well they both overheated, and failed there armor saves. His oblits hit one baal and gave it a crew stunned, and the rest of his force moved forward or adjusted to my transports on the board. My turn rolled around and i moved forward and returned fire on his vindicators. It took all 4 of my 5 TLAC that could fire, but i took blew up his two vindicators. In fact they both exploded. One had no effect, but the other blew up 6 inches and it took out 4 of his raptors, dealt a wound to an obliterator, and dropped one more plague marine. My librarian dread just flew forward at breakneck speed towards the enemy. End of turn one and i had no real losses, just one baal that couldn't do a thing, he was down almost half his raptors, lost both vindis, and his large plague marine unit was down to 10.


Turn 2, he moved the termies towards my assault cannon razorback that had my Death company in it. He also adjusted his force around some large ruins that his oblits were hiding in, and his plague marines marched forwards towards the ruins in the center of the board. His rhinos moved away from the baal predator that was in there flank and were now open after i destroyed the vindicator that was on his left flank last turn. He tried to take out the razorback with a chain fist, but failed to hit such a fast moving target. His oblits did manage to immobilize my baal on that side of the board, as well as shake it so no moving or shooting again. My turn i dropped off the deathcompany with the termies and moved the assault cannon pred out of the way. This unit then shot at the plague marines and took out a few more. My dread flew up and also prepared to assault the termies. My flamerback flew forward, released its payload and the guys inside plus the razorback flamed the plague marines with no luck on killing any. My baal shot the rhino carrying the other unit of plague marines and made a nice wreck out of it. My landraiders moved forward, one shooting at the plague marine unit and removing another 1 or 2, the other moved around the immbolized baal and shot at the oblits, finally removing one of them. I then got some hand to hand and moved an assault squad into the plague marines, and the deathcompany and dread hit up the termies. I lost one death company marine but cleared out the termies, and the plague marines lost two more, i lost assault marine.


Turn3, he did some more adjusting and brought his raptors up behind my assault marines that were locked into combat with his plague marines. His other rhino finally got some guts and moved forward to get out and clear the way. His plague marines came around the wrecked vehicle and were heading for the cover of the ruins and his wrecked rhino. He didn't do much at all in the shooting, missing alot. He was having a bad dice night. However my assault unit had a bad time this turn and got owned by the plague marines and raptors. My priest managed to survive, and fled and got away from the raptors..for now anyways. He had to protect that geneseed that just got owned. My turn came around and well my priest kept running away taking a pop shot at the raptors as he fled. My dread charged the large plague unit, my death company hit up the smaller unit, and my reedemer and baal helped to narrow down a few of the plague marines. My flamer razorback decided to go around the ruins with the oblits flaming as it passed by but no luck. My other reedemer kept moving that same way too but no luck against the oblit either. My immobolized baal shot up the raptors but didn't finish them off, and my assault cannon razorback shot at the plague marines before the dread hit them up and did nothing with there feel no pain.

Turn4 got a little faster, but i was now locked into hand to hand with some plague marines. His Chaos lord forgot he couldn't do anything against my dread, and still charged it anyways. My dread hit him with one attack and removed the lord out right with an instant kill from a bloodfist. He also dropped another plague marine. The death company struggled wiht the other plague marine unit then got removed from battle because they also got charged by the 10 chaos marines. Was a tough fight and they held on till my turn, but the rolls were not going good with the sheer number of attacks back at me.

I got lucky in turn 5, as i flamed the plague marines with reedmers. I also kept trying to take out his oblits. However in turn 5, his powerfist plague champion finally got lucky and removed the librarian dread. But he was now a lone marine with no squad to lead. The game went to turn 6, and the end of turn 6, he was left with one rhino, the obliterator was down to 1 wound but still kicking. And he had 1 raptor left alive who had been tossing a krak grenade for two turns at the immbolized baal predator. He also had about 5 chaos marines left who were hiding in some large ruins slowly getting dwindled.

In the end, he got 3 kill points from me, i ended up getting 7 from him. I learned alot about the new army and was still knocking off some of the dust from not playing in almost 6 months. I think next time tho my dread wont bother with blood lance and take wings+might because he gets into combat pretty quickly and the might would have served him much better getting the extra D3 attacks. I was quite happy with list and although i almost lost my two landraiders first turn..they still would have served there purpose of drawing fire away from other stuff, like the fast baals and fast razorbacks. My luck also still held out most of the game with melta weapons, seeing how i shot the multimeltas like 8 times and only hit and wounded 3 times...meaning i actually rolled something higher than a 1 to wound something. Typically i roll 1's when i have to wound with meltas but they actually did it only 2/3rds of the time this fight.

I would have loved to got my large assault marines out and into combat but with that many plague marines..i didn't want to offer him any more kill points after the two smaller squads bit the dust with such minimal casulties to the plague marines. That toughness 5, 3+, 4+FNP makes it difficult to wound and remove them. Even with the few power weapons that went against them, i was just rolling bad on hand to hand rolls but great on shooting. Gotta stick to what karma was giving me and go with it.


I will be updating the pics on saturday. I have managed to finish painting hte 3 priests, and first 10 man assault squad. I am starting to work on the first land raider, but it might be close to finish by then. Depends on how much time i manage to get with a new class starting tomorrow. Lots of reading and getting these assignments knocked out early plus having to work the next two days too.

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Updated the pics in the orginal thread.

I am currently working on the 3 tanks i have to paint for the COI. But i got some pics of my first 10 man assault squad, tho the side view pics of the unit ended up too blurry so i will get some other shots next time i do a photoshoot for the army. Afterall they are busy getting there armor painted and ready for battle :)

I also got some good pics of the finished priests. Rather happy with the way they turned out, except i have realized that the fewer models with flesh showing, the faster this army will be painted. I hate doing the flesh, its a bit of a pain getting a good pale flesh look without just going pure white.

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got a few more pics. The first is some pics of my marines in action. I would have loved to have gotten an army shot while i was at the store, but i ran out of time as my second game last night was ended early due to store closing.

Some battle pics against a grey knight player(tho his grey knights were black lol)





So anyways i fought a grey knight player last night as well as a vanilla marine player. The first game was going strong and i won due to the grey knight calling it quits in turn 4. He was down to two troops and they were about to get shot to pieces soon enough. As i had already crushed one flank and was moving in for the kill. On top of that i held 2 objectives and he was on one with a unit of strormtroopers. However he was about to lose that unit with some assault cannons from a baal and crusader aiming at him. Also the next closer objective had my redeermer almost sitting right on it with loving flamestorm cannons, so his last unit of grey knights were afraid to come out of the building to go for it.

The vanilla marine player was a tougher fight. He had a pretty shooty army, and was taking out my transports with relative ease. By turn 2 i was already down a baal predator, redeemer, and a razorback. So half my tanks were in the dust or wrecks. I still put a beating on him and not totally sure how the fight would have ended. He only had 2 tactical squads in the entire army and i was working my way to remove the two static combat squads with lascannons. His other small unit was about to get shot up by the remaining baal predator so he probably would have not been able to claim any objectives anyways. But i considered the fight more of a draw, i won by rules, but felt a moral loss as i realized i really need to adjust my army to get a few more antitank weapons in it. The multimeltas on my raiders are more of a 15 points wasted since i can't seem to hit and wound stuff due to always rolling 1's to dmg tanks.


I also got a few more pics of my 10 man tac squad painted. Not sure if they are brighter but they were taken at the table at the store. I did get a good side shot so you can see all the hand painted army icons.





Now to finish up the tanks i have in the works. You can see the 3 tanks that i have been working on. The red is done and the metal is built up. I need to do a final highlight on the metal areas, finish the army icons and other details and highlight the black. I also gotta do the opticals, banners and then do a little dusting around the treads so they match a little to the brown dirt bases on my marines.

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