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Adepta Sororitas Allies


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Looking through the fluff for the Blood Angels' successor chapters I came across a rather interesting army idea. A lamenters force dangerously under strength after the destruction of 7 of their companies using allies to make up their battle strength! The penitent crusade of the lamenters chapter lends them ideally to being combined with the Adepta Sororitas so I am wondering how much synergy there would be in such a matching.


Has anybody tried this yet?

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Hm, interesting idea. It's rather tempting to take squads of Battle Sisters instead of Tactical Marines, since Sisters are considerably cheaper and their Rhinos aren't any more expensive than the Blood Angel ones (though they obviously wouldn't be Fast).
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Ah this reminds me of an idea I once had, it was a minor Soritas Order that worshipped Sanguinius for his sacrifice during the Horus Heresy. "The Order of the Red Angel", I remember dreaming it up after staring for too long at The Living Saint tearing up a Chaos base on Dawn of War Soulstorm.


Ah, good times. :D

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Ah this reminds me of an idea I once had, it was a minor Soritas Order that worshipped Sanguinius for his sacrifice during the Horus Heresy. "The Order of the Red Angel", I remember dreaming it up after staring for too long at The Living Saint tearing up a Chaos base on Dawn of War Soulstorm.


Ah, good times. :)



Been there done that.

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aren't any more expensive than the Blood Angel ones

[looks at the 58 pts rhinos sob have and the free ones BAs have] odd but I somehow fail to see how that happens.


Um, in my copy of Codex Witch Hunters the Rhinos are 50 not 58.. of course if your allowed to use the Imperial Armour vol 2 update from FW then you can get them for 35pts.


I'd be tempted to model them as Tacs and call them neophytes that the Lamenters are forced to throw into battle.


Thats actually quite an awesome idea!

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Um, in my copy of Codex Witch Hunters the Rhinos are 50 not 58.. of course if your allowed to use the Imperial Armour vol 2 update from FW then you can get them for 35pts.


In 4th Rhinos cost 58 points. Because you always bought smokes and extra armor.

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I'd be tempted to model them as Tacs and call them neophytes that the Lamenters are forced to throw into battle.


I don't think the Lamenters are allowed to recruit new neophytes. They lost all recruiting rites after the rebellion.


I like the idea of the Sororitas allies though.

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I don't think the Lamenters are allowed to recruit new neophytes. They lost all recruiting rites after the rebellion.


I believe thats Goto fluff - I'm not aware of any instance of actual GW fluff saying penitent chapters can't recruit.

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aren't any more expensive than the Blood Angel ones

[looks at the 58 pts rhinos sob have and the free ones BAs have] odd but I somehow fail to see how that happens.

Am I the only one looking for free Rhinos...???

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are you one of those guys that buys tacticals in a BA army ?

Um, in my copy of Codex Witch Hunters the Rhinos are 50 not 58.. of course if your allowed to use the Imperial Armour vol 2 update from FW then you can get them for 35pts.

58 pts with smokes and extra armor and IA is not legal on most tournaments , what for me also means on all normal games too.

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Well this is the list I have planned so far; still have a few things that need to be added though, let me know what you think.




Canoness w/ Blessed weapon & book of St. Lucius. [80pts]

10 Celestian Retinue w/ 2 Heavy Flamers. [154pts]




10 Man Assault Squad w/ 2 Melta guns, pair of lightning claws & melta bomb. [245pts]

12 Battle Sisters w/ 2 Storm bolters, combi-flamer & book of St. Lucius. [171 pts]

12 Battle Sisters w/ 2 Storm bolters, combi-flamer & book of St. Lucius. [171 pts]

8 Man Scout Squad w/ Power fist. [139pts]


Fast Attack


Baal Predator w/ Heavy bolter sponsons & storm bolter. [155pts]

Baal Predator w/ Heavy bolter sponsons & storm bolter. [155pts]


Heavy Support


Stormraven Gunship w/ Twin-linked lascannon, twin-linked multi-melta & extra armour. [215pts]


Total 1485 points & 5 Faith points



The army has 365 points left to spend and some holes that need filling as follows:


1, I need to add a marine HQ to meet force organization requirements but i am having a hard time finding a place for any of the HQ choices in this list. I cannot attach them to the battle sisters squads as they lose their faith abilities then which leaves only the assault squad or a solo HQ unless I add even more bodies to the list.


2, I need to add more armoured threats to the list - I don't fancy more predators but some dreadnoughts could add even more fire power, some armour and some CC defence to the battle sisters. Alternatively a squad of land-speeders is tempting to provide yet more mobile fire power and possibly some more melta weaponry.


3, Additional anti-tank could be welcome since my only dedicated anti-tank would be the assault squads meltaguns and the Stormraven.

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A pretty neat list. :) Not sure how it'd do in highly competitive environments but should be loads of fun in more casual settings. As far as Blood Angel HQs go, consider either a Captain with a jump pack and lightning claw(s) or a Reclusiarch with jump pack. Both of these choices are roughly the same points and can run with the Assault Squad. The Captain would be a better fighter than the Reclusiarch would be, but the Reclusiarch makes the Assault Squad absolutely devastating on the charge.


To add to the list's anti-tank firepower, perhaps look into tiny five man Tactical or Assault Squads in Razorbacks. I personally run a five strong Assault Squad with a Razorback with twin-linked heavy bolter and they're one of the best objective capturing units in the army at only 120 points. Upgrade the Razor with a twin-linked lascannon or lascannon and twin plasma guns and you'd have a cheap objective capturing unit with some pretty formidable firepower. These guys can also babysit the Battle Sister squads a bit since they're better at close combat than the Sisters are.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't think the Lamenters are allowed to recruit new neophytes. They lost all recruiting rites after the rebellion.


I believe thats Goto fluff - I'm not aware of any instance of actual GW fluff saying penitent chapters can't recruit.


They didn't lose recruiting rights, they and the Mantis Warriors forfieted their chapter homeworlds to the victorious Chapters for siding with Lugft Huron (later Huron Blackheart) and his Astral Claws in the Badab War. They merely lost their recruiting grounds you see.

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Give it a shot, make a list. I don't think sisters would get fast rhinos or anything, but you may be able to work something out.


Probably the best part about this is not having to worry about the "tac" squad you plan on leaving on your HQ objective falling to rage and running around the field!


I so go for it, looks like it could be fun!

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If I was going to do this, I'd want the sanguinor and celestine together. That'd be so very uhmm.. angely?


or... going total death or glory with repentia, engines and DC. Be so fluffy, like they're a totally expendable force trying to recover or stop something escaping before the Exterminatus hits. Very cute in my opinion.

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Fluff wise, its a little bit of a stretch the sisters already distrust any SM chapter for not worshipping the Emperor as a god, and the Lamenters are onr one the verge imho of being called renegade..... on the other hand maybe put in an Inquisitor and say he/she's investigating the rumours of degeneracy in the gene seed and it'd work..... game wise I've done this with a 'nilla SM army and it works well esp. to get extra power armoured boots on the ground with lots and lots of bolters... works well against lists you cant match in numbers to even things out
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Heh, I must say, the idea of SoB order venerating Sangy totally got me and it got me som much that I am totally stealing it:D I already got a few plans on how to include a few SoB's in my list (modulariy FTW, remove this,add this, spices up the game.) but most probably, I am totally weighing giving myself the pain and write up some kind of IA for the order I made up in my head.
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It's not that far fetched considering Sanguinius is the only primarch who is also a saint and has his own Imperial feastday to boot. Infact thats the fluff I used when I wanted to include sisters into my BA lists, afterall there are countless order's minoris.
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