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going pod-less-


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Ever since the drop pod was brought over from FW, and put in the marine codex it has been a mainstay in my army lists, even before it was released i used rhino's as proxies. however for several reasons i have been doing something rather unconventional.


Running drop pod free lists with my 6 dread marine army.


I wanted to do this both to see if it could be done effectively in 5th edition and to silence some critics of the FW lucius pattern drop pod from those who have never faced them. .


Our gaming group allows FW units in normal games. for those that are unfamiliar the lucius pattern pod is a dread only pod with no weapons that allows the dread to assault on the turn it deepstrikes in normal games. My gaming group easily countered it's abilities with tactics often forcing me to drop them empty.


As i said at the outset, the past month or so i have been experimenting with my army minus any pods of any kind with good results.


The following 2 batreps are my most recent games.


Game 1

.2,000 points

.Kill points

.12” deployment


My list


.GKGM with upgrades

.Tac squad

.outflanking scout squad

.3 venerable hellfire dreads

.3 ironclad dreads

.land speeder typhoon




My opponant

Crimson fists



.X2 las/melta tac squads

.X2 combi-melta stern guard in drop pods

.assault terminator squad

.land raider redeemer.



My opponent made me go first so he would have targets for his stern guard.


I in turn reserved everything except the 3 shooty dreads the tac squad and the 2 Hqs



He placed his 2 tacs and land raider. I put all my fire into the raider and the final shot killed it.

With my turn done he podded in his first SG unit and shot up my tacs, walked up his terminators and fired at my dreads. I ended up jumping out of terrain and assaulting him with my tacs and GKGM taking them out. Only to get assaulted in turn by his terminators sicarius and the GM killed each other and his terminators killed my tacs.


The following turn after popping his pod I sent dreads in to play with his terminators , outflanked with some scouts, who died horribly when they assaulted one of his tac squads.


Long range HK missiles dropped cantor as well.


He followed up with his second SG squad doing some damage to a dread and wounding my MOTF. After shooting up his second SG and eating them in CC he was left with 1 and a partial tac squads to deal with 7 vehicles after turn 5. Seeing no way to pull himself out of the hole he conceded the game.











Next up-

2,250 VS blood angels with a scratch built storm raven. -




Game 2

This game was a test run of teh first scenerio for this years 'Ard boys tournament.


12" deployment

5 objectives + scondary bonus points



My list was similar to the one above however with the spare points i added 2 land speeder storms with HF a second scout squad (with HB instead of missile like the first).




The BA player was running a modified jump list with


.2 sanguinary priest

.1 sanguinary guard(banner/fist)

.X3 assault squads melta/melta/fist

.6 jump vanguard vets with claws, TH/SS, locator beacon(in the storm raven)

.librarian furioso dread

.storm raven gunship.





He won the roll off and went first turbo boosting his raven across the table. His flat out save negated all 3 penetrating hits I did to him.


With his re-rolls he managed to bring in his entire force. Only one unit scattered off and misshaped back into reserves. His vanguards went after my tacs and GKGM, while the rest of his force worked on my 2 dreads and MOTF.


He took out the tacs with little problem and damaged one dread, which the MOTF promptly fixed.


His dread charged mine in CC and proceded to beat on him for many turns only being saved by his venerable status.

My second turn saw my scouts arrive from both table ends as well as 2 ironclads join the battle.


After a lucky hit killed the storm raven


One went after the vanguards killing his TH/SS and then doing to massed melta bomb attacks. They then died when the GKGM close-lined all 4 remaining vanguards. The other ironclad jumped astorath and chewed on his squad for several turns I basically moved every dread I could in to lock up units in CC.


His last squad of marines arrived for a second time and annoyed my last free dread, while his other unengaged squad jumped back to secure one of the objectives in his table side being taken by the scouts. CC on his turn saw me hold or win. The GKGM jumped in and slaughter half of another tac squad but died to a power fist while trying to relieve a dread.


My scouts with the HB got out and staked an objective while their speeder raced off to flame a unit the dread was about to assault.

Me second batch of scouts tried a desperate assault knowing they would be assaulted in turn if they did not act. He took down the scouts with little effort and then went after the speeder. Securing himself at least one objective.


My 3rd ironclad finally came in and went after his furiosos. After several fantastic turns of swinging at air he finally got a hit that killed my ironclad. Then he assaulted the MOTF and killed him. Just in time to be assaulted by my last ironclad after it had finished off astoraths unit. Killing his furioso in turn.


As the end of the game loomed he managed to score one more dread kill but I held one objective while contesting the rest. The game ended with a tie on objectives . We tallied up the other bonus points as well coming out with another straight tie.


It turned out to be a very well fought game that could have swung either way had it continued.

















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Nice batrep, you got any close ups of your army?

I think this is about as close as i get in all my pics, it's everything i have done not including the non-sniper scouts and LS storm i just picked up.





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You're not able to take some close up ones then?



Well not right now, the lighting at my house is horrible and all i have on file are group shots.

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